ACW 169 – I’m in a Mood


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That’s my hair all right! And I have been in a mood lately. A nostalgic mood, to be exact. Not sure what started it. It might have been the trip up to Pennsylvania a few weeks ago to see my aunt. My late grandma’s old house is right down the road from my aunt’s place, so I spent a lot of time in that neighborhood as a kid. Being there as an adult with kids of my own was kind of startling. It was nice to see my aunt and uncle again, but sad to realize the house my grandmother lived in had been sold to another family. I had a hard time picking it out because they’d made changes to the place.

I also spent some time this weekend touring an old light ship, which really made me nostalgic. That light ship looked and smelled exactly like the Army tugboats I used to work with. Walking through it, seeing the tiny little kitchen and the tiny little bunk rooms and the tiny little office for the ship’s captain really took me back. There’s nothing quite like small military boats. They are a world unto themselves. I caught myself thinking while we walked around that if the apocalypse were to suddenly hit, I could be quite happy holed up in that little boat, even it if was permanently dry-docked in cement. It would make a neat little house.

I think maybe the final kicker to my nostalgia trip is the book I’m currently reading, “Howl’s Moving Castle.” I had seen the movie years back, but hadn’t realized it was based on a book. I made my find in the kids’ section of our local library and immediately snatched it up. Reading that book reminds me of all the evenings I spent at Virginia Tech watching anime with my friends. I miss those days, especially when summer rolls around.

Oh well. That’s enough of my trip down memory lane. I’m going downstairs now to watch TV with the kids. We’re watching “The Menagerie” from Star Trek, the original series.

I know. I know. Have fun, ya’ll.

ACW 168 – Summer Activities


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Actually, what with family visits and travel the past month, keeping the kids occupied hasn’t been that big a problem yet this summer. We did do all the above activities, and before anyone asks, we distilled mint leaves to get mint essential oil, and the marshmallow shooters are actually little breath-powered rifles that shoot mini-marshmallows. They are not some sort of alcoholic beverage produced in our still.

But I did have one week at home with the kids where I really needed to come up with something for the little monsters to do. So we made a still, slingshots, and marshmallow shooters. Then later that week, I was talking to a few people about the activities we had done, and what we’d still like to do, including making squishy circuits. One mom told me the squishy circuits looked exactly like plastic explosives, and that she expected I’d be in jail before the week was out. The Hubster thought that comment was pretty funny until I reminded him that he’d have to come up with bail money to get me out.

If anyone is interested in doing any of the activities listed above, I suggest you get a copy of Make Magazine’s Summer Fun issue. It’s got the still, the marshmallow shooter, and lots of other cool projects in it. If we do anything else really interesting, I’ll let you know. And if you hear about a blue-haired mama who was killed in a tragic marshmallow shooting, you’ll know it was me.

Rats! Episode 96 – If I could turn back time


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Ah yes, the joys of looking ahead to next year. Things always look better when they’re still a year away, but the here and now never satisfies. And then suddenly that year passes and you’re exactly where you wanted to be and you wish you could go back.

I can’t tell you how many nights I dream of going back to Blacksburg, of being a student again, living in the cadet dorms or a tiny little apartment (I had the nicest little apartment when I was a grad student at Radford!). A lot of times though, those dreams are nightmares. I’m lost on campus and can’t figure out how to get to my next class. A lot of times I don’t even know what my next class is. Or I’m stuck in the drop-add line the first day of the semester and I can’t get anyone to help me fix my class schedule, which is bad because someone signed me up for 6 hours of calculus and I’m majoring in communications! Communications majors don’t DO math, people!

And then there are the nightmares where I’m wandering around on campus in civilian clothes and I know that’s wrong and I’ve simply got to get back to the dorm and change into my uniform, only I never got my uniforms and I’m going to be in so much trouble when my cadet first sergeant finds out about that—

I’m trying to recall right now if I ever had any pleasant dreams about being a cadet at Virginia Tech. The short answer to that is “no.” The long answer is “hell no.” I’m much happier where I am, here and now, I think.

