Freaky Friday! So I changed my tag line

Take a look at the header graphic for the site. Notice that something has changed? I have replace the tag line of “Stay-at-home mom and erotica writer” with “Motherhood made me EVIL!!!”

Why the change, you may ask? (Or maybe you’re not asking. Maybe you don’t care. Maybe you’re too busy eating Cheetohs, in which case I hate you for not sharing any with me.) The change is for a couple of reasons, the main one being…

I am not simply a stay-at-home mom and erotica writer. Not that there was ever anything simple about that. However, while I have primarily written in the erotica genre for the last ten years, this website was never really an erotica writer’s website. You never saw a lot of story excerpts here, no contests or give-aways, no big book releases or anything like that. Yeah, I’ve talked about writing erotica from time to time, and I have occasionally put up some stories here, but 99% of my erotica work has been poured straight into the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast, and let’s be honest, Heat Flash is the perfect place for it. It’s a site dedicated entirely to speculative fiction erotica. If that’s what you want, that’s exactly what you get there, and you can find plenty of it all on that one website. It’s focused and direct, and that’s made it a great platform for my odd little stories of erotic fiction.

This website though, the Cynical Woman site, has always been more of a mish-mash of stuff, from the web comics to the artwork to the occasional (okay, the frequent) rant about my life as a mom. An evil mom. A mom who really does have devil horns coming out her head (hey, have you seen me at conventions? The horns are real!!). So as much fun as it is to be a stay-at-home mom and erotica writer, and as catchy as that tag line is, it really doesn’t cover the full theme of this site. And that theme is…

Motherhood has made me evil.

Oh, I was evil before I had kids, but I never really understood the true extent of my nature until after I had them. Giving birth to and caring for a couple of vicious man-eating rug rats has led me to the discovery that I am the kind of parent who enjoys trying to civilize such savage little beasts. I get a kick out of sending a screaming kid to her bedroom and I have no hesitations about handing out time-outs or sweeping through a messy bedroom with a trashbag and vindictive will to enact a scorched earth policy on anything the little ones refused to pick up and put away like they were told to fifty-million times. I am the mom who shows up at a Catholic school, with hair dyed pink and blue and purple, to discuss volunteer hours with the nuns, and then I go home to write erotica stories for the Coming Together charity anthologies. I am the mom who sells cookies for Girl Scouts by cheerfully advertising that yes, those cookies really are made of real Girl Scouts and I made them myself. See my bloody hands? Now please, buy a few boxes and support the Girl Scouts. I play Wii Fit while drinking Choco-Vine wine (although to be honest, the person who decided to combine wine and chocolate is far more evil than I). I sew zombie dolls on the sidelines while waiting for my daughters’ karate classes to end. I am the mom who will save your sorry ass should said zombie dolls ever come to life and take over the world… unless I decide to be the mom who feeds your sorry ass to my zombie babies, because hey, they’re cute and they need to eat too!

In short, I am not your mama’s “Yo Mama!” Rather, I am a strange new species of bitchy breeder all together, and that’s what this website has always been about. So I changed the tag line to “Motherhood has made me EVIL!!!” Yes, you will still see the occasional mention of erotica stories and artwork here, and you can always go to Heat Flash if you want more. Because I’m still a stay-at-home mom and I still write erotica.

I’m just really, really evil, too.

‘Nuff said.

Announcing the Premier of Cynical Woman Greeting Cards!!!!

Yes! I have finally done it! All that lovely iPad artwork I’ve been showing off all year is finally being put to use! As of today, the Cynical Woman store over at now offers Cynical Woman greeting cards! I’ve got two up so far. “Hurray! You Not Dead Yet!” and “Tina, Your Demonic Tormentor” are both available for sale. You can buy single cards or get a whole pack! And may I say, Tina is particularlly appropriate to send as a Halloween greeting?

There will be more cards – as well as mugs, t-shirts and other stuff – available in the near future. For now, you can find “Tina, Your Demonic Tormentor” here, and “Hurray! You Not Dead Yet!” is available here. Go buy some!!

