Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.

Chicago, day 04 – OMG! American Girl!!

Day 04 of our trip was divided between laundry and sightseeing with my sister-in-law Julie. I love Julie. I hate doing laundry in a hotel. The Embassy’s idea of laundry is to put one tiny washer and dryer on the 10th and 14th floor. The set up on the 10th was busy, so we had to make several trips back and forth between our hotel room on the 6th floor and the washing machine on the 14th. The kids were naturally bored. Meanwhile, I slaved over the last three days’ worth of dirty undies.

Fortunately, Julie came to save us at noon. She whisked us away to the Disney store and then to the freakiest place on Earth, the American Girl Store. You know yours truly is not American Girl material, not by a long shot. I don’t do the girlie girl thing, and I sure as hell don’t get into dolls and kids wearing matching outfits. American Girl is just too mundane and too commercialized for me. I saw a lot of families walking through that store, Moms chasing after daughters who brought their dolls with them so they could get just the right accessories, Dads dragging behind, arms loaded with doll stuff. Someone should have put those guys out of their misery. Someone should have put me out of my misery. I was just freaked by the whole Stepford atmosphere. But Princess and Pixie were in seventh heaven, running from one display to the next, oohing and ahhing over the dolls and their overpriced stuff. All along, Julie just kept laughing at me. Remember how I said I loved my sister-in-law? Maybe not so much in the American Girl Store.

We ended up getting two small (6 inch) dolls. I insisted on the historical dolls, so we got Josephina for Princess and Kaya for Pixie. We also got books on each doll. Then Julie got us out of there before my stomach turned itself completely inside out. We hopped on a bus and headed back to the hotel where we deposited our loot, then headed back out for the Millenium Park.

Millenium Park was cool. We started off with the big Bean, which is a giant bean shaped chrome sculpture that reflects everything at weird angles. It’s HUGE! And outside the Bean there were a group of kids doing a re-enactment of the big fight scene from Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. Then there was a display of modern sculptures by Chinese artists, as well as the fountain area. In the fountain area there are two tall pillars that display video images of faces. After these giant faces smile for a while, they purse their lips and spit, and a stream of water comes shooting out, soaking everyone. The girls loved it. After a while in there, we caught a rehearsal session of a local symphony (they were damned good!), and then Julie guided us back to our hotel.

Hubster came back a little later and took us out to dinner at a place called Big Bowl. They serve Thai, Chinese, etc., there, and all of it is good. But Pixie was a little too tired to enjoy. She fell asleep at the table, almost nodding off into her plate. Fortnately for Hubster, Big Bowl wasn’t too far from our hotel, because I nominated him to carry our sleeping offspring back.

And that was day 04! Here are the pics:

Julie discusses the joys of American Girl with Princess (I didn’t dare take a picture inside the store, for fear their security would break my arm).

Our loot after a day of shopping. Hubster is so broke now.

Fans re-enact the ending to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at the Bean.

More Harry Potter. Their MacGonigal was very good.

Julie (foreground) and the Bean (who’s proper name escapes me, but I think it’s called Cloud Reflection Sculpture or something like that).

Inside the Bean, looking up. Look for the bright flash. That’s me with my camera, reflected in the celing (and Julie’s ponytail is in the foreground).

Escher Princess…

…and Escher Pixie.

Giant Toy Dinosaur in the Millenium Park! Made in China.

Rinse and spit! Faces pillar in the Millenium Park.

At the symphony rehearsal, I asked Julie if Chicago was always like this. She said, “Like what? Awesome? Yeah, pretty much.”

Dinner at Big Bowl. Pixie was worn out!

And that’s pretty much day 04!

Chicago, day 03 – Shedd Aquarium

Day 03 of Chicago, I was on my own with the kids. Hubster headed off very early that morning for his conference. I got up as he left, somehow pulled myself together (the day before had been very long) and then had to pry two cranky children out of bed. Once I got everybody up, dressed, and fed, I hustled the three of us out of the hotel and down the few blocks to the bus stop where we hopped onto the 146 again and headed back out to the vicinity of the wonderous Field Museum.

