Sunday Contentments – Nostalgia

Last Friday, I had one perfect moment of nostalgia.

I was in the pool at the YMCA, taking my regular water aerobics class, when I saw a woman and a small child come into the pool. The child was a perfect chubby little three-year-old girl, with pigtails and a fishy print bathing suit, and she toddled around on her perfect chubby little legs with her mother trotting after her. They got into the pool together and the mother held onto the little girl and carried her around in the water, hoisting her up into the air and bringing her down with a splash, or standing at the side of the pool and helping her child jump into the water.

As I watched them, I was suddenly taken back four years, to a time when it was just me and Princess, and once a week I would bring her royal chubbiness to the pool to splash around just like that. Looking back, things seemed a lot simpler then, even though I know they weren’t. But still, those memories have a golden haze to them as a perfect time in my life.

I haven’t taken Pixie to the pool as much, due to scheduling conflicts. You’d be amazed at how busy a three-year-old’s life can be, as well as my own. But I’ve made some changes recently to free up our Wednesday mornings, and I’m thinking that this Wednesday, I’ll bring my own perfectly chubby little three-year-old to the pool so that she and I can splash around and make a few nostalgic moments that I can enjoy years down the line.

Enjoy your Sunday, folks.

Sunday Contentments – My New Love Affair

My apologies for missing last Sunday’s blog post, but we were in DC to celebrate my mother-in-law’s/Princess’/my birthday that weekend, and Princess and I were sick on top of all that. Yes, we had a lot of fun on that trip 😉

But now we’re all home and I’m content to sit on the couch and contemplate what’s currently going on in my life. And what’s currently going on is my budding new love affair…

With my local hardware store.

You have no idea how giddy and excited I am right now. Yesterday, after taking the kids to swim class, I headed to the post office to mail a couple packages. Post office was closed, unfortunately, but rather than declare the trip a bust, I decided to visit the nearby hardware store. It’s a Taylor’s DIY store, far smaller than Lowe’s or HQ, and I wasn’t expecting much from it, but when I pulled into the parking lot, I felt the first blush of attraction.

You see, the girls and I just planted seeds last week, in preparation to start this year’s container garden, and I’d been thinking about buying compost instead of potting soil, but wasn’t sure where I could easily get some. Well, there in the parking lot of Taylor’s was several bags of the stuff, along with bags of peat moss and vermiculite and other garden goodies. “Yes!” I thought. “Here’s a place where I can get exactly what I need for this year’s herbs and veggies, and maybe this time we’ll have a shot at harvesting more than two tiny shriveled tomatoes!”

Then I walked inside the store, and that was when I really fell in love. The place was clean and well lit, and I could clearly see the signs for where everything was. This place was not a massive, monumental maze of confusion like Lowe’s or HQ. It was small, tidy, and well organized. And it had staff! Helpful friendly staff! The girls and I weren’t even in the store two minutes before someone asked if they could help up find anything. And as soon as someone noticed I was in the store with a couple of antsy kids, a clerk headed over to the old-fashioned popcorn cart and started heating up a batch of fresh popcorn! I got to spend 45 minutes wandering through the entire store while the girls happily munched on popcorn!! There was no whining, no fussing, no arguing; just the quite munch-munch of two little girls happily devouring large bags of free popcorn!

And if that wasn’t enough to seal the deal on my undying love, Taylor’s had a very nice selection of stuff I actually would use, like heirloom vegetable seeds and bird feeders and gardening tools and pots. Lots of nice pots at very reasonable prices for my small container garden. I drooled my way through the store, smiling happily at the clerks who showed up every ten minutes to ask if I needed help or more popcorn. I left with a bag of dried corn cobs and a squirrel feeder to put them in, but I made plans to come back soon, very soon, with a long list of must-have items for my garden.

It’s crazy, I know. I’m hopeless as a gardener, and an even worse do-it-yourselfer, but being in that store with all those helpful friendly clerks and actually being able to find stuff made me feel like I could do anything! Or at least made me feel like I could tackle a few simple home projects this Spring and Summer and come out with half-decent results.