Freaky Friday! A new style of art and questions for you

I realize I am probably best known for the cartoons and the freaky little pictures I draw, but earlier this week I tried my hand at something new in digital art. Tell me what you think…

Is it not gorgeous?! This image started out as a photo I took last summer during a visit to Toronto. This is the May pole in the Music Garden designed by Yo Yo Ma. I started playing with the image after reading a tutorial on converting photos to line art in this month’s edition of Photoshop Creative. I experimented a bit with the tutorial’s instructions and voila! The nice thing is, the final image is large enough for me to make prints.

I did a couple other images like it. You can view them over at Flickr if you’re interested. I’m going to go through my photos over the next couple of weeks and see what else I can come up with. I know I have some pictures of old farm equipment and machines that would make great steampunk images. Turn those into line art, combine them with colors like those in Alphonse Mucha’s poster art, and I think I might have some very lovely stuff on my hands.

But then I have to decide what to do with them. Would anybody be interested in seeing these images on posters? Blank books? T-shirts? Post cards? Jewelry? Let me know. I’m thinking of setting up an online store this summer to sell some artwork. If you know there’s something you’d be interested in buying, let me know and I’ll see what I can figure out.

Freaky Friday – Free Sad Robot Mini-Comic!!

Because I love you all, and because I love my iPad even more, I created a mini-comic starring Sad Robot. It’s 4 pages of kooky robotic fun, free to you in PDF format. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 license, so you can download it and share it for free, just don’t change it or sell it or claim it as your own work.

Download the PDF of Sad Robot’s first adventure, “Too Much Laundry!” right here!

(And if the link above doesn’t work, it’s because I screwed up linking the PDF to the blog post. Tweet me at Cynical_Woman and I’ll fix it when I get back from picking up the kids.)

Freaky Friday! Meet Tiny Medusa

“Tiny Medusa” by Helen E. H. Madden, 25 March 2011

Last week I found a new graphics app for my iPad (did I mention how much I LOVE my iPad?!). The app is InkPad, and it’s a vector graphics app. It’s pretty simple and straightforward. None of the bells and whistles that comes with Adobe Illustrator, but even so, it has all the basic tools I need for drawing on the iPad. And best of all? No tiny size limit on the images. I can draw a full sized image, suitable for printing later, with this program.

I also discovered that I can cartoon with it. I can draw all the black lines in, then email the image (or put it in my DropBox account), take it to my desktop and into Illustrator, and then use a brush stroke for the lines to get a hand-inked effect. I’m very, very, very happy about this because it means I can now start doing large sized comics on the iPad. Just start in InkPad, then export the inked image to Illustrator for a little tweeking, and then it’s over to Photoshop or ArtRage for coloring. This solves so many production problems for me that I almost feel like singing.

But since I’m a far better artist than I am a singer, I will not subject you to that torment.

At least not today.

Freaky Friday! In Which I Announce to the World, “I DO NOT HAVE CANCER!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!”

“Sad Robot Encounters Too Much Laundry” by Helen E. H. Madden

For those of you wondering about the title of this blog post, yes that was actually a concern I was dealing with the past couple of months. In addition to the cookie coordinator stuff, in addition to the deluge of work, in addition to my father-in-law’s death, I have been dealing with various health issues all along.

But it’s all over now.

Let us breathe a collective sigh of relief over my cancer-free status and current state of good health (unless, of course, you are someone who hates me and wishes me dead, in which case I say, “Eh, fuck you.”). And now let me explain.

Some weeks ago, I had my annual pelvic exam and pap smear. My weight was good, my blood pressure was good, everything looked fine and I left the office a happy camper, or at least as happy as I could be after having a sun lamp shown up my nether regions whilst the doctor conducted the exam. Then a week later I got a phone call telling me my pap smear had come back abnormal. This is not something a woman ever wants to hear. Abnormal pap smears can mean just about anything, but one of the things they can mean is cancer. I took a deep breath after the phone call and made the follow up appointment like I was told and then did the best to put it from my mind.

A week later, I had a pelvic ultrasound. Not a fun procedure, but not the worst thing to happen to me. The doc said things looked good, except… The lining of my uterus was too thick. He didn’t like that and wanted to do a hysteroscopy and a D&C. So I took another deep breath and made another follow up appointment.