In the same area as the Field, there is also the Adler Observatory and the Shedd Aquarium. Princess and Pixie were determined to see fish this day, so the aquarium was our goal. Prior to that, we took a detour into the Children’s Garden nearby the Field Museum. It’s a small garden with some interesting sculptures and a giant spider web jungle gym thing that kept the kids entertained for an hour or so. I actually had to drag them from the jungle gym to the Shedd Aquarium, but the whining stopped once we got inside and caught our first glimpse of fish.

Princess desperately wants an aquarium of her own, so she was enraptured with the Coral Reef display in the center of the Shedd. We got there in time to see one of the feedings. A diver hand fed all the rays, sharks and fish while a woman stood outside the tank and explained what was going on. The diver had a mic set-up, so he was able to help narrate and answer questions. I told Princess and Pixie that when they were old enough, we’d take them scuba diving. Hubster and I have been diving once, off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I’m dying to go again someday.

After the feeding was over, we saw the display on the Rising Amazon, which looks at the annual flooding of the Amazon River and how it affects the people, plants and animals that live on the banks. Then we hit the Wild Reef display, which looks at the reefs in the Philipines, and the conservations efforts going on in that area to protect the wild life while still letting the local population survive off of fishing the reefs.

Then it was lunch time. I have to say, as much as I like the Shedd Aquarium, it’s dining facilities leave something to be desired. The upper cafe is apparently dine-in. They had a side bar where I tried to order a small meal for myself and the kids, but apparently yours truly is too blind to see the sign (in white letters on a beige sign board) that says the side bar doesn’t serve food until 2PM. So we headed downstairs to eat in the self-serve cafe, which turned out to be a zoo, and not the good kind. We finally got food, two bowls of macaroni and one bowl of chili, with drinks for the bargain price of $35, and escaped outside to eat on the terrace. The food was good, but for $35, I would have expected something gourmet.

After that, the kids claimed they were too tired to do any more and wanted to go back to the hotel and swim in the pool. I relented, and we magically made it back to the bus and then back to the hotel. I say magically because I know jack squat about public transportation, and because in spite of our best efforts, we have yet to be able to find a map of the bus routes in this part of Chicago. Our hotel doesn’t carry such a map, which I think is an absolute disgrace, right up there with the $15 a day price for internet connection.

Anyway, we made it back to the hotel, got into our swim suits, and spent an hour in the pool. Then we waited for Hubster to return to the hotel. He decided to hit the Adler Observatory after his day at the conference, thinking we might be there, but he got there half an hour after we left to go back to the hotel. Still, he had a nice afternoon, and when he joined us back at the hotel, he took us to Portelli’s, a place that serves some very good hot dogs. I had my first hot dog Chicago style, loaded with peppers, onions, mustard and a pickle spear. Once again, I was thankful for the walk to and back from the restaurant. Our meal wasn’t huge (though the cost for four of us at Portelli’s was cheaper than the cost for three of us at the Shedd cafeteria). But it was enough that I wanted the time and activity to help me digest. Along the way back, we stopped at Argo Tea for a quick cup. They have the world’s best Darjeeling there!

And that was pretty much day 03. Here are the pics from that day:

Princess and Pixie at the entrance to the Children’s Garden at Soldier Field.

They’re over the moon about Chicago.

The spider-web jungle gym!

It’s a loooooooong way down!

Each sculpture in the garden is a variation of the Earth…

Like this one, the Water Earth!

Feeding time at the Shedd Aquarium!

Crown of Thorns Sea Stars.

Is it a rock, or a fish?

I think we found Nemo…

You think this turtle can get us all the way back to our hotel?

And that’s pretty much day 03!

Chicago, day 02 – Pirates and Evolution!

Our second day in Chicago turned out to be fantastic. For starters, the Embassy hotel gives out a nice free hot breakfast (though they’re frikkin’ misers with their internet connection; $15 a day!). After filling up on eggs and bacon, we headed out to the Field Museum. First we had to walk to the nearest stop, which was rather nice. I like walking around in Chicago, seeing the sights. For some reason, Chicago doesn’t weird me out the way DC does. Maybe it’s because of the part of Chicago I’m walking in; it’s very nice here. But we had a few blocks walk to the bus stop, then we hopped on the 146 and rode to the Field Museum. We met my brother-in-law Pat and his wife Julie there. The girls love Uncle Pat and Aunt Julie (or Uncle Julie and Aunt Pat, as Pixie sometimes calls them), and I always appreciate having extra adults around to ride herd on the kids.

