I Have A New Blog On Writing Erotica

Just because I don’t have enough to do with my time…

Actually, it’s because I need a proper venue for discussing erotica writing and art. I added a blog to my erotica website HelenEHMadden.com. I’ll be using this blog to discuss what’s going on with my writing and artwork, plus as a place to discuss what I see going on in the world with regards to sex and erotica. The rest of the site includes an art gallery (mostly male nudes) and will have a story gallery up by the end of this month. Stop by for a visit if you’re so inclined!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. Erotica and male nudes. Now THIS is my kind of place. Love Love Love Erotica. Ok now I sound like a pervert, awesome. Oh well, can’t wait to check out your writing.

    P.S. OMG I read your last post and I am officialy going insane for you. Holy crap.

    My husband wants two kids and has this delerious idea that “Why yes there will be some tough times but it will be so much fun and we’ll be so happy we did it when we’re older, blah blah blah.” Accompanied with hearts and butterflies drifting up from his head while he stares at me lovingly trying to WILL me pregnant. God help me. And for that matter YOU. Holy shit.

  2. Oh, if you think this post was bad, you should see the posts from this time last year (pre-Blogger labels). The first few months with a new baby are always a nightmare. Go ahead and look back to June 2006 up to January 2007. Go on, I dare ya. Those posts will curl your toes.

  3. By the way, here’s the link to June 2006. Start at the very bottom post, which was written just a few hours before my water broke and I went into labor. Then you’ll find the really scary posts – http://cynicalwoman.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html.

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