Where is this crazy new love affair headed, you ask? What will the results be? Here are the results I’m hoping for:

  • A bigger, nicer container garden that produces plenty of herbs and even a few heirloom veggies!
  • Pixie’s clunky old cargo box bed disassembled, sanded down, and painted a lovely shade of girly pink with little blue flowers and dragonflies on it.
  • A small bookcase to fit in my master bathroom, so I finally have someplace nice to store all those books and magazines I like to read while I’m in the tub.
  • Maybe even re-finish a few pieces of the old cargo box furniture in our living room to give the whole room a new look!

And so on and so on. I’ve got a list of home improvement and redecorating projects as long as my arm, and I’m just dying to get to work on them. Now that I’ve discovered my local hardware store, I think I might actually have a shot. Though to be really successful, I may need to expand this relationship. You know, make it a threesome? I hear there’s a very attractive fabric store in our area…

Sunday Contentments – Birthdays and Birding

Today has not gone at all as I would have liked, so I’m doing my best just to roll with it. I should know by now that the entire month of February is going to be totally F’ed up and just deal, yet somehow this month always catches me by surprise. In February, la casa de Madden has…

  • Valentine’s Day
  • Princess’ birthday
  • My birthday
  • My mother-in-law’s birthday
  • My trip to the Farpoint science fiction convention
  • And the ever popular 100th day of school project for Princess

We did manage to stave off some stress by not having a big party for Princess. However, we are going up to DC for my MIL’s birthday. So actually, we haven’t reduced stress at all on the birthday front. Princess’ 100th Day project got out the door in plenty of time and she received a good grade on it, but I’m juggling work and other responsibilities like nobody’s business.

Oh, and did I mention I just found out yesterday that my sister is in the hospital? She’s doing fine, but I may or may not end up flying up there to help out, depending on how things go.

But for now, it’s Sunday afternoon. Princess had dinner out for her birthday, and received more presents than I can shake a stick at. I can tell she’s gotten older because she’s developing an attitude. Even so, I love the little twerp. It wasn’t that long ago I was going into the hospital for a c-section and wondering what was going to come out in the end. A very bald, very fussy baby is what I got. And I miss having that baby, and the one that followed, because babies don’t usually talk back when you tell them to pick up their stuff or you’ll throw it out.

But the joys of a seven-year-old are many. This morning Princess described some birds that she had seen in the backyard. Birding is our latest hobby. Hubster gave me binoculars for Valentine’s Day, and no I’ve not been using them to spy on the neighbors, you perverts. I’ve been watching the birds in my backyard. Thanks to my nifty new binoculars, I can now identify house finches, dark-eyed juncos, cardinals, American gold finches, black-capped chickadees, blue jays, tufted tit-mice and a few other species. It’s fascinating to just sit at my dining room window and watch the action going on at my bird feeder. I love to spend lunch nibbling on a sandwich and watching the birds. It’s calm and very quiet, and I obviously need a little calm and quiet right now.

I’m going to go on with the remains of my day as peacefully as I can. I have stories to critique, laundry to wash and fold, and a podcast to edit. One day, I’ll clear some of this work off my plate and be able to relax a bit more. Until then, I enjoy my day as best as I can. I hope you enjoy yours as well.

Sunday Contentments – Faaaaaaaaaarpoint

Wow am I beat. I got back from the Farpoint science fiction convention a couple hours ago, and am now quietly unwinding in front of the TV while the kids watch the Olympics and chow down on marshmallow lollipops. I had such a busy weekend, I’m about to fall asleep while blogging, so I’ll try to keep this short. What I loved about Farpoint this weekend…

  • Getting to see friends I would never get to see otherwise.
  • Getting to see friends I haven’t seen since college, including people who were at my wedding 16 years ago..
  • Being a professional writer for a weekend. Yes, I’m a professional writer all the time, but nothing makes me feel more like a writer than attending a con, running panels, selling books, and doing readings. I put the “stay” in stay-at-home mom, so getting out like this is a big deal.
  • Did I mention seeing my friends? I have many cool friends; very cool, very strange friends.
  • Shopping for a corset. I had not planned to buy a corset, but I found one in a black and red flame print and that was all she wrote. I’ll be wearing it for readings from here on out.
  • Selling books. I sold the last 3 copies of Future Perfect that I had this weekend. It amazes me that I’ll need to get more copies before I hit Balticon in May.
  • Doing panels on erotica and speculative fiction. I like being the recognized expert on something.
  • Having my friends show up for my panels. Did I mention I love my friends?