I had to reschedule that appointment since it fell during the week my father-in-law died. I did my best to put any worries about cancer from my mind, since the doctor hadn’t mentioned cancer yet, but since my father-in-law had suffered from cancer prior to his death, it was kind of hard to not to think about that possibility. A week after his memorial service, I went back into the doctor’s office, had the hysteroscopy and D&C (which was unpleasant, since I don’t normally like having a camera shoved up inside me to look around for anything, and then have the lining of my uterus scraped out). During the hysteroscopy, the doc found polyps and an unusually lumpy lining in my uterus. Definitely abnormal. At this point he said it might be hyperplasia. He took biopsies and did the D&C and said he’d have everything tested and he’d get back to me in two weeks. Depending on the results I was looking at either having to do nothing, having to start hormone treatments, having to get the lining of my uterus burned out, or having to get a complete hysterectomy. The last two options really made me nervous, especially when he mentioned that the lab would be checking for precancerous cells.

I just knew when I went home that day that whatever was wrong, it had to be cancer. So much else had gone wrong in the last few months, and things were not getting better. I had a day of hysterics, during which the Hubster worked to keep me calm. Then the next day someone in Princess’ Girl Scout troop needed more cookies, and there was a podcast I needed to work on, and more work came pouring in and I quickly buried myself in everything that was going on to distract me from imagining the worst possible scenario that kept hovering in the back of my mind.

Today I went back for the follow up appointment with the doctor. Everything checked out just fine. The polyps were benign. I’m simply getting older and producing less progesterone and that means more estrogen in my system which is what caused the excess tissue production in my uterus. The doctor doesn’t even want to bother with hormone therapy. He’ll keep an eye on me, you can be sure. But he says I’m in good health and will stay that way for some time to come.

Right now, I’m more relaxed than I’ve been in weeks. My uterus is cancer-free. The cyst that had been plaguing my back for the last couple of weeks was removed yesterday after an hour of the doctor digging around in my back. Cookie stuff is D-O-N-E, all the money turned in and all the paperwork filled out. I have to get my taxes done this weekend, but that won’t be too bad, and then on Monday, I can finally resume my normal life.

I have had a lousy six months, but I’ve survived. And let’s face it, my situation could be a lot worse. There are people all over the world who do not have the advantages or privileges I have, who don’t have enough to eat or homes to live in or spouses who love them and take care of them no matter what. I am very grateful my life is good. But I’ve had a wakeup call. Thinking I might possibly have cancer led me to reconsider a lot of the things I do. I’m stepping back from commissioned work, drastically. I’ve quit one job entirely. I’ve explained to the Hubster I’d much rather focus on my own projects rather than work for someone else, regardless of the money. And I’m obviously making the shift from writer to artist. I will still write, of course. I love writing. But that dream of being an artist, of creating my own comics and posters and such, has a much stronger hold on me now.

Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to celebrate my good health by drawing more Sad Robot pictures. Have a good weekend, ya’ll.

Freaky Friday! Ooze-long

“Ooze-long” by Helen E. H. Madden, 6 March 2011

I love the idea of some sort of Lovecraftian beast spewing out of a nice hot cuppa. There’s just something about tentacles and tea. I’ve drawn this before, and will probably continue to draw this until I finally get it “right.” Though I think the current incarnation looks pretty good. I did this one on the iPad using ArtRage’s pen and watercolor tools. I’d eventually like to do a nice clean version in Illustrator for a t-shirt design. What do you think? Would you wear it?

Freaky Friday! Oh look, Mich, it’s a SPIDER!!!

“A Very Scary Portrait of Mich” by Helen E. H. Madden, 4 March 2011

Here we have a lovely drawing of Mich, my partner in crime over at Mich is afraid of spiders, which is why I’ve drawn this lovely giant purple arachnid landing on her forehead. I’m sure she’ll get it though with her trusty baseball bat! Hit that sucker hard, Mich!

Seriously though. This drawing was another one done on the iPad, using ArtRage. I used the pen tool for the inking and the marker tool for the coloring, with a little bit of the palette knife tool for blending the colors. The marker tool has a “blending marker” setting, but it doesn’t give a nice smooth blend. The palette knife took care of that problem for me though.

