Yeah, so this actually happened when we went camping last month. It happened a lot.
Category: The Adventures Of Cynical Woman
Weekly webcomic about my life as a stay-at-home mom and erotica writer.
ACW Episode 253 – The Great Outdoors!
Hubster and I took the kids camping in the Blue Ridge mountains last month, and this is exactly what happened. It was like someone dropped a big, wet, dense blanket all over the mountains.
As you can see, I’m still struggling to get the webcomic done on a weekly schedule. For now, I’m just going to keep working on it every day and then publish as soon as the webcomic is ready. I’m doing my best to juggle between Girl Scouts volunteer work, paying work, taking care of the house and kids, and trying not to kill myself in the process. You’ll notice, the first thing on that list is “Girl Scouts volunteer work” and the last thing is “trying not to kill myself.” That’s pretty much the order of the priority list, sad to say.
But I’m just going to keep working away at it and things will get done as they get done. I’m going to get back to working on the next webcomic now.
ACW Episode 252 – She’s a STAR!!
ACW Episode 251 – Rescue me!
This was part of the Girl Scouts small watercraft test I had to take. After flipping the boat, I had to get back into it. Without anyone pulling me in. Which is actually quite hard. Especially since those flotation vests don’t bend. Do you know how hard it is to get back into a canoe when you can’t bend at the waist? I ended up going over sideways, across the part of my torso that wasn’t covered by the vest, and that’s how I cracked a rib. Fun!
I’ve scheduled more time to draw webcomics, so hopefully I’ll start to get them drawn and posted more regularly. The webcomics have gotten more complicated to draw, as I’ve mentioned. This is because I’m trying to draw more detailed backgrounds and do more technically challenging things (like drawing canoes in perspective). I think it’s been worth the effort to push myself to do these things, but it does take more time. Hopefully, I will get faster at this, and I will definitely be spending more time in the mornings drawing webcomics before I do anything else.
Anyhoo, have fun! Now that I’ve got this posted, I’m going to put down my Wacom stylus and head out to the gym! See ya!
ACW Episode 250!!! Row, row, row your boat!
Wow! 250 webcomics and I’m still here. Which is pretty surprising considering the above cartoon did happen. Row the canoe out to the middle of the lake… tip the canoe… turn the canoe upright… get back into the canoe… row the canoe… tip the canoe… etc., etc.
It’s taking me longer than I’d like to get the webcomic done. I do work on it every day, usually for at least an hour, more when I can. But I am slow. Script writing goes very quickly, but penciling takes me forever to get done. Inking is a bit faster, as is coloring and adding dialog, but it still all adds up to a lot of work.
I think part of the reason why is because I’ve gotten more ambitious in what I draw. The backgrounds are more detailed. And every now and then I try to do something I’ve never done before, like drawing a canoe in perspective (that was a huge challenge this week). I think it makes the webcomic better, even if it does slow things down.
So I will keep working, and do what I can to get faster at putting out the comic. Hopefully all the time and effort I put into it is worth it 🙂
ACW Episode 249 – It’s fitting time!
Princess is 11 years old. Seriously. Keeping up with school uniforms is getting expensive.
The kids are back at school, and I’m trying to get to work on a schedule that will let me get comics done on a regular basis again. Of course, I’m once again juggling volunteer work with my own personal work. I’ll have to see how this works out.
I’m also trying to do more blog posts. You may start seeing quick posts that are just shots of whatever my current work in progress is. I’d love to start doing some posts on craft projects, like some of the crochet toys I’ve done, but that means I’ll have to find time to do the crafts as well as write the blog posts.
Anyhoo, if you start to see lots of quit photos of drawings and weird cat or crochet pictures, that’s just me flailing around, trying to do some blogging.
Ya know, strangely enough, it was easier for me to write blog posts when I had a pre-schooler and an infant that it is now that I’ve got a pre-teen and a grade schooler. What happened to my time?!
ACW Episode 248 – Karate Camp!
At the beginning of the month, the whole family went to a 4-day karate camp in National Harbor. This was a major event, since 4 of the instructors there were from Okinawa, including the son of the current head of our style of karate. We did 3 hours of karate the first day, 6 hours on the second and third day, and by the fourth day we couldn’t move, so we didn’t.
I’m still sort of recovering from that camp. Of course, I had Girl Scout volunteer training all weekend, which has left me exhausted, and I’m trying to get ready for a kobudo (Okinawan traditional weapons) test this coming weekend. I am very, very tired.
ACW Episode 247 – Swim test, anyone?
File this one under the category of “things that really happened.” The lifeguard at our pool is the son of our next door neighbor. I’ve known him since he was about 6 years old. Now he’s in college and taller than I am.
Of course, Princess (who is only 11) is going to be taller than he is very soon.
ACW Episode 246 – Shear horror
Well, once again I’m a little late getting this done, but there is a good reason. I’ve been working to draw better comics, and that means more active poses for the characters, more detailed backgrounds, improved inking, drawing the word balloons by hand, etc. I use Manga Studio 5 EX to draw the Cynical Woman comics, and it’s got a lot of interesting tools and features for making comics. Honestly, I’ve only just scratched the surface of what this program can do, but it seems like every week, I discover something new I want to try. While learning the ins and outs of the program does slow me down, I also think it improves the comics a LOT.
Anyhoo, yours truly will be doing a lot of gardening this year. I volunteered to work on the school grounds, pulling weeds, planting flowers, etc. Honestly, the school could not have found a worse person for the job, I think. But no one else had stepped forward to help this summer, so I decided, what the hey? I’m good at killing plants, so maybe I can at least put that talent to use to get rid of all the weeds.
Unless they get rid of me first, of course.
Let me know if you think the artwork in the webcomic has improved. I’m going to keep working at it regardless, but feedback is always nice.