All in all, it was a great weekend. I’ll do a full after-con report for this Writing Wednesday. But now, I’m going to…


Sunday Contentments – Super Bowl Sunday

Well, we are not nearly as snowed in today as we were last week, which is good because last week I was starting to get some serious cabin fever. Being locked in the house with two squabbling children for four days straight was enough to send me running to my mammogram on Tuesday morning. I was willing to do anything, ANYTHING, to get out of the house for a bit.

But now we’re back to Sunday and all is peaceful and quiet. I’ve been up working since 5AM and am not too tired. This week’s podcast is already out the door, and this morning’s workout is done and over with. I’ve got a full day ahead of cooking, cleaning, and crafting. Oh, and Super Bowl. Must not forget Super Bowl.

To be honest, I am not a fan of football. I sat through more games than I care to remember, thanks to my years spent in school marching bands and the VTCC. In fact, my freshman year at Virginia Tech was the year after the football team had been caught in some sort of recruiting scandal, so the school was banned from recruiting for 4 years, starting that year. Let me tell you, if there is one thing that is worse than watching football, it’s watching football being played by a team that has no chance in hell of winning due to a lack of star quality players. And the only thing worse than that is having to sit out in the frickin’ snow, in a painfully uncomfortable uniform and being ordered to cheer your team to victory, because if the Hokies lose this game, your weekend pass will be revoked. And it always was revoked, thanks to that recruiting ban and the resulting lack of star quality players.

So I have no great love for football, but I do love cozy afternoons at home with the family and I do love to eat, and the Super Bowl actually provides me with an excuse for both. I plan to get all my chores and cooking done early today so I can spend the afternoon in the living room with the Hubster and kids, ignoring the game while I crochet and sew with Princess and Pixie. Hubster picked up all sorts of hors d’oeuvres and I’ll be baking a fruit pie for dessert. I may even knock out some work while we watch the game. I’ve got some articles to get done, and that won’t take long. Yes folks, I think a lazy yet productive Sunday will be enjoyed in la Casa de Madden today.

Whoever you’re rooting for, I hope you enjoy the game. And if, like me, you can’t stand the sport, you can always watch the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet instead of the big game. I hear this year they have bunny cheerleaders!

Sunday Contentments – Snow Days!!

I had the best day yesterday, probably the most relaxing day I’ve had in a long time. On Friday, the weather forecast was calling for 6-12 inches of snow, starting in the middle of the night and continuing all through the next day. That forecast did not disappoint. We rarely get that much snow in this area, and I decided to use it as an excuse to really truly blow off all work and just do stuff with the family and take some time for myself. Here’s a list of what we did yesterday…

  • Ate breakfast. The night before it started snowing, I set up the slow cooker to bake my favorite breakfast casserole. Breakfast was hot and ready when we came downstairs to eat. I read the paper, ate my breakfast, drank my coffee and in general eased my way through the morning.
  • Took a short walk in the snow. It was coming down in stinging particles, with the wind whipping it into our eyes and faces, so we couldn’t stay out for long, but we did get out. It’s amazing how beautiful and quiet our neighborhood is when it’s being buried by that magical white stuff.
  • Watched the birds in our backyard. I’ve been lax about filling the bird feeder. After a while of it hanging empty, I filled it on Thursday. Yesterday, that bird feeder was obviously the place to be. We had a few species of birds I hadn’t seen before, migratory birds that swarmed in along with the usual cardinals, doves, and chickadees. I must have spent an hour or so sitting at the back window with my birding book trying to figure out which species were there. Finally caught a glimpse of a spread tail and realized we had slat-colored dark-eyed juncos. And I was thrilled to figure this out!
  • Baked pie with the girls. I hit the grocery store when I heard the forecast and bought a pre-made crust and some fruit. We made our own filling, laid the crust in a pie pan and had the most delicious pie later that evening. This is something I need to do more often. I love fruit pies!