ACW 167 – Why I Love Gardening


We’ve been on the road a lot the last couple weeks, including a trip to see the Hubster’s family in DC. We spent a lot of time working in my mother-in-law’s yard, pulling weeds, trimming trees, and yes, taking out one very nasty rosebush that hit me in the face at one point. It was a fun trip, and we’ll be back in DC again in a few weeks to do even more gardening.

You’ll notice that my brother-in-law has a halo, just like the Hubster. There’s a reason for this, and it’s not because I think he’s an angel (though he is a great guy). The real reason for his and the Hubster’s halos is that my in-laws had these painted plaques done during a visit to Puerto Rico (where my mother-in-law is from). Each plaque depicts a different member of the family as a saint. My father-in-law was the patron saint of good husbands. My mother-in-law is the patron saint of good wives. And then each brother in the family had a particular aspect they were supposed to represent. The Hubster is St. Michael the Magnificent (he’s the oldest of 5 boys). My brother-in-law Chris, whom I drew in this week’s webcomic, is St. Christopher the Cheerful, and he is pretty cheerful every time I see him. Like I said, he’s a good guy. Of course, all my brothers-in-law are good guys, and I’m grateful to have married into such a wonderful family, so I’m always happy to go see them, evil rosebushes or no.

Of course, one of the problems I have with traveling is that it makes it hard to keep up with the website, I can manage to get a week’s worth of blog posts done in advance, but then I have to get the next week’s web comic going while I’m on the road. I still haven’t figured out the best way to handle that. To keep packing simple on this last trip, I decided to draw the webcomic on my iPad. The results aren’t bad, but they’re not as polished as I would like. I could take paper and pen and do it, but I’d have to pack my pens, my drawing pad, a t-square, a drawing board. Plus I worry about how to carry around my paper so it won’t get mangled.

I could just not worry about doing a 4-panel strip and instead do a color sketch on the iPad, and I’m leaning more and more toward that. I can do a nice digital painting on the go. But I still need to find a good way to do webcomics on the go, as I have a new comics project in the offing that I will have to do whilst running around with the kids. I just don’t get that much time at my desk, so everything pretty much has to be done on the go.

I’ll figure it out eventually, I’m sure. I just need to keep experimenting until I find something I like. You’ll see the results here, I’m sure 😉

Flashback Friday! Computer Server?


I have no idea when or why I drew this. It’s just something I had in an old sketchbook. This is definitely something drawn in the last 15 years, judging from the other sketches in the book. And it’s done in ball-point pen, my favorite medium for doodling and sketching. I love ball-point pens. One day, I may finally get a bunch of colored ball-point pens and do a “serious” work of “art” with them.

Rats! Episode 95 – What is this thing you call “Break?”


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Does this still happen? Do professors still assign projects and papers that are due the day after you get back from Spring Break? I remember that made my life pretty miserable at times. I could never figure out why they did that. Even when I worked in the corporate world, I never had anybody hand me an assignment right before a major holiday with a deadline that occurred the day after said holiday was over.

By the way, as of yesterday, the Hubster and I have been married 19 years. We met at Virginia Tech during our junior year, and it’s been “Wuv, twue wuv” ever since.

ACW 166 – Step Away from the Scale, Woman.


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I know there are some people out there right now who are rolling their eyes and thinking, “Who the hell is she kidding? She’s not fat!” To all you kind, kind people out there, thank you. Now convince my scale of that.

In all seriousness, the last month or so has been very hectic, just as hectic as the few months previous. In fact, I’m considering renaming the time period from January up through May as one extra-long month known as “Hectic.” Although maybe “Hell Month” would be a better designation. I did better this year in terms of keeping up with exercise. After last year’s “Hectic,” my blood pressure shot up thirty point and I had constant headaches. I didn’t want a repeat of that so I made sure to get in some sort of exercise everyday. But I also did what I usually do when I get stressed, and that’s eat. Because even though I know I shouldn’t, I use food to reward myself for surviving a really tough time. And when part of that tough time involves Girl Scout cookies… Well, you can figure it out.