The Field Museum is HUGE! We spent all day there, at least 8 hours, and still only went through a couple of the exhibits. We saw their special exhibit on the slave ship Whydah (sp?) and the pirate Sam Bellamy. Then we hit the Underground exhibit, where the kids got a look at giant earth worms and other cool creepy crawlies that live underground. After that we saw the Egyptian exhibit, where we saw plenty mummies, wrapped and unwrapped. I saw a few things there that sparked some story ideas and Julie laughed every time I pulled out my notebook to write something down. It can’t be helped. That’s the nature of being a writer. I hate to let a go idea go.

After the Egyptians, we saw the exhibit on “This Evolving Earth.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better exhibit on biology and the development of life on this planet. I was pleasantly surprised to realize how much I actually knew about evolution, and at a few points I was lecturing to Julie on things like the advantages of sexual reproduction vs. asexual reproduction (and no, the word orgasm never once entered that discussion). Then as soon as I’d wrap up my little lecture, we’d turn around and discover a display on whatever it was I’d just talked about. Weird! It was like I was channeling my dad.

We stayed in the Field Museum until closing. On our way out, we hit the gift shop, where I was able to pick up a book based on the evolution exhibit. It has everything from the exhibit in it, so it’s like taking that whole part of the museum home with me, right down to the fun little animated movies on “How to Become a Fossil” (step one: die!) and the pictures of hominid skulls and dinosaur bones. Can you tell how thrilled I am to have picked up that book?

After the museum, we took a quick break at the hotel room and then hooked up with Pat and Julie again at the Rain Forrest Cafe. Thankfully, we walked there and back, and thankfully I didn’t eat anything too fattening. I usually put on a few pounds during vacations, but I’m hoping that with all the walking around, that won’t happen this time. I need to be able to fit in my jeans when I get on the plane to come home (since I hear they don’t usually let pantless people fly).

Here are a few pics from day 02:

The Field Museum!

Pat and Julie with our insect babies.

“Daddy, can I have a sarcophagus?” (BTW, Pixie says the sarcophaguses were her favorite part of the museum, and yes, she actually pronounced the word sarcophagus, much to the amazement of the woman sitting next to us on the bus back to our hotel.)

Pirates like to hang around the Field Museum. Apparently so do pterodactyls.

That’s Dinosaur Sue in the foreground, one of the most complete T. Rex skeletons ever found, on display in the main hall of the Field Museum.

Princess and Aunt Julie meet Lucy, one of the earliest hominids.

What makes us human? Our ability to create tools and works of art…

Dinosaur Sue, from head on.

Of course we’re evolved! Pat, Princess, Julie and Pixie sit with a close relative at the Rain Forrest Cafe.

And that was pretty much day 02!

Chicago, Day 01 – Arrival and Navy Pier

Hubster signed up to present a paper at the AIAA conference in Chicago this month, and he signed us all up to go along. We do this sort of thing on a regular basis. He takes us to some far away place, drops us in a strange city, and runs off to play scientist while I have to figure out what to do with the kids. I was a little intimidated by the thought of hitting Chicago with a 3 year-old and a 6 year-old in tow, but so far this trip we’ve survived. Oh, and thanks to the fact that our hotel charges an arm and a leg for wireless access, I have no idea when these posts will get up. I’m writing this one in Chicago, but will probably not be able to post until I get back to good ol’ Virginnie.

Having said that, here’s a brief run down of day 01 of our trip, with photos.

Made it to the airport barely in time, and found our flight was delayed. Took a puddle jumper to Chicago airport. Lots of turbulence. Joy!

Rode a shuttle van to our hotel, and got a good look at traffic along the way. So damned glad we opted not to get a rental car. We barely survive the trip from the airport to the hotel, and our driver knew how to drive in Chicago.

