Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.

Writing Wednesday – the scourge of e-mail!

I frikkin’ hate e-mail. I get between 60-100 e-mails a day and it’s driving me up the damned wal,l trying to keep up with all of it. About a third of what comes in is usually crap and it gets deleted right off the bat, and often labeled as spam so my e-mail program knows to not even bother me with it. But the rest of what I get has to be read, answered, filed… If I answer even just 10 of those e-mails, and take 5 minutes to answer each one, that’s almost an hour of my day dedicated to e-mail right there. This does not include the aforementioned reading and filing that still has to be done afterwards. And you know what that means. Any time spent on dealing with e-mail is time not spent on writing!

I’ve done my damnedest to cut down the flow of messages that flood my in-box daily.  I’m only subscribed to those Yahoo groups that I need to belong to for professional reasons. Unfortunately, all the organizations and publishers I work with have at least two Yahoo groups to their individual names, and sometimes more than that. Then there’s the e-mails that go back and forth on individual projects. Those e-mails are all important and must be kept up with, but I’m getting so many right now. I’m starting to think maybe it’s time to scale back on my work. I mean seriously, I’m spending 1-2 hours a day on e-mail related to my work. Yes, I said 1-2 hours a day, people. Right now, I’m getting up at the ass-crack of dawn to spend two hours every day on the podcast and I’d like to spend an hour and a half in the evenings writing stories and books, but I’m struggling so hard to keep up with the fucking e-mail I can’t seem to make that schedule work.

Ugh. It’s enough to drive a person crazy. But there may be a solution. I’ve been limiting the amount of time I am allowed to spend on e-mail. I will only check and deal with e-mail during whatever hours I have free between 9 AM and 3PM during the week. By which I mean, unless I’m working out or drawing the Cynical Woman cartoon or having lunch, I’ll deal with the fucking e-mail. But come 3 PM, the e-mail gets shut down, and I will not, under any circumstances, re-open my e-mail until the next morning at 9 AM. And that’s during the week. On weekends, I will handle e-mail on Saturday for as long as I can stomach it, but on Sunday? Fuggedaboudit! No frikkin’ way am I check e-mail on Sunday.

So here’s the deal. You need to get a hold of me in the evenings, or on Sunday? You just dying to tell me something, or request something, or chit chat? You’ll have to catch me on Twitter. I’m on Twitter pretty much all day when I’m home. And I really like Twitter too. You know why?

Because tweets are limited to 140 characters, baby! And that’s a helluva lot easier to deal with the fuckin’ e-mail!


Episode 47 – ‘Tis the season to give!

Am I the only person who has this problem? Am I the only person who’s living room turns into gift box city every December? Am I the only one clambering over cardboard crates shipped from every major retailer known to mankind, whilst trying to reach the TV or my kids?

Please, for love of Pete, tell me I’m not the only one.

To say my mother likes to shop would be like saying the Grand Canyon is kind of deep, or Niagra Falls is kind of wet. The woman works simply so she can buy gifts for her grandchildren. She has actually said as much to my face! Thus we get a steady flow of packages all year long, but in December, the flood gates open and suddenly I can’t find my couch!

Oy. It’s already started. We’ve got boxes everywhere, and I know more are on the way. Somebody help me, please!

Move It Mama Monday! My Fitness Coach

Since I reviewed Gold’s Gym Cardio for the Wii Last week, I thought I should take a look at the other game I got myself last month – My Fitness Coach.

I’ve been playing My Fitness Coach for the last couple of weeks, to give myself time to decide if I like it or not. My Fitness Coach is an apt title for the game, because it’s all based around a personal trainer character, Maya, who guides you through the workouts. Maya asks what equipment you have (balance ball, weights, step, heart rate monitor), how long you’d like to exercise (15, 30, 45, or 60 min), and what you’d like to focus on. The first time I played the game, I was prompted to take a fitness evaluation; pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks, stretching, etc. I was also asked to measure myself at various points, give a resting and active heart rate (that’s where the jumping jacks come in), and a few other odds and ends. Then Maya made a recommendation for what my primary workout goal should be. The game focuses on areas like cardio fitness, upper body, lower body, flexibility, etc. Maya will work you through all the areas, but the workouts will focus more heavily on whatever the primary goal is. You get the option to go with her recommendation or to choose your own.

