Episode 221 – How to silence your inner critic


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized webcomic!

True story. A few years ago, 95% of my creative efforts where going into my erotica podcast, Heatflash. The podcast was very well received, I loved working on it, and I poured just about everything I had into it. However…

When my kids started going to school, I began to lose work time. Though they were out of the house, my schedule was suddenly constricted by theirs. They had to be dropped off at certain times, picked up at certain times, there were after school activities to keep up with and of course, volunteer work for the school and said activities.

While I still had 8:30am to 2:00pm to myself, those hours turned out to be less than ideal for recording a podcast. I live next to an  Air Force Base, a NASA research center wind tunnel, a NASCAR speedway, and a neighbor who enjoyed racing RC cars at all hours of the day. I tried recording my podcast in the wee hours of the morning (4:30am), only to discover that the tree outside my office window was host to several families of baby birds. Recording in the closet did nothing to block out all the other noises, and besides, it would also wake up the Hubster who was sleeping in the bed next door.

My daytime hours were also consumed with other work… paying work. I had enough art commissions coming in to keep me tied up all day long. And while people loved the erotica writing, I simply couldn’t publish enough of it to make any significant amount of money.

The final straw for my erotica career came at a writers’ conference for small epublishers and e-published authors. Everyone there knew me. Most of the people there had either published my work, edited my work, or been in an anthology with me. And everyone said the exact same damn thing to me when they saw me…

“Hey Helen! How’s the webcomic going? I love your cartoons!”

Not a word about my writing, my books, or my podcast. They just all wanted to know about the cartoons. About the twelfth time I heard this, I realized I had been beating my head against a brick wall for far too long. Shortly after that conference, I finished off all my remaining writing projects and threw myself into the webcomics and digital art. I have not been unhappy with this decision at all.

But every now and then, my Inner Critic rears her head and demands to know why I don’t write the porn anymore. I have learned not to give a voice to her anymore. She’s got nothing important to say to me anyway.

For the record, I have no idea why I drew myself drawing left-handed in this webcomic. But I did, so there ya go!

Nerdvana is Out!

I don’t have the official press release yet, but the m/m erotica anthology Nerdvana is out and available on Amazon.com!  Yours truly has a short story in it entitled, “Bully on the Playground.”  This is one of my more hardcore stories (and it’s never been published anywhere else!), so if that’s what you’re looking for, go get it!

And yes, I do think the guy on the cover looks like a naughty cross between Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter };D

Episode 42 – How hot is too hot?


How hot is too hot?  Is it possible to put too much sex in an erotica story?

Well actually, yeah.  Most seasoned erotica writer realize that an erotica story has to be more than sex scenes strung together with a flimsy plot.  Determining how much sex to put in, and determining how intense those scenes will be, can get tricky. It comes with practice though.

Still, it’s always a good idea to keep an extinguisher on hand. You know, just in case…

Latest releases – Mundania e-books are now on sale!

Last month, I podcasted four unusual stories for the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast. These were the Mundania stories, the only stories ever to appear on Heat Flash that were not science fiction, fantasy, or horror. Yes, I actually wrote four, count them, FOUR contemporary erotica stories, and they were just released for sale today in e-book format from Logical Lust Publications.

You can buy the stories here at Logical Lust, either individually for $1.99 or the entire set of four for $4.99. Not sure if you want to buy these lovely, lusty, scorching tales? Then listen to them here first on the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast! The stories are:

A Man in a Kilt – Jimmy’s a rough and tumble Scotsman who thinks he can handle any woman. Then he meets Nan, a friendly domme who teaches him otherwise… (Fem domme; BDSM)

Rapacious Mrs. Horner – Diane Horner is a forty-something divorcee with a serious addiction to gay porn and painful broken heart. When her son’s best friend comes onto her, what will she turn him away or eat him alive? (F/m; older woman/younger man)

Diablo – Spoiled rich kid Randall wants one thing and one thing only – Pony Boy, the hired hand at Polk’s Stables, down on his knees and ready to please. When Pony Boy refuses to be tamed, will Randall break him instead? (M/m; warning – scorching hot m/m erotica but also controversial)

A Room with a View – With the economy in the toilet, Darcy Daniels has lost her job, her car, her apartment, and now her pride as she’s forced to move back in with her parents. Then she discovers her old bedroom window looks right into the window of the boy next door. Is he watching her at night? Is she going to watch him? And if their fathers hate each other, do they even have a chance at getting together? (Older woman/younger man; voyeurism; sex toys; even a touch of romance in this one!)

