“Rock On, Little Robot!” by Helen E. H. Madden
I’ve been doing more and more drawing over the last few weeks, to the point where I’m drawing every free moment I have. It’s astonishing to me how easy and natural this has become. What really astonishes me though is that I’m doing it all on the iPad. You have no idea how easy that device has made it for me to sketch and paint non-stop. I don’t even question what I’m doing anymore, I just do it.
It’s gotten to the point that I no longer leave the house without my spooky eye-balls bag. If you’ve seen it, you know which bag I’m talking about. It’s an arm bag made from black fabric with lots of spooky cartoon eyeballs on it. I keep two things in that bag – my current knitting project and my iPad. I switch back and forth between knitting and drawing when I’m out and about, depending on my mood and how bright the sunlight is. Too bright and I can’t draw, so I might as well knit.
Anyway, I’m a lot more relaxed these days than I have been in a while. I’m enjoying my work again, which is good, and I’m starting to see more clearly the direction I’ll be going in. I hope you like the robot drawings, because there are going to be a lot more of them. I’m just having too much fun with my iPad to stop.