After all that – the set up took about half an hour (yeesh!) – I was ready to workout. My Fitness Coach is just like having a real personal trainer put you through your paces. There’s a cardio warm up with the usual aerobics and step moves, then on to weight/resistance training and a little cool down and stretching at the end. After a certain number of workouts, it’s time to do another evaluation, and yes, you go through the whole schmiel all over again. I’ve been do 30 minute workouts three times a week since mid November, and so far had one re-evaluation. Do I like the game? Have I seen results?

Eh, to the first question, and maybe to the second.

Eh, because My Fitness Coach is almost exactly like having a personal trainer… but one you can’t really interact with. Maya does ask at various points in the work out how you feel. Was that section too hard, too easy, or just right? Then she stores that feedback for reference when building future workouts. But that’s about it for interaction. The game barely uses the Wii remote, and never uses the balance board. Although I wish it did use the balance board to at least check my weight during the evaluations.

Beyond that limited interaction though, My Fitness Coach is a lot like working out to an exercise video. It’s more varied, obviously, because the game switches up the workouts every time, based on the evaluations and the feedback. So it’s never the same thing twice. But it’s kind of dull, and the most I can stand to do is 30 minutes at a time.

Having said that, I get a solid workout in 30 minutes with My Fitness Coach. The warm-up segs right into a cardio session so I’m jumping and dancing around for 15 minutes or so. That gets my heart rate up pretty dang quick. So far, I’ve only been asked a couple of times to pull out the weights for the resistance training, which follows the cardio, but I’ve been using them anyway, otherwise I’m not getting any workout there, even though I’ve repeatedly told the program, “That was too easy.” Hopefully, Maya gets the hint soon. The cool down and stretching at the end last two minutes at most, but then I am only doing 30 minute workouts. But even on the days when I’m supposed to be working on flexibility, I’m still not doing a lot of stretching. Again, I keep telling Maya, “Bump it up a notch, bitch!” She’s slowly getting there.

So, results? Yes, I’ve seen some, but I honestly can’t say if it’s because I’ve been playing My Fitness Coach for the last month or because I’ve been doing water aerobics for the same period of time. It’s probably a combination of both. I do like that I’m getting plenty of strength training and that I don’t have to fiddle with an elastic band to do it (I’m lookin’ at you, EA Sports Active!). It’s much easy to follow along with weights in hand and the remote on the table. But then again, My Fitness Coach can’t tell me if I’m doing things right or not because it doesn’t use the Wii remote to get any feedback.

I will say that so far My Fitness Coach hasn’t killed my knees, but again this may be because it doesn’t rely on the feedback from the Wii remote to see if I’m doing the move exactly right. EA Sports Active did kill my knees, and doesn’t really allow me any way to modify the problem exercises to a level that’s comfortable for me (although it does let me skip them; My Fitness Coach doesn’t have that option).

I’ll stick with My Fitness Coach for a while, mainly because I had to make a commitment to do so many workouts a week. I’m slooooooooowly unlocking the new environments to work out in (another downside, there are so few goodies in the game for continued participation, and earning a new environment isn’t nearly as fun as earning new outfits to dress up your trainer in; I’m lookin’ at you, Gold’s Gym Cardio, and your hottie trainer Alex too!).

Honestly, so far, the best fitness game has been Gold’s Gym Cardio, although the focus there is almost entirely on the cardio. It’s fun, like Wii Fit, but it offers more of a heart thumping workout. EA Sports Active just kills my knees, although I do like the sports games and the ability to make my workouts or modify a premade workout. Wii Fit Plus spent too much damned time developing new mini-games and not enough time focusing on upgrading the cardio and strength training portions of the game. And My Fitness Coach is challenging, but dull.

With no perfect fitness game out there, what’s a gal to do? Continue to mix and match between the games I already have, and keep trying out new ones. At the very least, I’m getting some good variety in my exercise routine this way.

