WIP Wednesday – The Cookie Thief, final

“The Cookie Thief” by Helen E. H. Madden

Well, here it is, the final version of “The Cookie Thief.” It’s not really finished, but I’ve done as much as I want with this image for now. So I’m letting it rest and moving onto another WIP next week.

What I learned from this WIP. I like the Brushes app for the iPad a LOT. It’s very easy to use and responds very well. I still love ArtRage, but Brushes is far less buggy and hasn’t yet crashed on me like ArtRage has on a few occasions. I think Brushes is great for anything painterly style, including certain cartoons, but I’d still go with ArtRage for ink style line art for now.

I also learned the importance of keeping stuff on separate layers. I screwed myself by painting the thief and the cookie jar on the same layer initially and I had to go back and fix that to make it easier to shade. I also think I would have been better off working back to front, getting that second jar done first before working on the cookie jar and then the thief. Of course, this would have implied I’d had a plan when I started this piece…

So this is it for this piece for now. I may try to set things up so that I can export the Brushes actions for this painting to my desktop and create an AVI of that so you can see the work in progress. That might be a bit long to watch though. I spent forever on this dang thing. We’ll see if I do that or not.

WIP Wednesday – The Cookie Thief again

WIP – “The Cookie Thief” by Helen E. H. Madden

I keep working on this a little bit at a time and I think it’s coming along well. It’s certainly not bad for my first real digital painting. By ‘digital painting’ I mean a work of digital art that I draw and paint in the computer using tools and brush strokes that mimic traditional painting like oils or acrylics. Yes, the stuff that’s been showing up on my Freaky Friday posts is also digital painting, but I consider that more cartooning, which is it’s own weird beast in the realm of digital art. At least it is to me anyway.

I decided to add another jar to the background. I have no idea what should go in it yet. Nor do I think I’m quite finished with the background, though I don’t know what else to add. I may just concentrate on finishing up the two jars and then leave it at that. I can always work on more complicated paintings later on.

Working in Brushes on the iPad has been great, but I’ve discovered that I can only seem to focus on painting digitally for a few minutes at a time. Unless it’s cartoons, and that’s because with the cartoons, I know what I’m doing. With the digital painting, I’m really just feeling my way around in the dark, and I think I keep losing focus after a short time because I really don’t know what the hell I’m doing. Or rather, I don’t have much confidence in what I’m doing. I’ll keep at it though. I think this particular image looks promising so far.

WIP Wednesday – The Cookie Thief

I’m still having far too much fun with my iPad, this time with an art program called Brushes. It’s rather different from ArtRage, in that I’m having an easier time producing oil paint style artwork. Below is an image I’m currently working on called “The Cookie Thief.”

I will admit, Brushes is easier to use, but unlike ArtRage, the image changes a bit when I transfer it from my iPad to my desktop computer. That’s okay though, because apparently I can send a movie version of the image to the desktop and then use Brush’s playback software to recreate the image at a larger resolution, which will then allow me to work on the final in Photoshop on the computer. Oh, and I’d also be able to show that movie as an AVI or similar format so people could see how the work progressed from start to finish. I like that idea a lot.

Anyway, that’s one of the things I’m currently working on. I hope I get this one done soon 😉

WIP Wednesday – “The Little Death” podcast novel

Last week I returned to my weekly podcast, Heat Flash Erotica, after a few months off. For the last three years, I wrote and podcasted a new short story every week. It was great fun, but by the end of the third season, I was exhausted and burnt out on short stories so I took some time off to work up a new project. The result is a novel called “The Little Death,” a story about telepaths, conspiracies and murder. The main character, Agent Robin Helki, is an esper working for the Fifth Precinct police department in the city-state of New York. She’s been called in to gather psychic evidence at the scene of a violent death, but what she finds only leads to a bigger mystery.

I’m still writing the story, but at 54000 words, I thought I had enough to start podcasting an episode a week. Episode 01 of “The Little Death” went online last Friday. You can find it here, and either download it to play on your MP3 player or listen to it on your computer. Episode 02 has been recorded and will be available next Friday. Until then, here’s an excerpt from the upcoming episode.


Excerpt from “The Little Death,” episode 02 – Dr. Hurston Jones

The elevator glides to a halt. I step out into an empty corridor. Room seven is the fourth door on the left, the only door up here with a light shining out underneath the crack. I knock twice and prepare to wait. How long I’m left standing there in the corridor ought to tell me just how deep in trouble I am, so I’m surprised when the door swings open almost immediately. The man who holds it open gives me the false smile of a predator sizing up its afternoon meal.

“Agent Helki,” he says. “Please come in.”

