It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a Move It Mama Monday post. My apologies on that. I have been moving – swimming, water aerobics, karate, Just Dance and Wii Fit Plus. Seriously, I have kept up with my regime as best I can during the busy holiday season. However, I have been so busy, I haven’t had much time to blog. And to be honest, there’s not that much new going on in my exercise/fitness regime.
However, we have had a recent and interesting development I thought I might share today. I have discovered an all new way to stay slim this holiday season! Yes, that’s right! I have found the perfect way to keep from packing on all those holiday pounds caused by eating too much yummy holiday food.
It’s called heartburn and it hurts like a bitch!
For those of you who don’t know, I had my gall bladder removed 13 years ago. There was a stone in it the size of my thumbnail, and I spent five months puking my guts up and going in and out of the hospital before the doctors finally decided to cut me open and take the damn thing out. Since then, my tolerance for fatty foods has made a slow but steady decline. I noticed a couple years ago that I really had to be careful what I ate when I went to visit my folks in Arkansas. Arkansas is the capitol of fried foods, in case you didn’t know. Then last year I noticed I got some very uncomfortable pangs right below my sternum after eating big meals, especially high fat meals. That started getting worse and worse until this past Thanksgiving, I spent a few days doubled over in pain, wondering just exactly when I had managed to swallow a small garden gnome who was trying to cut his way out of my body using a pair of dull gardening shears.
Heartburn hurts. It really, really hurts. Thing is, most of the time I don’t get it. We eat pretty low fat all year long, and I do my best to eat 3 servings of fruits and veggies a day (3 big servings does go a long way toward having a low fat diet, so long as you don’t deep fry those fruits and veggies the Arkansas way). But holiday meals are a whole different ball game. Everything is loaded with butter, cream, oil and fat. Last year I hurt bad enough that I asked Hubster to stopp cooking the traditional recipes for candied sweet potatoes and green bean casserole and find me something else I could actually eat. He did a fantastic job, I’ll say. We now serve roasted sweet potatoes in balsamic vinagrette and green beans with tomato and onion relish (or else mustard green beans). The recipes are so tasty, I don’t miss the original dishes we used to serve.
But there are still plenty of items on the holiday menu that need trimming down. Hubster made a fantastic ham for Thanksgiving! And then coated it in a fat based sauce that is both delicious and deadly for me to eat. Then there’s my mom’s corn pudding recipe. Favorite holiday recipe EVAH! But it calls for a lot of condensed milk, butter and eggs.
So I’m now busily looking for more holiday recipes I can eat without inflicting agonizing pain on my digestive tract. If you know of any good, tasty low fat recipes for Chirstmas dinner, let me know! And for Christmas breakfast too. One of my most favorite meals of all is Christmas breakfast, and I would love to enjoy it again this year without suffering for my food. Thanks!