Sunday Contentments – Karate, Circuses and Fire Alarms

Wow, what a weekend. Hubster was gone all last week on a business trip, so I spent the week herding small children and trying not to pull out my hair. He got home so late on Friday night, he didn’t wake up until 10AM yesterday morning, by which time I had already been up 5 hours, recorded a podcast, showered, dressed, fed the kids, and taken them to karate tournament. Pixie got her first shot at getting on the mat, and did a few little kicks for the judges. It was just priceless to see her little dinky butt out there. For participating, she got a medal big enough to qualify her for gangsta rapper status. Meanwhile, Princess didn’t do too badly – she took 3rd place in her weapons kata – but she was distraught that she didn’t do better in other areas. I actually see this as a good sign. Kids who hate to lose work harder to win. Maybe now she’ll be inspired to put in some more practice time, especially if I start practicing with her. Yes, it will be some real mommy-daughter bonding time, where we’ll kick, punch, and karate chop our way to an even closer relationship than we already have 😉

So after karate, we all came home and found the Hubster up, moving and showered, at which point I handed off the kids to him and disappeared into the office for some work. When I emerged two hours later, he handed me a print-out saying we had tickets for an afternoon showing of Cirque du Soliel’s Alegria, and off we went! The show was the most bizarre, beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time, and I am now ruined, completely ruined I tell you, for all other circuses. Seriously, I will jump through flaming hoops like a trained tigress to see this circus again. Princess was captivated by the whole thing, and I told her that if she practiced, her karate could be that amazing too someday (yes, I know, I like to harp on a theme; we’ll see if it works). Pixie enjoyed the show too, and told me she wants to be the ringmaster for next Halloween, so does anybody have a small top hat I can borrow? For our part, Hubster and I loved the two clowns who pretty much stole the whole show. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard, watching the two of them fight over a paper airplane of all things. It was a lot like watching the girls squabble really, only without the knowledge that I didn’t have to get in there and break them up before they started WWIII and destroyed the house.

Speaking of destroying the house… After the circus, we came home. I went straight back to work, wading through the ever rising tide of e-mail I find myself dealing with these days. Hubster got the kids to bed, and when I was done working, we cuddled up for a little TV and then a little romance, and then we fell asleep…

And then we woke up to an ear-shattering blast of noise that I could not identify. Hubster could however. It was our fire alarm. I immediately jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes (remember, we had had an evening of romance) and raced to the kids’ room. I was already in there reassuring Princess and sniffing for smoke before Hubster even had his pajama bottoms on, which leads me to the conclusion that in the event of a disaster it will be ME who saves us all! Just kidding. But seriously, after 11 years in the Army Reserves and 4 years before that as a cadet, I’ve no doubt had way more practice at springing out of bed, throwing on my clothes, and rushing out the door while still asleep than he ever has. Our security company called right away to see if we were all right, and the fire department was dispatched. There was no smoke, no fire, no carbon monoxide or anything else wrong that we could determine, and the big burly firemen who arrived within a minute of being called determined that we had an old fire alarm that was clogged with dust and needed to be replaced. While Hubster and the firemen sorted that out, I took Princess downstairs to see the fire engine. Pixie slept through the whole uproar, in spite of being the one closest to the alarm when it went off. Go figure. When we finally said our good nights to the fire men, it was 4:30AM, 15 minutes before I was supposed to get up and work on the podcast. You just know I turned off the alarm and went back to bed instead.

So I slept in, and dreamed of the circus, and Hubster got up when the kids did, fed them, and drugged them with TV so he could come back to the bedroom, crawl under the covers and indulge in a little more amore. And now that he’s off to church with Princess, I’m sitting on the couch, finishing up my soft-boiled egg on toast, sipping coffee, reading the newspaper, and watching Pixie dance around the living room to the Alegria soundtrack while I blog about all the little mundane details of my life. I am very content to know today that there are still circuses out in the world that are truly amazing to behold, and I’m also very content to know that the fire department responds promptly to all calls for emergencies, but most of all I am content to know that my house didn’t burn down around my ears last night and that I can still sit on my couch and enjoy my coffee this morning while I blog about the whole thing.

