Sunday Contentments – Of iPads and Zombies

I don’t know if I was good or not this year (okay, I was outright evil and we all know that), but Santa left me a very nice present anyway. I got an iPad! Since yesterday, I’ve been very busy with it, downloading ebooks and apps. I love reading on the iPad even more than I love reading on the netbook (but I still love my netbook, yes I do! Best little device ever for writing and blogging!). Even more than reading though, I love creating digital artwork on the iPad. I downloaded a few apps, including Brushes, Sketchbook Pro, and ArtRage. Since yesterday, I’ve done 4 paintings, which is an amazing amount of output for me. Here’s my favorite piece so far…

This was done with ArtRage. I don’t have a stylus for the iPad, so this was all done by “fingerpainting.” It kept the style of the artwork pretty loose, especially the inking, but I think it works very well. In fact, I’m hoping to do more like this, using a very loose style of inking and then using the watercolor brush and other tools to color the image.

I’ll post some of the other images from the other programs later today. Sketchbook Pro allows me to export my artwork as a Photoshop document, so I’ll be able to start something on the iPad and export it to my desktop for further work. I can’t wait to try that and see how it works!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. @Cynical_Woman Awesome! Congrats on the new ipad. Now get Plants Vs. Zombies and the circle will be complete.

  2. @Tabz But I’m too busy drawing zombies to play games with them!! ;D

  3. @Cynical_Woman hehe well draw away! Fingers seem to be the wya to go, most of the styluses I tried are kinda hard to draw with.

  4. @Cynical_Woman hehe well draw away! Fingers seem to be the wya to go, most of the styluses I tried are kinda hard to draw with.

  5. @Tabz That’s what I’ve read. The fingerpainting turned out well though, so I’m not complaining 😉

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