  • Who wants pie?!

  • Read to Princess about Egyptian, Greek, and Norse mythology. Princess loves anything to do with Egypt. She read to me a bit from a book on mummies her grandparents bought her for Christmas. When she got to the myth of Isis and Osiris, I pulled out an old book on mythology I had from when I was young and we went through the story together. Then we got into Greek myths and the story of Ragnarok and Asgard. Honestly, I don’t think I could have found a better way to spend that time.
  • Took a hot bath. I poured myself a cup of wine, grabbed a small snack, and soaked in the tub for the better part of an hour. I try to do this once a week. When it’s freezing cold outside, it’s an even better treat than usual.
  • Sewed and did crafts with the kids. I’m teaching Princess to sew. Pixie is too little still, so I gave her a bunch of beads and some chenille stems to string them on. She made lots of little bracelets while Princess worked on a hand-sewn doll and I crocheted a ninja. It was quiet, it was interactive, and again, I couldn’t have found a better way to spend my time.
  • Did a little writing. For once, I had time to clean up my story for the week before sending it to the writers’ group. It was probably the cleanest draft I’ve sent to ERWA in a while. I wish I could spent more time polishing that first draft. I love to write, but I really dig rewriting. I may carve a little time out of my schedule to do just that.
  • Played video games. I don’t normally play video games. I can’t play when the kids are up, because they get sucked in and won’t do anything else, or else they’ll want to take over the game from me. I have this single player game for the Wii, Rune Factory Frontier, that’s just my speed. A little monster fighting, a little farming, lots of interacting with other characters, a mystery to solve, and if my character runs out of hit points, he doesn’t die, he just ends up in the village hospital. I can hang with this game, and I did last night for FOUR HOURS STRAIGHT. You have no idea how much I enjoyed doing that.

All in all, it was a nice, quiet day. Now I’m spending today doing a little work while Hubster shovels the driveway and the kids run amok in the yard. In a while, I’ll head out for another walk through our neighborhood, just so I can enjoy the peace and quiet and freezing cold, then come back in, grab a cup of cocoa, and sit down to do some more work. It’s work I love, graphics and writing, and I can do it all on the couch today, so you better believe that today I am very, truly content.

I hope you all had as nice a weekend, if not better. Take care!

Sunday Contentments – Pink Zombies

So what do you think? On the left is Rainbow Baby, the first crocheted doll I made and the one Pixie absconded with. On the right is Zombo, the second crocheted doll I made that Princess has since laid claim too. Believe it or not, I made both dolls by following the same pattern. Yes, it’s amazing how much I learned from making Rainbow Baby. Some people say mistakes give hand-crafts a bit of character. If that’s true, Rainbow Baby has plenty of character to spare!

But I still adore Rainbow Baby, my mutant first attempt at crochet. Zombo came out very nicely and I am now hard at work on crocheting my first ninja. He should come out well, I think, since I keep learning as I do this.

It’s nice to have a hobby again, something small I can do in my spare time. Since Pixie started taking karate classes, I now spend an hour three times a week waiting for both girls to do their classes. That gives me the right amount of time to work on things like this. The little crocheted dolls really don’t take much time, and they have so much personality when they’re done. I can’t wait to make a whole collection for myself. And then there are other things I’d like to do, like make myself some sweaters for next winter, gifts for friends. It’s just really nice to have a hobby again, and a little bit of time to practice it in.

Of course, what’s really cool is that I can now make pink crocheted zombies and voodoo dolls. I tell ya, nothing beats being able to say “A zombie!” when people ask me, “What are you making now?”

Sunday Contements – Hobbies

It’s only 10AM on Sunday, and so far I’ve recorded and produced this week’s Heat Flash Erotica Podcast, gone back to bed, snuggled and cuddled with the Hubster (ah, quality time!), had breakfast, read part of the newspaper, and gotten the laundry going. You can so tell that we are past the holidays here. The day is just going beautifully.

I’m on the couch right now, sipping coffee while I blog. Princess and Hubster have headed out to church, poor Catholic darlings, while Pixie and I remain delightfully heathen and enjoy a quiet morning at home. In a few, I’ll change clothes, exercise, start dinner for the evening, and get to work on folding laundry. Heck, I may even clean a room or two.

