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Pixie turned 6 yesterday, and a few days before that, she finished up kindergarten. I am having a hard time believing that the busy little girl who regularly demolishes my house and terrorizes the cats is the same kid who looked like this when she was two…
Okay, maybe it’s not so hard to imagine the two are the same child.
We’ve had a very busy week, thus the lack of posts here and over at I came home from Balticon, had one day to unpack and then had to dive right into the end-of-the-school-year frenzy. We’ve had field days and picnics and Girl Scout parties and class parties and of course we had to have a birthday party for a certain little girl. I sort of feel like I’ve been hit by a freight train of festivities. It’s very tiring, and very time consuming, but it’s almost over. This week I have one final Girl Scout volunteers meeting to attend to wrap up business for the year, and then the last of the class parties happens. After that, I’ll be gone for a week to visit family. I make no promises as to what gets posted on either website in the next week or two, as I have actual paying work to take care of, but I’ll see what I can manage to do.
In any event, I hope everyone is surviving the end of the school year, and I hope that all my friends from Balticon are finally starting to recover. I gotta dash right now though. More parties to attend, doncha know!