Move It Mama Monday! Going NOWHERE today

The Princess is sick. I repeat, the Princess is sick.

My eldest is on the couch for a few days, battling a fever, cough, and general misery.  Looks like the flu has hit la Casa de Madden. I tried to get us flu shots, but everywhere I went, they were out before I could get us there. It’s gonna be a looooooong winter, folks.

So, with a sick child, my usual exercise routine is once again out the window for a few days. What to do? The usual; hop on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes, then pull out the Wii Fit. I want to exercise, I need to exercise, I am very fortunate to have the option to exercise at home while my child is sick.  Hopefully, I do not find myself in training for that infamous Olympic event, the vomit catch, or even worse, the “toss your cookies for distance” event.

So, what sort of contingency plans do you all resort to when you can’t get to the gym? I really want to know!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. New post! Move It Mama Monday! Going NOWHERE today: The Princess is sick. I repeat, the Princess is si..

  2. @Cynical_Woman sending healthy vibes and breaths of patience to your household. Poor Princess! Hope she gets well soon.

  3. ljosalf,

    Right now, Princess is on the couch watching TV. She claims she feels all better. But the doc says that kid has the flu! I’m waiting to see how she’ll be this evening. Thank you for the kind thoughts! I’m hopeful this will blow over in a few days.

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