ACW Episode 57 – All I Want…

Yep, this is exactly what I want and pretty much how I expect the day to go. And don’t forget, I have a dental appointment today! Yee-HAW!

In all seriousness, I got some very nice presents from the Hubster and my sister, and have already been informed by my in-laws and parents that there’s a little something from both of them on the way. I’ll be spending this weekend with family as we celebrate my mother-in-law’s birthday (she was born on Leap Day; how cool is that?!). And then I’m thinking that the next Friday, I’m blowing everything off and going to hide in the bookstore for the afternoon until I absolutely have to leave to get the kids. Or maybe I’ll just sit at my computer and play around with my graphics programs? Who knows! The thing is, I’ve been trying to take a day off for the last two months and something’s always come up. Not this time. Not if I can help it.

So here’s hoping everyone with a birthday today has a great day, and the rest of you too! See ya!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. That scene looks familiar…

  2. Leigh,

    Doesn’t it though? I don’t think I’ve been in the bathroom alone in seven years!

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