But right now, I’m blogging, and today’s topic of contentment is hobbies. I was just reading in Parade Magazine about how people are reacting to the economy and the damage to their incomes. A lot of folks are giving up the big expenses and are focusing on smaller enjoyments. In the paper last week, an article on thrifty living mentioned picking up a hobby as a way to save money. Hobbies can be easy on the wallet, and they give a person something to do with their free time other than shopping. I know for a fact that when I’m busy with writing or art or podcasting, I certainly don’t have time to spend money, so I’m happy to hear someone else agrees this is a good way to save.

I took up a couple new hobbies recently: knitting, which I’ve mentioned here before; and over the holidays I taught myself to crochet. Only the basics, obviously, but I’m doing well enough right now that I can finally indulge in something I’ve wanted to do for a while – make amigurumi dolls.

Amigurumi dolls are tiny little hand-crafted dolls, either sewn, knitted or crocheted. They can be anything from the usual lineup of stuff animals – bears, tigers, etc. – to things more obscure like little stuffed felt tea cups or ice cream sandwiches with smiley faces embroidered on them. I’ve opted to try crocheting a few dolls, since I found a couple of books on making various horror, fantasy, and sci-fi characters. How cool would it be to make a crocheted ninja! Or a Gorgon! Or a zombie!

While I was visiting my in-laws after Christmas, I started my first attempt. I took a ball of cheap rainbow-colored yarn and picked out the simplest pattern of those in my books (a robot zombie, waaaaay cool!). One of my brothers-in-law joked that it looked like I was making hackey sacks. Those were actually the head and body. Then I spent New Year’s Eve chatting with my best friend Mary while I made the legs and arms and stitched the whole thing together. I made plenty of mistakes. It took me a while to figure out how to count the stitches and how to properly decrease each row to make things come out just right. But by the time I’d finished up the last little leg, I had the hang of things. Pixie immediately claimed the end result as her own, and wouldn’t even let me embroider a little face on it. So now she gambols about the house with what looks like a faceless little malformed psychedelic crocheted voodoo doll, and she loves it. We decided to call him Rainbow Baby (or sometimes Fleur, after the ring master in Cirque du Soliel’s Allegria, which is Pixie’s favorite movie right now).

Here’s a picture of Rainbow Baby.

I’ve already started work on the next one, and this time not making nearly as many mistakes. Princess has already laid claim to him. Since Princess and Pixie are now both taking karate classes, I can imagine I’ll be doing quite a bit of crocheting and knitting while I sit in the dojo and wait for them. I like that idea, that I’ll have a couple of hours every week to just sit and make something simple and fun. Especially if what I’m making ends up being a zombie or a ninja or a Gorgon…

Or a faceless little malformed psychedelic crocheted voodoo doll. I mean really, how cool is that?!

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone, and be sure to take time to relax.

Sunday Contentments – the party’s over!

It is very late on Sunday, much later than I normally post my Sunday Contentments, but I had a busy, busy day at the tail end of two busy, busy weeks. As predicted, the holidays hit like a freight train, though I think this year I gave myself more of a break than on previous years. I did plenty of baking and cooking, saw all my friends and family, and hit a few of the local holiday attractions with the Hubster and the kids. We even managed to see an exhibit on Egyptian mummies at the Chrysler Museum today to close out our whirlwind holiday break. And now…

I can finally take a break from the break.

I am more than ready to slow down. My sleep and work schedule have been all screwed up since the girls got out of school. I have stayed up too late and slept in too often. Now I’ve got to drag myself back into my routines and get cracking. I have a novella to write, a podcast to keep up with, and a convention to attend this month (if you are just absolutely dying to see me, I’ll be at Marscon in Williamsburg the weekend of the 15th-17th to talk about science fiction and erotica writing – woo hoo!). Yes indeed, it’s time to get back to work. But first, a moment to reflect on what I did enjoy the past two weeks, because that’s what Sunday Contentments are all about.

