Bitchcraft! Episode 06 – WTF is going on?


Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized webcomic!

Aaaaaand we’re back on schedule. Sort of. School is out and now I’m juggling having the kids at home with getting work done. We’ll see how this goes. But we should be back to the current normal schedule for webcomics.

And yes, that big Giant Hand of Doom is MINE!  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Bitchcraft! Episode 06 – Survival of the Knittest, part 05?


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized image!

Is it divine intervenion?! Or something much worse?! Who knows?

I am headed out on yet another Girl Scout trip this weekend, followed by a long family trip after that. I am madly packing and working on webcomics, but I make no promises about the schedule for next week. I will do my best to have all updates ready before I go, but right now, clean underwear has the higher priority.

Bitchcraft! Episode 05 – Survival of the Knittest, part 3


Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized comic!

It’s amazing how many weapons I can find in my craft room.

Mich and I survived Balticon. Many thanks to everyone who stopped by our table to see us. The support we got from you guys this weekend (i.e. you all bought something) was AWESOME!!! I’ll provide more details on Balticon later. I’m going to bed now.

Bitchcraft! Episode 03 – Survival of the Knittest, part 1


Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized comic!

Uh-oh! Looks like trouble is brewing in Paradise! Or maybe it’s baking…

Mich and I will be at Balticon over Memorial Day weekend, and we will have a table! And we will be selling things at this table! Evil THINGS!! Evil handmade thiiiiiiiiings!! Just look for the Cynical Woman banner, or the very attractive woman with horns and bright pink hair.

Bitchcraft! Episode 01 – Birth of a new horror!!


Click on the link to view the full-sized webcomic!

It’s here! It’s finally here! A new webcomic!! Mich and I began thinking about this little project sometime shortly after Intervention last year. The idea really took hold of me shortly after I had my ACL reconstructed and I was on those really fun pain-killers!.  It’s taken months to get our characters put together, and I’ve spent the last couple weeks trying to figure out how I wanted to photograph and layout the actual comic, but here it is, the very first episode of Bitchcraft!

The little Mich character (in the loverly W&M sweater) was knitted by Mich, and I crocheted the mini-version of me. The hair matched my hair color when I started this hair project. It will change as time passes, don’t worry.

Just to let you know, this webcomic will not be like The Adventures of Cynical Woman. ACW has become more family oriented over the last couple of years, which is great because it’s an autobiographical webcomic and I do have a family (yes, I do!). But Bitchcraft! is meant to be very different. It will not be family friendly, so don’t read it to your kids. Instead, it will be evil. Very, very evil. Because that’s what I want it to be.

So enjoy the first episode. I will work hard to get the second one up next Friday. And yes, Rats! will eventually be returning. Now that I can walk again, I plan to get up to my office and start scanning in more strips. So lots of comics all around! Enjoy!

ACW Episode 196 – Beware the donuts!

Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized comic!

I've been crocheting weird little toys for a few months now. Right after my ACL surgery, I made a zombie sock monkey and a creature I call Funky Chicken. Now I'm making Deadly Donuts and a sort of abstract duck character I call Mr. Squishy. Yes, I am selling these. No, I do not have an Esty page. Yet.

Right now, if you want one of these crocheted oddities, you'll have to catch me at a convention. I'll be bringing my creations to Farpoint in Cockysville, MD, on 15-17 February. I'm hoping to bring some to Ravencon in April too, but don't know if I'll be able to get a table or if I'll put some of the more elaborate pieces in the art show. Either way, I'll post more info about that here later on.

And yes, you will be seeing more of my crafty skills. I'm going to be adding posts about those as a regular feature on the blog as soon as I recover more from the surgery. I'm off crutches and the knee brace now, but still not back to full strength. I've been told it will be end of May at the earliest before I can really get back to my old routine. Until then I'll just keep doing whatever I can!