Flashback Friday! Random Characters


I’ve been posting images from the same sketchbook for several weeks now. A lot of that sketchbook was just random scribbles and doodles. I hated that sketchbook at the time because I thought there was nothing significant or worthwhile in it, but looking at it now, I actually like it.  Even though this sketchbook is perhaps 15 years old, I can see a certain development in my cartooning style. 

Also, I realize just by looking at this page that I ought to randomly doodle and scribble more often. In fact, Mich (she who is my brain) has insisted that I start spending a certain amount of time everyday drawing and sketching to improve my skill and drawing speed. The last 2–3 weeks have been too hectic to start a new habit like that, but hopefully I’ll get started on this soon. Or I may have already started, since I wrote this blog post more than a week in advance. I guess we shall see, huh?

Flashback Friday! Hags and Amazons


No idea when this page was drawn, but the character in the lower left corner of this page is who I wish I could be. The character in the upper right is who I’ll probably end up being in another 15–20 years. Strangely, not a fate I am unhappy about. If I can’t be beautiful, at least let me be scary! Or, you know, let me be that big fluffy cat in the upper left corner of the page. I could deal with that.

Flashback Friday! B5 Toons


I posted the finished B5 cartoon a couple years ago.  Just last week I found the original sketch. The character in the lower left is my version of Scully from the S-Files. Delen is in the middle, obviously having a bad hair day, and I have no idea who that sinister employee from Mickey D’s is supposed to be. Why I drew that guy, I’ll never know. He vaguely reminds me of cartoons I’ve done of the Hubster, but the Hubster worked at Burger King, not McDonald’s, when he was in school, and I worked at Hardee’s. So, who knows! But I do like the B5 sketch. It’s one of my favorite cartoons.

I’m at Balticon this weekend, mostly likely doing panels on web comics, writing, erotica, new media and podcasting, digital art, and whatever else is on my schedule. Check the program book and look for a blue-haired woman with horns!

Visit the “Very Scary Art” blog!

In case you didn’t know, I run another blog called “Very Scary Art.” It’s an online gallery of children’s drawings of their greatest fears. Most of the artwork came from DonorsChoose.org for the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear hosted by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. New posts usually go up on Tuesday and Thursday, so be sure to take a look. Today’s drawing is “Spirit Shadows!” Spooky!

Episode 162 – I love eggs, but…


Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized webcomic!

I’m always busy, always. And I will freely admit there have been times when I’ve been too busy and I fumbled a few things. The past two years in particular have been rather difficult. In part, it’s due to my kids going to a new school, and in part, it’s due to my increasing involvement in Girl Scouts.  But really, it’s mainly due to the fact that I’ve slowly let my work hours get eaten away by non-work related activities.

The Hubster realized this before I did.  I was complaining to him last week that I just didn’t have enough hours in the day, and changes to next year’s school schedule were pretty much going to kill my work schedule. He pointed out that from 8AM to 2:30PM, the kids would still be in school and he’d be at work, just like they are now.  Those hours ought to give me plenty of time for me to sit down at my desk to work as well. Problem is, I don’t spend that much time at my desk.  Why?

Well, for starters there’s exercise. I go to the Y two mornings a week, and then at least once a week I go to the dojo for karate class. And when I’m not at those places, I go for a run or ride the bike.  Exercise usually takes an hour out of my work day, and getting ready beforehand and cleaning up afterward takes another hour.  Plus I do try to get a load or two of laundry washed and folded every day, and I like to clean up the kitchen, and the floor needs to be swept, and by then it’s lunch time, and of course I ought to read the news…

You see where this is going, right? All these non-work related things are eating away at my precious work hours, keeping me away from my desk. Yes I need to exercise, and yes I need to clean the house and stay on top of the laundry.

But do I really need to do it between 8AM and 2:30PM?

I’m hoping the answer is ‘no.’  I’m hoping that I can find some other time during the day to do those things, and still get them done.  For example, there’s a 6AM deep water aerobics class at the Y that I could go to on Monday and Friday, instead of my usual 8AM. Yeah, it means getting up at 5:15AM, and it also means that the Hubster is on his own those mornings, getting the kids up and out of bed. But you know what? That’s okay. Hubster says he doesn’t have a problem getting the girls up and moving and fed and out the door, and I can actually drag myself out of bed at the butt-crack of dawn if I set my alarm. And let’s be honest, a dip in a cold pool will wake me up just as well as a cup of hot coffee, won’t it?

