Flashback Friday – Someday, I will look back

Today’s Flashback Friday artwork is not my artwork, and it’s not old artwork either. It’s a pair of drawings my oldest daughter, the Princess, did a few weeks ago.


“Self-Portrait” by Princess, age 9


“Purple-Haired Mama with Orange Flower” by Princess, age 9

One day, I am going to look back at these drawings and remember what it was like to be 43 years old and the mother of two very rambunctious little girls. I’m going to remember that I went crazy when my hair started going white and that I dyed it various unnatural colors as a result. I’m going to remember that my daughters were as talented as they were silly/goofy/hyper-active/crazy. And then I’m going to realize that not much has changed. Except perhaps that my hair has only gotten wilder and the girls have gotten bigger, and we’ve all gotten a bit older but none of us are any more mature.

Yes, someday I will look back. But right now, this is what the Princess and I look like today.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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