After unloading our bags, we headed out to the Navy Pier, where there are tons of rides, games, and other attractions to enjoy. We played miniature golf. Well, three of us played mini golf. Pixie was too intent on clubbing the rest of us to death to pay attention to her ball. Not that Princess didn’t try to kill us as well. She doesn’t understand yet that mini golf is a putting game, not a full swing game of golf. Oy!

We also rode the carosel, and Princess and Hubster rode the big swings.

Look for the two-seater swing on the right side, the one with the guy in the big white sneakers. That’s Hubster, with Princess beside him.

We managed to snag a table at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. due to the fact that half their kitchen broke, so they were only serving a limited menu that evening. Half the menu was good enough for us. I was pleasantly surprised to see they served normal sized portions, as opposed to the giganto-sized proportions I’m used to seeing in most restaurants these days. I like being able to eat an entire meal without feeling like I’m going to recreate the final scene from Monty Python’s “The Meaning Of Life.”

After that, we returned to the hotel for the evening and slept hard.

Fabulous quote from day 01 of the trip – “If you hit your sister in the head, the game is over!” (Said to Princess during mini golf.)

Second fabulous quote from day 01 – “Quit horsing around!” (Said to both girls while riding the carousel.)

The Bag Dilemma

Prior to leaving for Chicago this week, I spent two days packing for three people – me, Princess, and Pixie. (Hubster is on his own with this chore.) We’ve taken enough family trips that I’ve gotten pretty good at getting the three of us stuffed into one suitcase. I know exactly how many sets of underpants, socks, shorts, jeans, etc., to bring. What I don’t know, what I can never figure out, is what purse to bring.

Well, purse isn’t exactly the right word for it. I don’t like to carry makeup with me, and I usually prefer to keep my wallet safely zipped in a pants pocket, so I don’t do the girly girl thing and carry a purse. What I do like to carry is: a drawing pad; a mechanical pencil; an art eraser; a set of drawing pens; maybe some drafting tools; also a composition notebook and ballpoint pen for writing down any story ideas I get. If I’m thinking clearly, I’ll also toss in a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitizer, my cell phone, and coupons for whatever bookstore I’m headed out to that day. So it’s more of an art/writing bag, and I’ve got bags of various sizes set up with exactly this sort of kit. I’ve got a tiny one with the world’s smallest drawing pad and notebook for quick trips out, a larger bag with Jack Skellington on it for when I want to look truly goth, and a sturdy red bag with water bottle pockets that’s handy for a long day’s adventure.

Unfortunately, these bags all work best for when I’m running around my home town. When I’m about to get on an airplane for a long trip, not so much. The problem is, these bags will only hold what I’ve already listed, but they will not hold my beloved netbook. My little Asus EEE is too big for even the largest of those three bags. I do have a messenger bag big enough to hold the Asus and all the other stuff, but that bag is too big to lug around on a sight seeing trip and it’s covered in pins and metallic goo-gaws so it’s no good for airport security.

What I’d like to get is one more bag, something in between the size of the red art bag and the big messenger bag, something I wouldn’t cover in pins and something that would still hold a water bottle in case the kids and I get thirsty when we spend a day sightseeing. I haven’t found that bag yet. This bag is the closest I’ve come so far, but as you can see, no pockets for water bottles.

I suppose I could go with a backpack; I do have a couple of those. But the backpacks I have are too big and heavy for toting around all day and I always worry about somebody sneaking up behind me and stealing something out of the bag when I’m not paying attention (paranoid, I know). So, I’ll keep looking. For Chicago, I am taking a backpack, but I’m stuffing my sturdy red bag into it along with the netbook. That way I can leave the backpack and netbook in the hotel and travel carefree with the smaller bag during the day.

If you know of a bag that would solve my problem, send me a link so I can check it out! I really do need to solve this whole bag dilemma.

Fiction Friday – Good Bye, Shojo Beat

book_wyrm.jpgIf you’re an avid reader of manga, you probably already knew Shojo Beat magazine was pulling up stakes and ceasing publication. Being a somewhat avid reader of manga (because at $10 a pop, I can’t afford to buy all the manga I want), I got a big surprise in the mail last month.

