ACW Episode 62 – Plant markers?! We don’t need no stinkin’ plant markers!

So I started a bazillion little seeds in my kitchen over a month ago for this year’s Operation Black Thumb, and now I have a couple dozen seedlings struggling along. Yes, the attrition rates have been high this year! Not sure what the problem is, but I’m starting to think I need to get some grow lights if I start from seed again next year because I just don’t have a decent sunny spot in my house to set up seedlings. Patty has grow lights. Of course, Patty’s like a gardening genius, so she knows what she’s doing.

Patty is the other character in this week’s cartoon. She’s made one other appearance in ACW, and no I’m not going to link to it because I’ve only got a little time to post this before my parents come banging on the door telling me it’s time to do something. Yes, my parents are here. Yes, they will come looking for me if they want me to do something. I’m 41 and still taking orders. It sucks, but on the other hand my mom usually springs for a nice trip to the book store, so there.

Any way, Patty. Patty does square foot gardening, and she thinks I should try it. I think I should try it too, if only because it will give me a more organized way to kill plants. “Yes, this square foot is the burial plot for our tomatoes, and this square foot is for zucchinis. This square foot is still available though, Mr. Bell Pepper, so if you’re looking for a nice final resting place amongst friends…”

Patty has promised to help me with my garden. Which means Patty is crazier than I am. But I knew that when she offered to host this year’s Easter Egg Hunt at her place.

Thank god for Patty.

I’ll be at RavenCon in Richmond, VA, this weekend, volunteering for the convention. If you go and you see horns, it’s most likely me!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. *sighs*

    Alas, I share the Curse of the Black Thumb. I have one rosemary bush I’ve tried to kill for almost a decade – personally, I think it’s an undead plant and the green needles are actually the product of a mutant fungus tricking me into thinking the rosemary is really alive – but basil, dill, thyme… They come into my house whispering dirges and prayers the to higher powers because they know their numbers are up.

    My name is Angela Caperton, and I kill herbs…

  2. Ohhhh – this resonates with me as well. I swear I only need to look at a plant and it withers. Next door, I have a Patty. Makes for quite the counterpoint, lol. I am seriously loving the idea of tombstones for plant markers, I may tinker with that before the growing season starts in earnest.

  3. May Deva,

    You know, you got me thinking. I ought to do up my garden as a graveyard, just for giggles. I’ve been toying with the idea of making the Black Thumb costume, but to do the costume and the garden markers… That would truly be evil!

  4. Angela,

    You are not alone. I have somehow managed to grow one rosemary bush, but can’t get any others to survive. And now I’ve got a whole bunch of straggling, struggling seedlings who look at me and despair. I’m such an herbicidal maniac ;D

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