As for the laundry and house cleaning… Well, it’s time the kids started earning an allowance anyway.  Princess can fold laundry, not perfectly, but she can do it. Pixie can help sort it, and she can also pick up around the house. Both girls know how to clean a toilet, and Princess can wash dishes while Pixie feeds the cats. I would still be doing a lot of chores myself, but with two helpers in tow, I’d hopefully get the house clean and teach the girls a few things about responsibility in the process.

What’s really funny about all this is that I already knew what I needed to do to steal back my schedule. I just didn’t know what I needed to do until the Hubster said it out loud for me. So here’s hoping he and I are both right. We’ll see. I’ve got a couple of weeks to try it before the girls are out of school for the summer. Then I’ll have to come up with a new plan to keep all those eggs in the air for summer.  But I’ll think of something, I’m sure. And if I don’t, Hubster will. Or we’ll just eat a whole lot of eggs. Who knows!

ACW Episode 160 – Don’t Open that Door!


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized image!

I drew this comic on Saturday. I spent all day Sunday working on a commission for a client. I finished this morning at 4AM. My house is a disaster. My office looks like someone vomited computer graphics magazines all over the place. I have email coming out the wazoo because my inbox can no longer contain it. And then there’s the actual physical mail which, combined with the unwashed laundry, is probably going to topple on me and kill me the moment I open the office door to resume the rest of my life.

Oh well! I’m taking a day just to sleep because I’ve been up 24 hours straight. I’ll deal with all that stuff when I wake up. Sometime on Tuesday, I think.


Current Work-In-Progress by Helen E. H. Madden
Photoshop, 30 April 2012

Flashback Friday – This is how I feel right now


“Cynical Woman (with Pookie)” by Helen E. H. Madden, Sharpie pen on sketch paper, July 28, 1993

Long before Cynical Woman became me with horns, I drew her like this. And I think when I’m older, this is exactly how I’m going to look, so consider this a prescient self-portrait. The bug in the picture, Pookie, is a Madagascar hissing cockroach, a nod to the original Cynical Woman, Joelle.  Joelle studied entomology and wrote her master’s thesis on cockroaches. I remember sitting through her presentation. I didn’t understand any of what she said, but she did mention the word “ootheca” an awful lot.

Anyway, sorry for posting this late today. I’ve been busting ass on my current commission, a book cover for a publisher I work with.  I’ve been posting screen shots of the work-in-progress on Twitter and on Facebook, so if you follow me on either of those, you may have seen what I’ve been slaving over the last couple weeks.  (If you don’t follow me on either Twitter or Facebook, why not?! I’m a perfectly nice social media person, and I haven’t bitten anyone on Twitter in days, and the guy on Facebook that I did bite did NOT contract rabies, contrary to popular belief. He was already rabid to begin with.)

But I’ve been working very hard on this digital painting and staying up way too late too many nights and today it really caught up with me. After the Hubster left to take the girls to school, I went back to bed and had nightmares for the next few hours about Hubster switching out our phone for a complicated media center remote that I couldn’t operate to save my life (don’t laugh, he does this to me in real life all the damned time!) and it was very important that I call 911 because an undead Anne Romney might or might not have invaded our home and I was not putting up with that. 

Needless to say I woke up in a cold sweat and all the coffee in the world cannot help me feel normal and fully functional today. Oh well. Back to the digital painting.


Work-In-Progress by Helen E. H. Madden, Photoshop, 26 April, 2012

Flashback Friday – Phoenix in Oil Pastels


“Phoenix” by me, age ??

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a Flashback Friday post. Sorry. Girl Scouts, as always, is the reason why. First it was cookie season, then it was training, and now I have to take 10 little girls camping in a couple weeks. So I’ve been a bit busy.

Anyway, about the drawing above. I don’t like it. I did this in college, I think. I remember I took a course on creativity and the teacher urged us to draw mandalas whenever we had the chance. This was my version of a mandala. It was circular, at least, and colorful. But looking at it today I also think it’s blurry and messy and I really could have eased up on how much oil pastel I ground into the paper. I used to do the same thing with pencils and crayons too, until I learned better. Shading and coloring take patience. Color has to be built up slowly over time. I’m learning that lesson all over again as I work on a digital painting for a client. Easy, slow, take your time building up the layers of color. I’m sure I’ll keep learning this lesson many times before it finally sinks in.