Oh my freakin’ god! I thought I’d never get this one done…
Notice that there are FOUR characters in this week’s episode. Notice how they are all be-YOO-tifully drawn and inked. Notice how late this week’s episode is.
*Sigh*. I’m working on ways to get these done faster. Really, I am. Meanwhile, this week’s episode features Jarresh (the young hottie in the loin cloth), another character from my e-book Demon By Day (http://www.mojocastle.com/demon/byday.html). Yes, it’s shameless self-promotion. Self-pimping, even. But this week’s ep is also very true to life. I spent many a play date pondering what I was writing while chatting with my best friend. What can I say? Mary is a fellow freak. She understands my need to write porn.
Anyway, enjoy this week’s episode. Hopefully, the next one will arrive a little quicker.
Hooray for new episode!
OMG!! I love it!!
Awesome Helen. I love these.
Pretty cool. Wish I could draw like that. My daughters can, especially the older one, but not me. on.Good carto
I find myself missing entire conversations, I’m so distracted by the characters walking around in my head.
Thanks everyone for the comments! I picked up a new sketchpad yesterday. It’s 24″ x 8″ which means it’s long and skinny and perfect for drawing comic strips. I sat down last night and pencilled the complete strip for the next episode. Now I’ve just got to scan it in and ink it in Manga Studio.
Elspeth, my friends often have to give me a poke in the ribs when I wander off in mid-conversation. They give me that look that says “You’re doing it AGAIN, aren’t you?”