The biggest of life’s little enjoyments the last two weeks was being able to spend time with the kids. I don’t know if we spent it together wisely or not. We did spend more time watching TV than I would have liked. But we did go out quite a bit too. We went to two parties, two holiday lights displays, two museums, one botanical garden, and a couple of movies (don’t ask which ones because right now I’ll be damned if I can remember), as well as two aunts, two uncles, one cousin and two grandparents (Hubster’s folks). We ate… a lot! And I have discovered that yes, it really is time for me to give up the high fat foods. Without a gall bladder, those things just kill me.

I did a little reading too, the last couple of weeks, three books which I enjoyed (and aside from the last one, Atherton: The House of Power, I can’t recall the others right now because my noggin is still too full with factoids on Egyptian funerary rituals). And I learned a new craft – crocheting. I ended up teaching myself with the help of a few books, and made the lumpiest neon-colored voodoo doll you’d ever want to see. We’re calling it Rainbow Baby. Pixie has since claimed it as her own.

I think it’s significant that my last creative act of the new year was learning to crochet that doll. I enjoyed it, and was very proud that I figured out how to do it by myself. I need to do more things like that, so you’ll probably see a whole string of lumpy little dolls from me as I work out how to put them together. Don’t laugh or I will knit you an ugly sweater and make you wear it.

So I had fun in spite of the chaos that comes with the holidays, and I think one of my resolutions for 2010 will be to do a little more reading, a little more knitting, a little more crocheting and a little more relaxing with the family. I want to start a family game night, either Friday or Saturday night, whenever the Hubster is home, and we finally have enough kid-friendly games to make that a possibility. The first game night is scheduled for this weekend, and I’ll let you know if it gets off the ground or not.

Beyond that, it’s late and I really need to get to bed. Actually, it’s not that late, not even 10PM yet, but that’s another of my resolutions, to be in bed and asleep by 10PM. So good night to you all, and I hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season, whatever holiday you celebrate.

Sunday Contentments – Why I hate the holidays

I’ve been trying so hard this week to find my warm happy spot in the midst of all the chaos. I’ve failed, miserably. There is no contentment for me today, only angst and stress and all the usual emotional crap that attends the week before Christmas. Here’s what’s wrong with my life right now:

I have two small children who are hopped up on Christmas specials and sugared goodies, in spite of my best intentions to see that they get limited amounts of both. Does EVERYONE they know have to throw a frickin’ party, complete with candy, cake, ice cream and other junk? Apparently yes, and as a result, the kids are driving me up the wall.

I have spent an inordinate amount of time bellowing at the aforementioned children because they are so damned hopped up. It’s like their tiny little ears have been blocked with sugar, requiring me to scream at the top of my lungs, repeatedly, to be heard. And even when I am heard, their attention span has shrunk to zip, so they’re not doing anything I ask them no matter how loudly and how repeatedly I ask.

The Hubster is home. You know I love that man. In fact, yesterday was the 19th anniversary of our first date. But he’s home, so he’s underfoot, and no matter how hard he tries not to, he’s completely disrupting my schedule just by being in the house during hours when I would normally have it to myself. It’s these little things he does like suggest, “Hey, let’s have lunch!” that keep throwing a monkey wrench in my otherwise perfect schedule. Speaking of which…

Ah, the schedule. It’s broke, meaning I am staying up too late and not getting out of bed as early as I should. When my schedule is off, getting work done because difficult. I have several articles to write, a book to read, a novella to get started on, two book covers to create, a podcast to record and produce, blog articles to write… and gifts to buy.

Oy, shopping for presents. If I had been smart, I would have started back in November, but nooooooooo! I had to wait until this month, THE month of Christmas, to do my holiday shopping. Doing all that holiday gift buying on top of my usual workload with both screaming children and the Hubster underfoot is seriously putting me out of whack.

And this is just a short list of what’s going wrong right now. Honestly, it’s stupid to complain, I know, especially when I do have so many things going right. I have paying work coming in, I have a husband and children in good health, I have family I love coming to visit this week, and I have a warm bed and a roof over my head and the promise of a lamb dinner on Christmas night. Yes, there’s a lot going right in my life right now, and just as soon as my own sugar-induced holiday angst starts to clear up, I’m sure I’ll see it again.

Have a good week, folks. I’m about to go soak my head in some egg nog.