ACW Episode 174 – How I spent my week

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Oh, this week’s webcomic is no joke. Princess went off to Girl Scout camp last week, leaving me with only one child to deal with, so I took advantage of the lightened workload to tackle something that’s been bugging the crud out of me for a while now. Namely, the disaster known as my garage.

You see, for the last few months, we’ve been traveling to my mother-in-law’s house to help clean the place up. We’ve spent entire weekends getting rid of junk, clearing out the basement and attic, and tackling the overgrown yard. It’s been for a good cause, but it’s been exhausting. And every time we do this, we come home with a bunch of stuff from Mom’s house that ends up shoved into whatever free space we can find in our house. Well, after we came home from the last trip, yours truly had a total melt-down over the fact that we were putting so much time and effort into cleaning someone else’s house while our own house was rapidly turning into a dump.

Well, I finally decided to do something about it. Hubster wanted to do it himself, I know, but his long work hours have pretty much left the man with only enough free time on the weekends to tackle the lawn and buy the groceries. Thankfully, after seeing how badly I was frothing at the mouth over this issue, he decided to stay out of my way and let me do whatever the hell I wanted to do. And what I wanted to do was start with the worst disaster area in our house, the garage.

On Monday last week, Pixie and I ventured into the garage and began our work by dismantling an old stationary bike that had been sitting in there for years. I had to hunt for the manual online to figure out how to take the bike apart, and in the end had to ask folks on Twitter for help. But once I had instructions, Pixie and I were able to take that sucker apart and get it loaded into the car and take it away to the local thrift store. Then came the hauling out of stuff – boxes, trash, tools, more boxes, more trash, more tools. We lined the front yard with the entire contents of the garage, just so I could see exactly what we had in there, what could be thrown out, what could be recycled, and what we actually needed to keep. It took me five hours to haul everything out. Then a thunderstorm started and it took me 15 minutes to toss everything back in, leaving the garage looking worse than before. But at least I knew what I was dealing with now.

The next day, I hit the hardware stores and bought pegboard, screws, and paint. I spray-painted the pegboard bright colors and then hauled everything out of the garage again and started sorting. Stuff that was never, not ever supposed to go back in the garage went onto our wrap-around porch, where it stayed until I could haul it away to the dump/thrift store/recycling center. Stuff that needed to stay got cleaned up and organized into its appropriate category – toys, tools, bikes, etc. When the garage was empty, I swept it out. When it was swept clean, I put up the first section of pegboard. By the time that was done, it was dark and I had to haul everything back in again, except for the stuff I left on the porch.

And this process of hauling out, sorting, cleaning, sweeping, and putting up pegboard went on for the rest of the week. At least once every day while Pixie and I cleaned the garage, someone stopped to ask me what time the garage sale started. One person even tried to buy my bike, and nearly had his head ripped off for that (I love my bike; don’t even THINK of buying my bike). In the process of doing this, I learned a lot. I learned that…

  • Hardware store clerks do not know how to count. I can’t tell you how many extra trips I had to make back to the hardware store because I got shorted a bracket or a dozen screws or a can of paint.
  • My garage is NOT a TARDIS. In spite of the amount of stuff we had crammed in there for years, the garage is not actually bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. In fact, at one point it seemed to shrink when I tried to get stuff back inside at the end of the day.
  • Hubster is addicted to cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts. We get a ton of packages at our house, and he stores all the boxes and packaging materials in our garage. About 50% of what I got rid of last week was cardboard boxes and packaged air (those little balloon things that come in boxes). The man actually had TWO GIANT BOXES of packaged air. I cut him back to one. I also flattened all the boxes so I could store them in one giant box, and made a vow to cut up and recycle any future boxes that come into our house. We have enough to last us a lifetime!
  • I am addicted to pegboard hooks. I bought a gazillion of them, and have been using them to get everything off the floor. It wasn’t until I did so that the garage finally started to grow back to its normal proportions again.

And I think that last item was the biggest thing I’ve taken away from this little home improvement project. I can fix something if it’s broken. I can tackle any project I set my mind to. And that’s a major thing for me. I’ve depended on the Hubster for years to do things around the house. I don’t have to do that anymore. If I want something fixed, I can learn how to do it myself.

Hubster may come to regret me learning this. Or he may not. Either way, now that I’ve started fixing up the garage, I intend to do the same to the rest of the house. So look out world! I’ve got a drill and a hammer and I’m not afraid to use them!

ACW Episode 173 – It’s Blow-Off Day again!

ACW webcomic, episode 173

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Sorry guys, no color webcomic this week, but hey, you do get to see me in my undies!

