Flashback Friday! Hags and Amazons


No idea when this page was drawn, but the character in the lower left corner of this page is who I wish I could be. The character in the upper right is who I’ll probably end up being in another 15–20 years. Strangely, not a fate I am unhappy about. If I can’t be beautiful, at least let me be scary! Or, you know, let me be that big fluffy cat in the upper left corner of the page. I could deal with that.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. Helen! I recognize that! It is me warped from working on my thesis walking Pooky. That is one of Ron’s cats in the corner and you as Xena in the bottom corner. Now, if only I could remember where I put my Visa card…

  2. Joelle! Yes, that’s where the old woman came from! But over the years she’s now become me as well, and the kids are fascinated when I tell them about the good ol’ days when we used to be able to walk our Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches safely down the street without fear of being squashed by giant boots. That’s how I recall it anyway 😉

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