Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized webcomic!
This one is for all you fellow Tolkien fans/cat owners out there. I'm currently reading “The Children of Hurin” and my cat just LOVES to interupt my reading.
Web comics and other cartoons by by Helen E. H. Madden
It’s amazing how many weapons I can find in my craft room.
Mich and I survived Balticon. Many thanks to everyone who stopped by our table to see us. The support we got from you guys this weekend (i.e. you all bought something) was AWESOME!!! I’ll provide more details on Balticon later. I’m going to bed now.
One of my Girl Scouts said this to me on our camping trip last month. I'm not sure, but I think the troop was discussing survival strategies in extreme situations. **I** certainly did not start the topic of conversation.
Today is the last day if Balticon. The weekend has been frighteningly successful. Lots of stuff sold, plans already made to come back next year. Will blog about it more after I've had several days of sleep.
Mich and I are at Balticon this weekend! We have a table! I am doing a panel on making webcomics with the iPad! AND WE WILL HAVE STUFF TO SELL!! Come see us at our table!
Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized webcomic!
The cat nearly killed me a couple weeks ago by jumping on me in the middle of storytime. Then he tried to smoother me to death last week.
Thankfully, he is not nearly as heavy as his brother.
(And no, I did not let the cat drink my wine.)
I will be at Balticon this coming weekend! Among other things, I will be doing a panel on creating webcomics using the iPad. I'll also have an artist table with fun stuff to sell! So come see me!
Uh-oh! Looks like trouble is brewing in Paradise! Or maybe it’s baking…
Mich and I will be at Balticon over Memorial Day weekend, and we will have a table! And we will be selling things at this table! Evil THINGS!! Evil handmade thiiiiiiiiings!! Just look for the Cynical Woman banner, or the very attractive woman with horns and bright pink hair.
Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized comic!
Yes, we did eventually find a female super hero. Yes, she was all pink. Yes, my hair is pink, too. But sometimes it's blue. Or orange. In fact, my hair has been lots of colors. And while I like pink, I hate that people insist that pink is for girls, or that anything related to girls must be pink!!
The only other female super hero we could find was all in yellow, the other approved color for female super heroes. And yes, both these female super heroes were Power Rangers. And yes, we ended up buying them, because I was desperate and because Princess and Pixie love Power Rangers.
But I insisted on putting a cut-out of the Sensational She-Hulk on the cake. Because Shulkie ROCKS!!!
Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized webcomic!
So, this actually happened. I volunteered to plan a party for our Service Unit's leader appreciation meeting, and I decided the theme would be “Volunteers Are Heroes.” I spent weeks figuring out what to do for decorations, activities, party favors, food, etc. Then two weeks before, I went shopping for action figures to use as cake toppers and found out there is apparently no such thing as a female action figure. Major FAIL.
I've been in fandom a looooooooong time (about 30 years, in fact) and I'm familiar with how things work in the world of comicbook heroes. But honestly, the girls and I couldn't even find a Black Widow action figure, and last I saw, she was pretty popular these days thanks to the Avengers movie. So what gives?
On the upside, planning this party did rekindle my interest in comic books, a long neglected part of my geekdom, and I had the chance to spend plenty of time explaining to the girls about the different characters in comic books, especially the women characters. And this in turn led to me going into a local comic book store and starting up collecting again. Nothing major like I used to do. Pre-kids, I used to drop around $150 a month on comics. I can't afford that now. But I can afford a couple comics a month, and that includes some comics for the girls, who have become very interested in Cat Woman, Bat Girl, She-Hulk, and Wonder Woman. Too bad most of those titles aren't suitable for kids 12 and under (though we did find a Black Widow comic that was labelled as kid friendly, and Pixie snatched that right up!).
By the way, here's a quick look at some of the party decorations in progress. We ended up Photoshopping a picture of She-Hulk and putting her on the cake. It worked very well.
By the way, if you didn't see it already, Mich and I have started a new webcomic called Bitchcraft! The first episode is here. I'll be working to see if I can get this set up and running on every Friday, so keep coming back for more!
It’s here! It’s finally here! A new webcomic!! Mich and I began thinking about this little project sometime shortly after Intervention last year. The idea really took hold of me shortly after I had my ACL reconstructed and I was on those really fun pain-killers!. It’s taken months to get our characters put together, and I’ve spent the last couple weeks trying to figure out how I wanted to photograph and layout the actual comic, but here it is, the very first episode of Bitchcraft!
The little Mich character (in the loverly W&M sweater) was knitted by Mich, and I crocheted the mini-version of me. The hair matched my hair color when I started this hair project. It will change as time passes, don’t worry.
Just to let you know, this webcomic will not be like The Adventures of Cynical Woman. ACW has become more family oriented over the last couple of years, which is great because it’s an autobiographical webcomic and I do have a family (yes, I do!). But Bitchcraft! is meant to be very different. It will not be family friendly, so don’t read it to your kids. Instead, it will be evil. Very, very evil. Because that’s what I want it to be.
So enjoy the first episode. I will work hard to get the second one up next Friday. And yes, Rats! will eventually be returning. Now that I can walk again, I plan to get up to my office and start scanning in more strips. So lots of comics all around! Enjoy!