And I think that’s enough contentment to last for a while, don’t you?

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, folks.

Just Doodling – Manga portrait

Someone on Twitter asked me about ArtRage 2.5. ArtRage is a terrific natural media graphics program from Ambient Design that only costs $25. It’s not as powerful as Photoshop, doesn’t handle photo editing or stuff like that, but if you want to draw and paint on the computer, ArtRage is the program to go for. Here’s a recent sample of work I’ve done.

This is nothing fancy, just a quick portrait done to give me a feel for how ArtRage might handle manga style artwork. My only real complaint is that the marker tool is not all that great for inking. I’d rather sketch an image in ArtRage, take it to Manga Studio for inking, and then bring it back into ArtRage for coloring and painting effects. Thought if I want something seriously polished, I might handle the last part in Photoshop.

But even so, this image was all done in ArtRage, and I think it turned out pretty well. So there ya go. ArtRage. (And version 3 comes out soon, with a new inking tool. Sounds promising to me!)

Writing Wednesday – PerNoFiMo wrap up

Thank god it’s over. I finished work on PerNoFiMo – Personal Novel Finishing Month – on Sunday night. By that point, I had hit just over 40K words, doubling the amount I had written in that particular writing project to date. The work-in-progress, Whip It!, is still nowhere near done. I estimate the final story will be around 120K. But for now, I’m letting the story sit while I focus on other projects.

So, what did I learn from PerNoFiMo? Well, let’s see…

  • I can actually turn out 40K words in under 30 days.
  • About half of those words, if not more, are going to be pretty crappy.
  • But crappy writing can be edited, while no writing is still no writing.
  • Evenings after the kids have gone to bed make excellent time for writing. I loved curling up with the laptop in bed every night and just banging out words for two or more hours straight. This is one habit I hope to keep up.
  • I cannot write and handle e-mail in the same time period. I can either write, or check e-mail, but doing one negates the possibility of doing the other. I lost an entire evening of writing to tackling a response to just one e-mail. Yeah, three hours on one message. I was not happy about that.
  • Speaking of e-mail, I get too much of the damn stuff. It’s currently eating up at least 2 hours of my work day, and I still can’t keep up with the shit. Which probably means…
  • I need to cut back on a few things, to cut down on the amount of e-mail, or else free up time to handle it more. Or possibly both.
  • Final lesson – I cannot write a mystery without an outline. I must have the story blocked out first; not so much that I’ll lose all interest in the actual writing of the story, but enough to know what clues need to be set up and how to get from the crime to the solution without wanting to shoot myself along the way.

So, there ya go. PerNoFiMo – 40K words in 30 days, story still unfinished and half of what I wrote is complete donkey dung, but it’s progress none-the-less.

Where to go from here? Like I mentioned above, I intend to let Whip It! sit for a bit, possibly 2-3 months, before I return to it. On my to-do list, I have three stories for three different anthologies to write, and I need to get these done. That means I will once again be curling up in the evenings with the laptop to write for two hours before going to bed. Unlike PerNoFiMo, however, I intend to work at a more comfortable pace. I ended up writing just about every night for 2-3 hours, including weekends, and I started to burn out before the last week. Honestly, I like taking weekends off, and so I plan to not write on Friday and Saturday evenings just so I can curl up with the Hubster instead of the laptop and maybe watch some crappy TV. Or hey, even go out to a movie, or dinner, or have sex! Wouldn’t that be novel (as opposed to being a novel, in progress, every night of the week).

I took Monday and Tuesday nights off, so I plan to sit down again tonight and pull out that first story I need to write. Actually, it’s already written, but I really want to take another whack at it and make sure it’s good. Then I’ll get my other two stories written and go back to Whip It! I promise, I will get this story done.

Next week, I’ll try to post a snippet of what I wrote for PerNoFiMo, but for right now, I’ve got all that damned e-mail waiting for me to take care of it. Ciao, babies!

Nerdvana is Out!

I don’t have the official press release yet, but the m/m erotica anthology Nerdvana is out and available on!  Yours truly has a short story in it entitled, “Bully on the Playground.”  This is one of my more hardcore stories (and it’s never been published anywhere else!), so if that’s what you’re looking for, go get it!

