So today I realized I had done as much as I coud with the Victorian Mermaiden drawing on my iPad…
I know I’ve done as much as I can because I hit the point where all I was doing today was playing around with the colors on the background frame. I honestly don’t feel like I need to add anything at this point, but I do want to clean it up bit. There are some spots where the lines overlap a bit, and some spots where a line or bit of colored area needs to be nudged just a bit to one side or the other. And I want to play with the colors just a little bit more. Maybe make the background colors darker, or much lighter, or add a bit of gradient. Very little things, really.
So at the end of this evening, I exported the image as an SVG file and emailed it to myself. I haven’t opened that up yet, because I know once I do that, I’m going to want to spend hours on it, and hours on the Pirate Queen image as well. Since I don’t have to be anywhere or do anything over the Thanksgiving holidays, I’ll have plenty of time to play with both images then. But for right now, this image is as done as I can get it.
Hopefully tomorrow night I’ll have one image or the other cleaned up and can show you something final. But right now, I’m going to bed!