A note about these stories: if you’re looking for humor, definitely check out A Man in a Kilt and A Room with a View. If you like your erotica edgy and dangers, then go for broke with Rapacious Mrs. Horner and Diablo. And remember, you can also get all four books together in one collection, and listen to them on the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast before you buy!

This month’s free erotica reads!

I’ve got four, count ’em, FOUR free reads up this month at the Erotica Readers and Writers Association! All of these stories are from the Random Words theme I did for the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast. If you’ve never listened to Heat Flash, and you’re wondering what the heck it’s all about, you can read the stories, or listen to the MP3s. Here’s the run down on the stories:

  • Wildorf the Merciless – a man half the time, a wombat the other, Wildorf the Merciless is cursed to switch between these forms unless a beautiful courtesan can break the spell. Read it here or listen to the podcast here!
  • Best In Show – a dog girl and her dominatrix are out to become The Galaxy’s Top Dom! But when the competition plays dirty, do our ladies still have a chance? Read it here or listen to the podcast here!
  • The Ransom – imagine waking up and finding a very important piece of yourself has somehow managed to walk off! That’s what happens to Martin Schuller, and the price he has to pay to get it back is very interesting indeed. Read the story here or listen to the podcast here.
  • Into the Woods – a flash fiction about what can happen when you go wandering late at night to answer nature’s call. Read the story here or listen to it here.

By the way, I’m running a contest for the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast this month. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on the Heat Flash blog, or e-mail me feedback about the show. Prizes include t-shirts, boxers and thongs, and print copies of “Future Perfect: A Collection of Fantastic Erotica.” Details are here!

Coming Together: Al Fresco – Availabe April 22nd, 2009!


If you love erotica and the great outdoors, here’s your chance to enjoy the two combined! Coming Together: Al Fresco, edited by Alessia Brio, will be out on Earth Day, April 22nd, through All Romance e-Books. Yes, your’s truly is in this one, with an m/m erotic tale entitled ‘Afternoon of a Faun.’ This book will be in e-format only, in keeping with the conservation theme. You can pre-order Al Fresco now, and remember, all proceeds benefit Conservation International. GREEN is the new black!

Episode 07 – More Freaks vs. normal moms

Does this sort of thing really happen to me? Yes and no. I’ve done the stand up and announce I’m an erotica writer bit, but most people don’t seem to want to confront me about it. Apparently I intimidate a lot of folks. I have no idea why. I’m a really nice person. I am. Stop laughing. I know where you live.

I noticed today that Google’s Picassa will not put these toons in order, so if I’m doing a series, like I am right now, they’re going to be all jumbled up. But that’s okay. I’ve taken steps toward getting a web comic account set up, and by next week, I should have a page dedicated to just the comic strips. I’ll link to that page from here and from my erotica website, and probably from my podcast, so that wherever people find me, they can go look for the comics as well and find them all in one place. The web comic page should have a nice archiving function that will let people scroll through the comics by calendar dates. But that will happen next week. For now, enjoy the mixed up mish-mash on Picassa!

Demon By Day now available from Mojocastle.com

Huge news. My first book, Demon By Day is now available from Mojocastle Press. Here’s the blurb:

In the twilight realm of Daeva Shudra, there dwells an ancient race of demons. Once the most powerful beings on earth, the Daeva must hide in their underground city or be burned to ashes by the sun. The world above belongs to mortals now, inferior creatures with limited abilities for magic, easy prey for demonkind.

Between the two races comes Orziel, a half-breed struggling to survive the deadly schemes of his immortal kin. His only weapons are his vicious beauty and ruthless cunning. Otherwise, he is powerless and despised. But lack of power doesn’t check Orziel’s pride or ambition. All his life he’s lied, seduced, and betrayed to get whatever he’s wanted, including his lover, the demon prince Asheru. When Empress Shebazael claims Asheru as her own, Orziel swears he’ll do whatever it takes to take back what’s his, regardless of the consequences.

The half-demon travels to the surface, in search of a mortal sorcerer to aid him in his quest. But things go awry when Orziel seduces Jarresh, a beautiful youth with no magic beyond his capacity for love. Will Orziel stand by the only person who’s ever truly cared for him, or will he betray Jarresh to carry out his revenge?

I’ll be selling print copies of the book at Balticon. If you’re there and you want one, just grab me by the arm and let me know. And if you’re interested in hearing the audio promo I put together for the book, check out this week’s episode of the Heat Flash podcast. Heat Flash is my free weekly podcast of erotic short fiction. There’s a new story every Friday. The promo for Demon By Day is at the end of this week’s episode, so take a listen!
That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ve got to get some sleep so I can drive up to Balticon tomorrow morning. I’ll try to post a few entries while I’m there.