At first, I couldn’t figure it out. It was the beginning of the month, and I was expecting to get my issue of Shojo Beat. But when the mail man handed it to me, there was this big picture of Naruto on the cover. Naruto, if you don’t know, is a Shonen Jump character. Shonen Jump is an action adventure manga, with lots of stories about mega-super battles and sword fighting and kids who spend their entire lives searching for the perfect card to win Yu-Gi-Oh. Shojo Beat is a romance manga magazine, with complicated stories about relationships, and young women trying to find themselves in the big world, and it has nifty articles on Japanese culture and cooking and there are craft projects you can do, and some of the best manga in the world runs in Shojo Beat, a new chapter of the story appearing every month!

At least that’s what happened before Shojo Beat decided to roll over and play dead.

So there I was, looking at Naruto, wondering if maybe it was a cross-over thingie to get Shojo Beat readers interested in Shonen Jump, or maybe it was an ad and I was looking at the back of the magazine. Then I flipped it over and saw the letter.

Dear subscriber, we regret to inform you that Shojo Beat will no longer be published. Please accept this issue of Shonen Jump in its place…


You could hear my howls of displeasure for miles. I swear, I was so upset. Shojo Beat was the only girlie thing I truly enjoyed in my life. I loved the stories. Normally, I can’t stand romance, but Japanese manga romance, shojo, is very different from what you’ll find in the romance section of your local bookstore. Shojo stories take time to develop relationships and plots. The hero and heroine don’t fall head over heels in love with each other right off the bat. They don’t sleep with each other within the first few chapters. Hell, in the course of the story, they probably won’t sleep with each other at all (though I have seen a few exceptions, and keep in mind I haven’t read the entire genre). There are side stories and sub-plots that have nothing to do with the main story, but are still engaging to read. There’s drama that’s believable. Heroines who aren’t model perfect, heroes who are gawky and sweet. Alpha males and beauty queens don’t normally cut it in shojo. The stories are too good for that.

But Shojo Beat is gone now. My monthly fix for girlie girl romance that doesn’t turn my stomach now goes unfulfilled. Oh sure, the stories will still be published in digest format, on a quarterly basis. In December, January, and February, I’ll be able to pick up the latest volumes of Sand Chronicles, Vampire Knight, and Honey and Clover. And I’ll enjoy reading them too. But there won’t be any more recipes for grapefruit rice pilaf, no articles on Japanese paper crafts. No more fashion finds or J-Pop music reviews. As for that gift of Shonen Jump? No thanks. It’s just not the same, really.

I’m devastated, I tell ya. I want my Shojo Beat back. Please?

Episode 35 – I Can Haz Karate Skillz!!

Ya know, I think this is the best Cynical Woman cartoon I’ve drawn yet. Lettering still needs work, but it’s getting better.

Yes, I am really and truly a black belt, which means I know the basics of karate and am most deadly to myself. I do train with various kobudo weapons, including the nunchaku, and I’m testing for my 2nd degree black belt in weapons this coming September (I’m already a 2nd degree black belt in open-hand karate).

I’m going to two classes a week right now, and those usually last 2 1/2 hours (thus the reason why I’m only doing two classes a week; I think more would kill me). I have on occasion hit myself – in the elbow, the leg, the back, and yes, the head. Others have hit me as well. In fact, the Hubster once mistook me for a 6 foot tall, 1200 lb gorilla during a sparring drill and to this day my right knee still has not recovered. Somebody else took out the left knee a few months later, so if I walk funny, you know why.

I’m heading to Chicago this weekend, and I’m taking a small drawing pad with me. Don’t know what I’ll draw, but it will probably show up here. Meanwhile, if you must see more of my work, I have set up a Deviant Art page. It’s at There’s various things there, including a few odd cartoons that have nothing to do with Cynical Woman beyond the fact that I drew them.

One final note, if you love me, if you really really love me, take a few moments to visit my podcast and enter my contest!!! I’m running a listener appreciation contest over at I’ll be giving away t-shirts, boxers and thongs, and print copies of my fabulous short story collection, Future Perfect. It’s all naughty stuff, and it’s good fun. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on the Heat Flash blog at or send me an e-mail at Contest runs between now and midnight EST, 26 August. Go here for specific details.