I know this man. I follow him into the room, racking my brains to think of where I’ve seen him before. He wears a dark grey suit, dark enough to make him blend in with the shadows in the dimly lit room. He’s balding, but with his hair cropped close rather than combed over in a futile attempt to hide his gleaming scalp. A pair of oval spectacles perches on the bridge of his nose, and he would almost look bookish if it weren’t for the way he moves. Every motion is precise and graceful like a cat. Underneath the suit I get a sense of a body honed to razor’s edge. As he settles behind the massive wooden desk that dominates the room, the glow of the desk lamp catches on his spectacles. For an instant, the lenses are transformed into a pair of luminous orbs. I’m reminded of my dream in the van and I shiver.

“Have a seat,” he says mildly. He gestures to the only other chair in the room. I settle on the edge of the seat. It’s narrow and stiff-backed and saturated with the memories of its previous occupants, everyone of them as scared and uncertain as I am now. I shouldn’t be picking up on their feelings, not when I’m wrapped up in my coat and gloves, but I’m so damned raw after reading a dead woman’s final thoughts, and this chair is awash in fear. I’ll bet the man on the other side of the desk knows it too. I can tell by the way he’s smiling at me.


And that’s it for this week! The full episode will be available in MP3 format at http://www.heatflash.libsyn.com this Friday. Stop by then and give a listen.

WIP – Noir at Sea

Well this has come a long way. It’s no longer a 3D render, but a more painted image. I still don’t have the painting effect down as well as I would like, but it’s getting there. Someday, I want to be able to just paint straight in Photoshop without having to rely on 3D programs for the basis of the image. I think things would go fast that way, in the long run. But for now, this is looking pretty good. We’ll see what the client says.

WIP Wednesday – Noir book cover at sea!

This is far from finished yet, but here’s what I’ve been working on this week, a book cover for a paranormal mystery. I need to refine the guy lurking in the background, plus I’d like to add some details to the woman’s dress, then change the lighting a bit to make this a nice sunset scene. Of course the biggest problem is the background image of the ocean. That horizon line doesn’t line up with the set or the characters at all! Once I’ve got a decent 3D rendering, I’ll be looking at converting the whole thing into a painted image via the wonders of Photoshop!

And that’s this week’s WIP 😉

New WIP!! Zombies at school

I’m embarking on some entirely new projects next year, mainly cartooning and art. So far, I’ve just been doing some doodles of the things I plan to draw, but I have some interesting samples so far. Take a look at these zombie high school senior portraits!

Whadya think?! Even zombies want to look good for their graduation pictures!

WIP – Medusa and Bats

Slowly, pixel by bloody pixel, this thing is getting done. I’m squeezing in 15-30 min sessions of work on this between other projects, which is partly why it’s taking so long. The other reason this is taking forever is that I’ve never done something in this particular digital painting style before. But I like what I’ve done so far, and I think I’m learning something. I think once I get a few things cleared off my plate, I may reserve one day a week just for personal art so I can finally knock this sucker out.

What’s changed since the last version? More blending on Medusa’s dress, plus I’m playing with the color a bit, adding highlights and shadows in complementary colors. The cool colors are getting a bit of warmth and the warm colors are getting a bit of cool. I think it makes things pop a bit more. I added faint yellow highlights to Medusa’s hair and purple shadows ot the dress. I still think Bats’ hat is the best part of the painting so far though, with the very bold contrast between the purple and red. Makes me think I need to ramp up my contrasts in other places as well.

WIP – Medusa and Bats

Here’s the latest update on Medusa and Bats. I haven’t had much time to work on it lately, so I stole half an hour this evening to do some more blending on the characters. I can see a few places where I’m going ot need to add contrasting colors, and for the life of me, I don’t really know what I’m going to do about the bat yet. He’s really, really awful looking, but I’ll figure something out eventually.

By the way, if you haven’t seen the announcements I made on Twitter yet, I have a new project up and running. It’s the Very Scary Art website, a gallery of kids’ artwork about things that scare them. The site was set up in support of DonorsChoose.org. Go take a look!

The Little Death – Inspector Slade

More character notes on “The Little Death.” Agent Robin Helki is the heart and soul of the novel, but without Inspector Michael Slade she’s got no reason to really live. Who is Inspector Slade, and what is his relationship to Robin? How long has he been on the Fifth Precinct police force? What crime is he investigating now? And how does that affect Robin?

In “The Little Death,” there are espers and there are norms. Robin falls into the first category, Slade into the later. OverWatch has decreed that the two classes of citizens shall not interbreed for any reason. It’s simply too dangerous. Will Robin and Slade heed that warning, or take the risk? And does Robin really dare trust Slade as she slowly descends into the madness all espers fall prey to?

For anyone who’s wondering, I’m doing these sketches on cheap art paper with Micron drawing pens and a Pentel brush pen. The painting is done in ArtRage Pro. It’s a quick job, but enough to give me a feel for what Robin’s world is like.