Observing a week of silence

We have had a death in the family this weekend. The Hubster, Princess, Pixie and I are fine, but we are now entirely occupied with family matters and will remain so for the rest of the week. The Cynical Woman website, VeryScaryArt.com, and the Heat Flash podcast will not be updated during this time. Thank you all for your condolences, prayers, and kindness. We truly appreciate it.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. **hugs** i’m sorry for your loss. Take care of yourselves dear.

  2. Thank you ravyn. I still didn’t get to see you at Farpoint! Make sure we meet up at Balitcon, okay? We can do lunch or just sit and chat or whatever.

  3. At Balticon i’ll be pretty firmly ensconced in the Art Show, so that’s the easiest way to find me. Saturday would probably be the best day for lunch. Monday is relatively quiet too since the Art Show closes on Sunday and we do workshops or special exhibits on Monday. But i’ll definitely keep you in mind!!

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