October Crochet – Day 30, Big Cat Wears Big Crochet


Mr. Big!

We call him Mr. Big…

I got the oportunity to spend a couple hours crocheting while watching “The Walking Dead” and this is the result – a Nautilus shawl big enough to cover our BIGGEST cat, Mr. Big!

Actually, his name is Hiccup, but we do call him Mr. Big because he’s twice the size of our other cats.

I’m going to keep working on this one. I’ve still got some work to do on the kids’ Halloween costumes, but hopefully I can get this done if I get up early tomorrow.

October Crochet – Day 29, All Spun Out


Crochet Web!

Oh what a tangled web I wove!

Well, I reached the end of the skein today. Only a few inches before completing the last round.

Dang it!

I think I will unravel the last round just a bit and make the unfinished portion the neckline. I will start on the second web on Halloween. For now, I’m going to focus on the Nautilus shawl.

If you look closely at the picture, you can see the costumes I’m sewing for the kids. One wants to be a Jedi. The other wants to be Kylo Ren. My kids never get along.

October Crochet – Day 27, Thank GLOB I’m Not a Spider


Huge freakin' crochet web

How much bigger can this thing get?!

The original plan for this project was to make two webs, each using a full skein of silver yarn, and then stitching them together to make a spider-web poncho. But the first skein of silver yarn I bought NEVER SEEMS TO END!!!

I think/hope/pray that I will get this half done tomorrow. I can still use that for Halloween. But I think it will take all of November for me to make the other half of this.

October Crochet – Day 24, What the %$*! Happened to Day 23?!


Two ghosts!

“Hey lady! Ya skipped a day!”

Don’t ask me what happened to Day 23 of this month-long crochet challenge. I won’t explain it today. I will explain it tomorrow, after I’ve had another couple glasses of wine and had some time to recover my house. What happened to Day 23 is simply… too horrifying to discuss at the moment. There were just SO MANY GIRL SCOUTS!!!

I need more wine.

October Crochet – Day 22, Brain-Dead and Making Ghosts


Ghost hat cat?!

Little Boo asks, “Is dat my baby bwuddah, or a hat for a cat?”

Today was another “burn-out-my-brain-cells” day, thus the switch to making a simple ghost instead of the spider web poncho. I swear, if I had known how brutal this month was going to be, I would have thought twice about doing a crochet challenge this month. And taking Girl Scouts to the archery range. And throwing a mystery party for the troop. And volunteering for the school fall flower sale. And volunteering for the teacher luncheon. And volunteering to drive members of the cross country team to races. And agreeding to sew 3 costumes for 2 girls…

I am soooooooooo tired. I may be a ghost myself before the month is out!

October Crochet – Day 20, The Web That Ate My Cat


Big crochet web!

Somewhere underneath all this yarn is a cat.

In my lap is my current crochet project – the silver web. Beneath that is my orange tabby, Marmalade. Beneath her is a cozy blanket, and beneath that is my heating pad because I hate being cold. And beneath all that, of course, is me. And as far as Marmie is concerned, none of these items is moving, because this exact combination of yarn, human, blanket and heating pad all equal cat Nirvana. Seriously, her little motor is just purring away, and she will not move for anything!