Anyway, I am not really FAT, but I have put on some weight, more than is comfortable for me. And it’s not the number on the scale that bothers me so much as the way my clothes fit. I am very stingy when it comes to spending money on clothes for myself. I don’t like to pay a bazillion dollars for a new pair of jeans. I can recall back in college when I got sticker shock over buying jeans that cost me $20, and they don’t make jeans that cost a measly $20 these days! So I buy clothes that will last and then I do my best to make damn sure I’ll fit into them so long as they hold together. Those of you who have seen me know that I’ll even convert a favorite pair of jeans into a floor-length skirt, and while that’s partly because I love floor-length skirts, it’s also because I’m a damned tight-wad when it comes to buying new clothes.

(Unless it’s t-shirts from Threadless, but even then I wait for their $10 sales.)

So after I got over the shock of realizing that I’d packed on more than a few pounds on my rear-end, I got busy doing something about it. I made a few changes to my diet –  no more soda, a glass of wine only once a week, only one cup of coffee a day, water the rest of the day, two servings of fruit and/or vegetables at every meal, and if I’m absolutely dying for chocolate then I can make myself a big glass of chocolate soy milk rather than raid the pantry for a bag of M&Ms.

In addition, I’ve made an effort to exercise twice a day –  an hour in the morning at the Y and then another half hour or so in the evenings with the Wii. My copies of Just Dance have been dusted off and I’m making the kids get up and dance with me, which they only sort of hate. And if the Hubster comes home and finds us dancing, then he’ll join right in and that 30 minutes will easily become an hour or more as he and I compete to see who does the best Katy Perry imitation (I cannot stand it when he beats me at “California Girls”).

The results? In the last two weeks, a couple pounds have come off. Of course, I’m getting ready to go on another trip again, away from my beloved Y and my Wii, so I’m really going to have to be careful what I eat while I’m gone and make certain I get out and walk every day while I’m away. I don’t want to back-slide after two weeks of hard work. If you hear someone screaming obscenities at a scale, you’ll know I failed in that. But if you hear someone whoop it up as she beats her husband soundly in Just Dance, then you’ll know I succeeded in dropping another pound.

Anyway, have fun this week! I’m going to enjoy a glass of chocolate soy milk now.

Rats! Episode 94 – The Ties that Bind


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Ah, traditions! Such wonderful ways to mark the passage of time, especially in such esteemed institutions as the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets! I personally never cut off anyone’s tie. I simply didn’t have the muscle-power necessary to wrestle a senior student twice my size to the floor so I could take a pair of scissors to his neck. In hindsight, I’m glad I never tried it. The end results could have been… messy.

This particular cartoon was drawn in March 1991, and so it would have marked my final winter formatin with the VTCC. I don’t recall being wrestled to the floor and having my tie cut off either, so maybe I got a lot bigger between my days as a rat and my days as a senior cadet. Or maybe I just got too weird to be messed with.

Rats! Episode 93 – Alley-OOPS!


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Again, I must re-iterate, I had the world’s shortest roommate my senior year at Viriginia Tech.

Sorry I missed last week’s Rats! post. I came back from Balticon and immediately got sucked into end-of-year activities for Girl Scouts and the kids’ school. We had no less than 3 Girl Scout events, a field day, two class parties, and Pixie’s birthday all in the course of ten days. On Saturday, we’ll be at Girl Scouts Rock the Mall and then we celebrate the Hubster’s birthday. School ended yesterday for the kids, and now everything around here is kind of topsy-turvey as I try to get on some sort of workable schedule with two screaming children around.

Oh yeah, did I mention I’m going to be the troop leader for Princess’ Girl Scout troop next year? Because cookie mom simply wasn’t enough…

So my schedule is a bit off this week and promises to be a bit off next week. I’m at my desk right now trying to write up as many blog posts as I can in advance. Next Monday’s Adventures of Cynical Woman webcomic will be late, as I cannot start on that before Friday due to all that’s going on. But I will get that up as soon as I can. And if any other blog posts go up, you know I at least got something done today beyond laundry and screaming at the kids.