Last week was just a lousy week, with everything that could go wrong, go wrong. Everything from a sunburn that I should have had the common sense to prevent to the website going down while migrating it to a new host to the kids seeming to actively destroy the house… You name it, it went wrong last week. And I hit the point around Friday evening when I finally just started singing the “Blow-Off Day” song non-stop because that’s how bad things were.

Then I dropped a whole carton of left-over hibachi shrimp on the kitchen floor the next day, and that’s when I started swearing non-stop.

Anyway, here’s hoping this week is better. We’ll see.

PS – let me know if you encounter any problems with the website. I think I fixed all the glitches, but I can’t be certain. Thanks!

Rats! Episode 101 – Head gear


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It can take a lot of hairspray to keep my hair in place when it’s long, especially if I’ve got to take on and pull off a wheel cover or BDU cap all day long. Some days, I had so much hairspray in my hair, you could just reach up and snap off a lock of my hair! Of course, then I’d hit you for it.

ACW Episode 172 – Learn something new everyday!


I’m traveling **again** so today’s webcomic and this blog post were all done on the iPad. I’m sure it hasn’t come out quite right, since I can’t get WordPress on the iPad to cooperate with me, but I’ll try to fix it when I get home.

Hopefully, when I get home, my new solder and soldering braid will also be there. I’m trying to complete a simple kit from, but the solder that came with the iron I bought doesn’t melt very welland it’s making life difficult. I’m hoping new, better solder will give me a better shot at learning to solder. I suppose it would have helped if I hadn’t inadvertantly bought the **surface mount** soldering kit instead of the **through hole** kit. Oh well. Learn something new every day!

Rats! Episode 100 – Parts is parts!


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I have been there and done that, and it is not funny when you’re missing one tiny piece of an M-16 rifle. Especially that little pin that holds the bolt together. No, not funny at all.

Except in hindsight, many, many years later.

Quick tip, when you clean your M-16, take off your field cap and put that down on the table beside you. Put all the small parts in there so you can find them later.

ACW 171 – Let there be light!


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I’m easily entertained.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been experimenting, working on various projects that I want to try with the Girl Scouts this coming school year. You see, one of the moms said she and her daughter would only stay on if things were “interesting” this coming year. And yours truly took that as a challenge. Then I read through the badge and journey books and found them to be… boring. Sure there’s some interesting stuff in there, but it’s been presented as dull, dry, and devoid of fun. And for all of Girl Scouts emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), there was danged little of it appearing in either book. So I started looking for ways to rewrite the books, ways that included doing more interesting activities. Like say, learning basic electronics by making LED throwies.

To be clear, I checked with people at our service unit and council to make sure I had leeway to do this. The girls do NOT have to earn any badges. They can do whatever activities they want. But anything we do that doesn’t comply with the badge guidelines can only count toward patches. What’s the difference between a badge and a patch? As I understand it, badges are approved by Girl Scouts USA, and the guidelines to earn them are in the Girl Guide books and Journey books. Patches are for any other activities the girls participate in. Badges go on the front of the sash or the vest. Patches go on the back.

Right now, I’m pulling together a list of projects the girls can do, some of which they can earn badges for and some of which they will earn patches for. Wherever possible, I’m shooting for badges. A lot of the badge requirements can be dressed up as a lot more fun than they’ve been presented. But if I come across a cool project or activity that we don’t have a badge for, and the girls want to do it, then we’re doing it.  Because you know what? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges. They’re nice to have, but we don’t need them.

What we do need is to educate girls to be leaders, and to get them excited about STEM. So I’m doing all I can right now to make that happen. I’ll be sure to share the results with you as we go along

Episode 99 – Just a short walk in the woods


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Two miles is a loooooooooooooong way to walk if you’ve got to haul a ton of equipment on your back. It’s one of the reasons why I always hated going out into the field. I just didn’t have the stamina to carry a heavy pack and a rubber duck (the nickname for the fake M-16s we had to carry) up and down a mountainous road. Plus we always went out into the field when it was freezing cold. And we had to eat MREs, which in general were pretty gross back then. And we had to pull guard duty half the night, and then would get attacked by another group of cadets at some godly hour of the morning. And there was always some officer breathing down our necks, screaming at us, “What are you gonna do NOW, cadet?! The enemy’s called in mortar rounds! What are you gonna do?! Die?! Is that your plan?!”

So no, I didn’t enjoy going into the field. And I didn’t care much for camping in general except when I went with my family, and since my dad spent 21 years in the Infantry, it was pretty much just like going out on a field training exercise.  Except maybe he didn’t yell as much.