And yes, I do think the guy on the cover looks like a naughty cross between Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter };D

Move It Mama Monday! Water, water everywhere!

So, water aerobics. You’d have thought a class dominated by senior citizens would have been easy, but no way Jose. I have been getting my patookie kicked in the pool the last few weeks trying to keep up with the grandmas and the grandpas while we jog and lift our little foam weights and in general churn up the chlorinated water like rabid mermaids. At the end of three weeks of this (at two classes a week), I now have more muscle definition than I’ve had in a while, and I definitely look and feel slimmer. But do I weigh less?

Of course not, because I’m now mid-cycle!

Around the middle of my menstrual cycle, I pack on about 3-5 pounds of water weight. There is nothing I can do to prevent it. I’ve tried drinking extra water to flush the excess fluid out of my system. I’ve tried sticking to a mainly veggie diet and cutting back on high fat foods. I’ve tried doing extra excerise around that time, getting more sleep, etc. Basically, none of it has prevented me from packing on the extra weight, so I’ve just learned to live with it. I keep hoping if I drop a couple of pounds that will counter the effect, but I haven’t had much luck losing weight, and at this point, so long as all my clothes fit, I really don’t care.

But Wii Fit Plus cares! Oh does that little sucker care. It never fails that I get to this point in my cycle, or I get to the end of my cycle (the other time I pack on the water weight), and suddenly Wii Fit is calling me “Fattie Fattie Two by Four” and demanding to know why my ass is so big. The damn thing actually gives me a list of reasons to choose from, but do you think hormones and water weight are anywhere on that list? Noooooooooo! Because that would mean Wii Fit is sensative to issues like that, and I’ve learned from experience that one thing Wii Fit is not is sensative.

Is it me, or is anybody else tired of Wii Fit’s snark? It shows up when you miss a day or two of working out, and again when you weigh in and show up a few pounds heavier. Oh, and if you don’t excel on some portion ofI the fitness test there are these little comments like, “Hm, looks like walking upright is not your strong suit!”

Between the snark and the fact that Wii Fit Plus failed to include any updates on its cardio games, I’ve pretty much relegated my workouts with it to one day a week. Oh, I still use it for fit tests, because I simply can’t do without my daily dose of snark and abuse, but otherwise, I’m focussing more on Gold’s Gym Cardio and My Fitness Coach.

And water aerobics. Because in the pool, it doesn’t matter how much water weight my butt is hauling. It’s just one more drop in the bucket 😉

Sunday Contentments – Discontentment

It had to happen sometime. I can’t get through everyday feeling chipper and full of sunshine. The past two weeks have been a pain in the butt, and I’ve gone through both weekends feeling grouchier than a fuzzy green puppet in a trashcan surrounded by annoyingly happy singing kids.

What’s been wrong? Nothing. Everything. You name it. The previous weekend got eaten alive by the dojo we attend, thanks to a local parade they participated in and a tournament they hosted. That meant no time for me to do the things I normally do. Then my schedule got further disrupted by the Thanksgiving holiday and having the kids home from school. Seriously, am I the only one who dreads the holidays because they interfere with my work?

Add to that the fact that I’m eating foods I wouldn’t normally eat, foods high in fat and carbs and sugar, plus my sleep schedule is off as well as my work schedule, and I’m under the added pressure to finish up PerNoFiMo and get ready for an upcoming convention, and the kids tore apart the house while decorating for Christmas and they’re at each other’s throats non-stop and oh, I started a new workout routine so I’m sore all the time.

So yeah, everything’s kind of combined to make me feel out of sorts and grumpy. I was really out of sorts this morning, and all through today, and feeling dead on my feet. I finally got through my workout. Since I hadn’t spent much time with the girls today that didn’t involve yelling at them, I called them in to read to me while I cleaned up. I had a nice hot bath while Princess read Skippy John Jones to Pixie and I, and then I laid in bed while she read some more, and at some point I drifted off to sleep.

And I woke up feeling a lot better.

I still have a lot of work to do, but man, what a difference a nap makes between being discontented and contented.