I have this odd idea that people might be interested in seeing what I’m working on these days, so I’m thinking that on Wednesdays I’ll either post some artwork in progress or an excerpt of my current writing in progress. Maybe both if I have the time
This is an image I posted earlier, just a little further along. I’m slowly working my way through a Photoshop tutorial in Creative Photoshop by Derek Lea. At this point, I’m still working on the background, trying to give it a handpainted look. You can see I’ve gotten about halfway across the canvas, blending colors. I like the color scheme, but I’m wondering if it will be too busy for the final image. I guess that’s something I can fix later on.
In writing news, I’ve started up on PerNoFiMo again this November, working on a novel called “The Little Death.” Think Blade Runner meets Wuthering Heights, or something like that. I spent the first two nights rereading what I had written in this novel two years ago, and going over my old notes. Then last night I started outlining, playing games of “what-if” to get the ideas going, and finally was able to knock out about 500 words. I’m hoping to write 1000 words a night, but we’ll have to see how that goes.
Anyway, let me know if you think Work-In-Progress Wednesday is a go or no-go for the blog. I’ll take silence as an assumed yes, but feedback is always nice 😉
Work-In-Progress Wednesday – a look at some freaky personal artwork I’m currently doing http://www.cynicalwoman.com/2010/11/03/w…
Work-In-Progress Wednesday – a look at some freaky personal artwork I’m currently doing http://www.cynicalwoman.com/2010/11/03/w…
@Cynical_Woman I think work-in-progress wednesday is a great idea. Crack that WIP!
@Cynical_Woman I think work-in-progress wednesday is a great idea. Crack that WIP!
@Nobilis Glad you like the idea. It makes for an easy blog post while at the same time showing that I do actually work!
@Nobilis Glad you like the idea. It makes for an easy blog post while at the same time showing that I do actually work!