Then last April I ended up taking 7 Girl Scouts on a local camping trip. I stressed over this dang trip for weeks. Since I was the volunteer in charge for this outing, I had to plan all the meals, buy all the food, figure out how we were going to get it all cooked. I had to put together the packing list for the troop equipment we’d need and another packing list for the girls. I knew it was going to be cold and muddy that weekend too, and all the while as I prepared for this trip, I kept having flashbacks to my days in ROTC.

Naturally, I was miserable the day we headed out for the camping trip, but the girls were really excited, and I was determined not to pass on my loathing of camping to them.  This was something they wanted to do, so they should enjoy it and I shouldn’t rain on their parade.  Then in all the hustle and bustle of setting up camp and feeding the girls and participating in the classes the service unit set up, something really weird happened to me. It actually got to be kind of fun.

The thing was, I knew what I was doing, unlike my 20–year-old self back in ROTC. I knew how to set up camp and I knew how to get the food cooked, and I knew how to keep the girls busy and get them from one activity to the next without losing any of them and I knew to make them drink water and wear bug spray and sunblock. I knew what I was doing. And I was doing it automatically, without having to think about it. Because I was trained to do it in Army ROTC and in the Army Reserves.

At one point during the weekend, one of the older Girl Scouts from another troop gave me a really funny look.

“What?” I said.

She shook her head. “I don’t know what it is, but you look like you belong out here?”

“Say what?”

She shrugged. “You’re not wearing camo or anything, but you look like you belong out here doing what you’re doing. Like you know what you’re doing.”

“Oh. That might be because I spent some time in the Army Reserves.”

“Yeah! That’s it! Hey, they let you in the Reserves with hair like that?”

“Uh, no…”

It’s strange to me how much I fall back on my military training these days. I wasn’t a career officer, and I certainly wasn’t an Infantry man. But the training I had was intense enough that it still hangs with me. And it’s come in handy now that I find myself leading a troop of Girl Scouts. As much as I did not enjoy my time in the military, I never would have expected that to happen.

ACW 170 – Deep Thoughts


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Yes, my youngest child actually said these things.

The kids and I come up with a new theme every summer, some sort of activity we do together, some book we read together, or some show we all watch.  The first summer we did this, we spent every evening reading the Bone graphic novels. It was the first time I think I ever really enjoyed summer.  The summer after that, we made pie every week and raised a lot of butterflies. The summer after that, last summer, we watched the anime series Chi’s Sweet Home every night before bed (and raised more butterflies).  For this summer, we’re watching Star Trek, the original series, and doing lots of DIY projects, including some basic electronics projects like crystal radios and LED throwies.

The kids are enamored with Star Trek. Absolutely in love. We’ve been watching an episode a night, and we’re not even through the first season yet. I’m in love with it too. I’m glad to see that a show I watched as a kid has stood up so well to the test of time. STOS isn’t perfect, of course. There are still plenty of episodes where you can spot plot holes big enough to drive a bus through. But when the writing lags, the acting, the sets, the costumes, and the effects still manage to suck me in. I’m enjoying this as much as the kids, and Hubster’s even having a good time watching with us.

One thing that is obvious is that Star Trek is still thought provoking. After every episode, the girls both have questions to ask. Pixie’s philosophy question, (“Are we real, or just someone else’s dream?”) isn’t a fluke. We’ve been getting all kinds of questions like that from her.  Meanwhile, Princess wants to know how the show was made.  “Mom! How do they make the star ship fly around that planet like that?”  “Mom! How do they do they make people disappear when they do the transporter?” “Mom! How did they make Spock’s ears pointy like that?!” It makes my heart go pitter-pat to have these discussions with my kids. What’s even better is that with today’s technology, we can make our own little movies. I spent one evening last week showing the girls how to make a “space ship” (made from an egg-carton Pixie painted up) sail across a scene (our very dark-colored carpet) like it was flying through outer space. All we needed, aside from the egg carton ship and the dark background, was a simple stop-motion animation app on my iPad. And then used iMove to put that together with another stop-motion scene of little toy people rushing out of a castle to greet them.  Add a little music and voila! We had three seconds of a movie.

So that’s our summer fun. And I’m working hard to figure out how to extend that fun into the fall. It gets hard to do stuff like this during the school year. Homework and Girl Scouts and karate classes eat up so much time. I’m trying to work out a schedule that will let me plan our free time better so we can keep doing this. We’ll see if I can make it work. If I can, maybe I can extend that summer joy into the rest of the year.

Rats! Episode 98 – Under Pressure


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Things are no better today than they were when I drew this comic. Back then it was all tests, papers, quizzes and presentations. Now it’s kids, work, house cleaning, kids, more work, etc. The fact is, my life is non-stop stress. I do find ways to deal with it, but I have to be careful not to get too overloaded. So for any of you college kids out there who think you’re overloaded right now? Just you wait. Life does get busier!