I’m all off-schedule this week, both here and over at I apologize for that, but between being out all last week due to my father-in-law’s death and then coming home and having to have a minor outpatient procedure done this week, everything’s just been crazy around here. We’re in the tale end of cookie sales now, with just one booth sale left to go tomorrow, and then hopefully things will start to ease up a little. I’m spending today locked to my computer so I can knock out some work, and will probably spend as much of tomorrow as possible doing the same. I need to get some stuff off my plate.

Speaking of which, I’m stepping back from some of the commissioned work I’ve been doing. We had a panel at Farpoint, moderated by Steve Wilson, about burn-out and overwork for creative people (writers, podcasters, and webcomickers among others) and we all talked about how we have too much stuff going on. What I realized that weekend was that I have so many things going on, I can’t properly follow through on many projects once they get past the first stages. I can write the book, but then can’t get around to promoting it. I can draw the comics, but I can’t seem to find time to set up a FaceBook page which I’ve been told would put readership way up. I can’t even find time right now to make new album art for “The Little Death,” which I desperately need to do. So I sent out some emails saying I was stepping back and stepping away from some work. Hopefully, this will make life easier all around. Of course, if I could just get past cookie season…

Anyway, I’ll be hard at work this weekend. Hopefully, next week and the weeks following will get better and easier. And maybe Mich won’t give herself a concussion trying to get rid of that SPIDER!!!

Freaky Friday! Self-portrait of the Artist with a Snake!

“A Very Scary Self-Portrait” by Helen E. H. Madden, 13 February, 2011

This portrait will eventually go up on the Very Scary blog, where I have been working with my good friend Mich to scan in, display and review several pieces of children’s artwork that we picked up at the March to Keep Fear Alive. I’ll be drawing a cartoon of Mich as well, one that includes her greatest fear which is spiders. Mine is snakes, as you can tell from the image above.

This was drawn on my iPad, once again using ArtRage. I think ArtRage is ideal for cartooning, especially on the iPad. I do like Brushes and Sketchbook as well, but I’m more familiar with ArtRage and the fact that it has a pen tool makes it perfect for me.

If you haven’t been over to Very Scary yet, take a moment and go look! We have guest reviews written by really cool people. Enjoy the art, leave a comment, and consider helping out with the Very Scary site. We’ve got over 500 pieces of artwork to review, so we could always use a few volunteers 😉

BTW, I’m at Farpoint this weekend, so if you’re there and you see me, be sure to say “Hi!” I promise I won’t run away screaming.

Freaky Friday! Ferocious Fat Felines Fly For Free!

“Ferocious Fat Felines Fly For Free…” by Helen E. H. Madden

I have a number of small journals lying around the house and occasionally I will pick one up and doodles something in it. This particular piece was the first drawing in a journal of various colored papers that I bought 7 years ago. In 7 years, I have drawn a grand total of 6 drawings in this book, not including the artwork I pasted on the cover. It’s one of those things that I get really interested in doing a particular piece in the journal and I work on it a little bit every day, then I sort of abandon the journal for a while and drift off to do other things.

This drawing was created all in one night, or a couple of nights in a row, I’m not exactly sure which. But I can tell you what inspired it and the circumstances under which it was drawn. Hurricane Isabelle was headed our way and my family and I had evacuated to my best friend’s house to wait out the storm. Mary had a set of magnetic poetry pieces on her fridge that I started playing with while we were there and for some reason I came up with the line “Ferocious Fat Felines Fly For Free!” I decided it needed a drawing to go with it and as I just happened to have a brand new art journal and a brand new box of crayons and some brand new Micron pens, I started to work on it.

This drawing had no plan beyond illustrating that one line I had created. It ended up being a very literal interpretation of the line, with some weird random symbolism thrown in for no good reason. I like it though. I especially like the colors. The paper was actually a light greyish blue, but there’s so much green and yellow laid down, you can’t really tell.

Even though I like this piece and others I’ve created like it, I always wonder is this sort of stuff really art? Is anybody going to like it? I had fun making it, but otherwise was it a waste of time and crayons? I guess what I’m really asking is, do YOU like it? Would you buy a poster of something like this? Does the whimsical nature of this piece strike a chord within you, or do you just sort of roll your eyes after looking at it and go, “What sort of idiot would draw such nonsense?”

However you feel about it, let me know. I’m curious to see what people think.