That’s it for now. I’ll see if I can’t get some funky doodling done while in Chicago. Hubster’s at a conference so I will be schlepping the kids around the city on my ownsome. Something painfully funny is bound to happen, I’m sure. Keep your fingers crossed that I survive.

Review – Wii Sports Resort

Well, I’ve written previously about Wii Fit, and EA Sports Active. I’ve also written about Dance Dance Revolution and Wii Sports. Usually all these subjects come under the heading of exercise, fitness, Move It Mama Monday… That’s because all my Wii activity is related to exercise.

Until now. I bought Wii Sports Resort thinking it would be nice to have more sports type games to play while working out. I’ve been playing the Wii Sports tennis and boxing a bit in the afternoons as part of a mini-workout, both to keep me moving during the day and to help me fight off the afternoon sleepies. I thought Wii Sports Resort would be just the thing to add to my repetoire of fitness games. The ads promised sword fighting, canoeing, bicycling, etc. I was sure to get a bit of exercise in there, right?

Eh, not so much. Most of the Sports Resort games aren’t set up with physical fitness in mind, which I think is a shame. Nintendo really missed out here. I love to play games while working out. It keeps things interesting, always a big plus when exercising, and that little bit of competition spurs me to work harder. I was able to get that out of Wii Sports tennis and boxing, no problem.

But most of the Sports Resort games don’t require any physical effort to play. They’re more hand-eye coordination games. The sky diving, frisbee throwing, basket ball, and other games only need minimal movement from the player to work. I thought the bicycling would be promising, pumping both arms up and down to pedal the bike in a race had to be work, right? But Nintendo pulled the fangs out of that one by forcing players to stop if their Miis get overheated or work too hard. Huh? I thought this was a RACE!

The one on one sword fighting only lasts three rounds, max, and if you’re any good at it, those rounds are short. The speed cutting is another hand-eye game. The third sword game has potential though. You have to fight a horde of people to get across a bridge. All that swinging and knocking people out did make me breath a little hard. A few rounds of that might make me break a sweat.

Canoeing is another potential mini-workout. This time, the game doesn’t force you to stop if it thinks your Mii is working too hard. Instead, the trick is to keep the canoe going straight while you paddle from side to side. The races get longer as you get better, so this looks promising.

But over all, Wii Sports Resort is not a workout sort of game. Again, sad that this is so, because a series of workout games would be exactly what I’d like. Having said that though, I have enjoyed playing Wii Sports Resort. Hubster actually went out and bought two extra remotes with the new Motion Plus attachments Sports Resort requires, so that all four of us can play together. And we have been playing, at least a couple games a day. The kids really enjoy it. These are games they can do with little trouble. As for me, I may not work up a sweat, but I have found playing a couple rounds of table tennis will ward off the sleepies.

Final word, I’d recommend Wii Sports Resort, but not for working out. Play this one for fun, and make sure you’ve got plenty of remotes on hand so everyone can join in.

Wii Sports Resort on

This month’s free erotica reads!

I’ve got four, count ’em, FOUR free reads up this month at the Erotica Readers and Writers Association! All of these stories are from the Random Words theme I did for the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast. If you’ve never listened to Heat Flash, and you’re wondering what the heck it’s all about, you can read the stories, or listen to the MP3s. Here’s the run down on the stories:

  • Wildorf the Merciless – a man half the time, a wombat the other, Wildorf the Merciless is cursed to switch between these forms unless a beautiful courtesan can break the spell. Read it here or listen to the podcast here!
  • Best In Show – a dog girl and her dominatrix are out to become The Galaxy’s Top Dom! But when the competition plays dirty, do our ladies still have a chance? Read it here or listen to the podcast here!
  • The Ransom – imagine waking up and finding a very important piece of yourself has somehow managed to walk off! That’s what happens to Martin Schuller, and the price he has to pay to get it back is very interesting indeed. Read the story here or listen to the podcast here.
  • Into the Woods – a flash fiction about what can happen when you go wandering late at night to answer nature’s call. Read the story here or listen to it here.

By the way, I’m running a contest for the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast this month. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on the Heat Flash blog, or e-mail me feedback about the show. Prizes include t-shirts, boxers and thongs, and print copies of “Future Perfect: A Collection of Fantastic Erotica.” Details are here!