ACW Episode 230 – It’s in the blood


Click on the gorgeous comic to see it full sized!

This is an actual conversation I had with the kids this weekend as we worked on Halloween decorations. We bought a bunch of Dollar Store dolls and are converting them into zombies, in case it’s not clear what Pixie and I are working on.

By the way, have I mentioned how much I love Manga Studio 5? Between the pen tools, the ease of coloring my artwork, and the effects I can use, Manga Studio has made drawing webcomics so much more fun!

ACW Episode 225 – Juggling and Struggling

Honestly, I have a 4-panel strip scripted, lettered, and laid out. But it's not been sketched an drawn yet, due to the sheer amount of other work that I had to do last week. No joke, I spent four days straight doing nothing but Girl Scouts stuff – trying to place girls in troops, getting ready for and running my own troop meeting on Sunday, handling paperwork, etc. And this week I have a volunteer meeting every night except Friday. It's kind of brutal and so my schedule is rather screwed up right now.

But I'm just going to keep chugging along. I promise, there will be a webcomic on Mondays, though it may be a bit late, and there will be an episode of Bitchcraft on Friday, though sometimes that may be a bit late as well. Meanwhile, I will also be working hard to keep up with my other work as best as I can. And when necessary, I will take entire days off from Girl Scouts, because hey, I'm a VOLUNTEER and I have A LIFE OUTSIDE OF GIRL SCOUTS.

Meanwhile, do you like the colors on the comic above? I'm playing around with new colors schemes in my non-comics art, and since I had this color palette already set up in SketchClub, I decided to use it in today's comic. It sort of matches my wardrobe now, since I accidentally dyed everything I own slightly yellow. Oops.


ACW 224 – Kittens come home!


In all honestly, not my best effort, despite the fact I put in a lot of time on this one. September is turning out to be a brutal month, so it’s not the best time for me to learn new graphics software, like Manga Studio 5. Still, I’m doing it anyway. I am working on a color version, with better inking. In the meantime, this is up online, only a few hours late, so there ya go.

Oh, and the kittens have since come out from under the bed.

ACW Episode 223 – There’s feral and then there’s FERAL


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized webcomic!

Yes, once again I did not get a chance to color the comic. There are two reasons for this.

First, I won a copy of Manga Studio 5 at InterventionCon last week, and decided to install and use it for this week’s webcomic. It’s very nice, but there is definitely a learning curve to be conquered, at least for me.

Second, never NEVER try to do work when Hubster and the kids are home. They will let me get nothing done. I am ready to murderate them all and just become a crazy cat lady who draws and crochets all the time. I think I would finally get stuff done. It does not help that this has been a 3-day weekend, one child vomited all over the bathroom, and everyone keeps asking me to help them with stuff when I’m trying to work.

I’m going upstairs to take my meds now. Apparently we are spending the rest of today looking at dissected dead bodies in a local museum. Perhaps I will find some inspiration there…

ACW Episode 220 – Let’s go to the movies!


Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized webcomic!

We went to see “Despicable Me 2” on Friday. While I was watching the kids laugh at the movie, I remembered Princess’ reaction to her first visit to the theater. The movie was “March of the Penguins” and Princess was so overwhelmed by it, she had to tell EVERYBODY there were penguins on the screen. Fortunately, the rest of the audience seemed to be made up of grandparents who were very amused by her reaction.

This my second week working with Manga Studio 4 EX on my Surface Pro. Still getting used to a few things, but drawing comics this way does not suck, I gotta say. I finally have the mobility of my iPad combined with a program that lets me create the webcomic from start to finish. No more switching back and for between apps to pencil, ink, color, and letter the comic. Yay!

ACW Episode 216 – What’s behind door number one?

Click on the image above to see the full-sized comic.

I am exhausted. We got back from visiting my family in Arkansas yesterday. It's a 2-day drive down there and a 2-day drive back. Four days in between were spent fishing, horseback riding, playing in the creek, and being car-sick (the roads are VERY winding back there).

It's going to take me a week to get back on my feet, but have no fear. Bitchcraft will be back this Friday. I'm going to take a nap now.


ACW Episode 208 – Mamas, don’t dress your babies up to be hookers

Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized image!

I honestly believe this is the best strip I've ever drawn. The colors, the poses and expressions, even the inking came out great! And this is one of those “It really happened” stories. By the way, you can't quite see it in the comic, but those are “Hooker Baby Brand” undies. Available at all fine retail stores that are eager to help you turn your pre-teen/grade-schooler/pre-schooler/toddler/infant daughter into a sex object! I'm looking at you, Target and Walmart!

Seriously though, no child needs to wear a neon green/blaze orange thong. So why do our retail stores sell them in the Juniors section? I've seen classier undies in a Fredericks of Hollywood catalog. Our daughters should not be turned into sex toys, no matter how much money corporations think they can make off of that.

'Nuff said.