Bitchcraft! Episode 38 – Man Oh Man, part 3


Click on the image above to see it full-size!

Oh my! I actually got a webcomic done on time!

Bitchcraft is back. I finally hit a point where I’m feeling better and Girl Scout cookie season has wound down enough that I’ve got a bit of free time. So the next couple of episodes have been photographed and are ready to be assembled.

Meanwhile, I have been working very hard to be lazy. I’ve cut back a lot on my daily list of things to do, and I think that’s helped me feel better. I still have a lot going on, but now if I’m tired, I just chuck everything and take a nap. And I’m sleeping later and going to bed earlier, so that all seems to help.

So here’s hoping that I can continue to get the comics done on time. Because I got lots of stuff to show you guys!

Bitchcraft! Episode 35 – Interlude


Click on the pic to see it bigger!

How do you like my new hat? It’s a Halloween cupcake topper. Very “Queen of the Dead.”

Anyway, yes, I missed last week entirely. But it was one of those “arthritis + Girl Scouts = NO TIME FOR ANYTHING ELSE” deals. It happens. I am working to get back to a more regular schedule, but ya know, the best laid plans of mice and cynical women and all that.

So anyway, enjoy today’s webcomic! And watch out for yellow pool water.