ACW 165 – The Trouble with Field Trips


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized webcomic!

Pixie turned 6 yesterday, and a few days before that, she finished up kindergarten. I am having a hard time believing that the busy little girl who regularly demolishes my house and terrorizes the cats is the same kid who looked like this when she was two…


Okay, maybe it’s not so hard to imagine the two are the same child.

We’ve had a very busy week, thus the lack of posts here and over at I came home from Balticon, had one day to unpack and then had to dive right into the end-of-the-school-year frenzy. We’ve had field days and picnics and Girl Scout parties and class parties and of course we had to have a birthday party for a certain little girl. I sort of feel like I’ve been hit by a freight train of festivities. It’s very tiring, and very time consuming, but it’s almost over. This week I have one final Girl Scout volunteers meeting to attend to wrap up business for the year, and then the last of the class parties happens. After that, I’ll be gone for a week to visit family. I make no promises as to what gets posted on either website in the next week or two, as I have actual paying work to take care of, but I’ll see what I can manage to do.

In any event, I hope everyone is surviving the end of the school year, and I hope that all my friends from Balticon are finally starting to recover. I gotta dash right now though. More parties to attend, doncha know!

ACW Balticon 2012 – RIP, old friends


A tragedy occured at Balticon this weekend. For the last five years, I’ve worn the same pair of horns to every convention I’ve attended. Sadly, they were starting to wear out, so I took some fabric and thread to Balticon with me to put together a new pair. The moment I finished the new horns, I took the old ones off and gave them a quick kiss. “You guys are retired,” I said to them. “Now take a break.” The moment I tucked them into my suitcase, the headband broke, and that was it. My old horns weren’t just retired, they were dead.

It seems silly, I know, to get teary-eyed over a pair of cheap Halloween costume horns. But I wore those horns for five years, and everyone who read the webcomic and then saw me in person at a con immediately knew who I was. I’d put those horns on the moment I arrived at a con and I wouldn’t take them off until I finally got back in my car to go home at the end of the weekend. Those horns became as much a part of my identity as the nose on my face, but unlike my nose which I also once broke, they won’t heal.

So I’m taking a moment to reflect upon the last five years and the success those horns have brought me. I have the new horns, of course, but there will never be another pair like that very first pair. Tonight I’ll tuck my battered old horns into the cedar chest where I keep the little knitted hats Princess and Pixie wore the day we brought them home from the hospital, and the ratty old night gown I was wearing the night the Hubster proposed to me. Rest in peace, old friends. We had an amazing five years together. You will be missed.

Flashback Friday! B5 Toons


I posted the finished B5 cartoon a couple years ago.  Just last week I found the original sketch. The character in the lower left is my version of Scully from the S-Files. Delen is in the middle, obviously having a bad hair day, and I have no idea who that sinister employee from Mickey D’s is supposed to be. Why I drew that guy, I’ll never know. He vaguely reminds me of cartoons I’ve done of the Hubster, but the Hubster worked at Burger King, not McDonald’s, when he was in school, and I worked at Hardee’s. So, who knows! But I do like the B5 sketch. It’s one of my favorite cartoons.

I’m at Balticon this weekend, mostly likely doing panels on web comics, writing, erotica, new media and podcasting, digital art, and whatever else is on my schedule. Check the program book and look for a blue-haired woman with horns!

Rats! Episode 92 – Setting the Bar


Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-size webcomic!

My roommate during my senior year at Tech was one of the shortest people I ever knew. She was just barely tall enough to get into the military, and she had to tackle all kinds of obstacles caused by her lack of stature (mainly a lot of short jokes made by her snarky, wise-ass roommate). Today, my former roommate is a lieutenant colonel in the US Air Force. And I’m still teasing her about her height  Some things never change.

ACW Episode 163 – Early to Rise!


Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image!

I mentioned last week that I was making some changes to my schedule, namely getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to exercise so I have the entire day to work at my desk.  With the exception of one karate class on Thursday at noon, that was exactly what I did all week.  Heck, I even got out of bed early on Thursday morning to go run because I know I need the extra exercise.

As a result of my efforts to get up early, I got an incredible amount of work done last week; so much so that I plan to stick to this schedule.  There’s just one problem.

I am not a morning person.

I am, in that I can haul my ass out of bed and get moving at 5AM and enjoy the benefits of an early start all day long.  But I’m not in that I stumble around half-blind for the first hour or two, with half my brain still believing I’m back in bed, because what moron would possibly want to get out of bed that early to get in an ice-cold pool?!

The other problem, of course, is that if I get up at 5AM, by 5PM I’m done. I hit a wall of exhaustion that no amount of caffeine can defeat.  Somehow, I slog through. I have to. The Hubster often works late and he teaches karate classes a couple times a week. Someone has to feed the kids and make sure they get their homework done.

Hopefully, I’ll eventually get used to these new hours. I don’t plan to give them up now that I’ve had a taste of what a full work day is like.  I’ll have to adjust the schedule once school lets out, but I still plan to work out before the kids get up so I can spend the morning with them and have the afternoon free to work. I’ll let you know if that plan succeeds or not.

Flashback Friday! X-Toons


“X-Toons (Rough Draft)” by Helen E. H. Madden, date unknown

A long time ago, some time in between when I drew the “Rats!” comic strips for the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times and when I began drawing “The Adventures of Cynical Woman” webcomic, I did a very short series of comics called “The X-Toons.” Basically, it was comic fan art for the X-Files.  I drew them by hand and then colored them in Corel Photopaint. I uploaded them… somewhere online. I can’t recall where I might have posted them, or who I might have shared them with. This was before blogs were popular, and before the term “webcomics” even existed. I think I drew a grand total of five of these comics, and I’ve probably got them tucked away on a disk somewhere. I’m just not sure where.  The above sketch is an early rough draft for one of those comics. If I can find the final product, or any of the other X-Toons I did, I’ll post them here.

Rats! Episode 91 – Graduating, or Not


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized comic!

Around about the end of my sophomore year or the start of my junior year, the Army ROTC program came up with something called “Professional Military Educational Requirements,” or something like that. The acronym was PME, the reaction was, “Oh f—-!”  The PME was a list of courses the Army had decided all ROTC cadets needed to take, and it included many classes that were not part of some people’s majors.  For instance, I majored in broadcast journalism, but ended up having to take courses in politcal science and military history, plus an additional English course, to fulfill these new requirements to get my commission.  Many of my fellow Army ROTC cadets ended up going from the 4–year program to the 5 or 6–year program because so many of the PME did not fall within their degree field and they had already completed 2 years of college not knowing they’d need to take these classes.  It kind of sucked.

However, looking back I can understand the need for the extra classes I was required to take. I was going into the Army, after all. Military history might not have been related to my degree, but it was certainly related to my plans to join the Army. It just would have been nice if they could have informed my classmates and I about this before we’d already spent two years taking classes.

Episode 162 – I love eggs, but…


Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized webcomic!

I’m always busy, always. And I will freely admit there have been times when I’ve been too busy and I fumbled a few things. The past two years in particular have been rather difficult. In part, it’s due to my kids going to a new school, and in part, it’s due to my increasing involvement in Girl Scouts.  But really, it’s mainly due to the fact that I’ve slowly let my work hours get eaten away by non-work related activities.

The Hubster realized this before I did.  I was complaining to him last week that I just didn’t have enough hours in the day, and changes to next year’s school schedule were pretty much going to kill my work schedule. He pointed out that from 8AM to 2:30PM, the kids would still be in school and he’d be at work, just like they are now.  Those hours ought to give me plenty of time for me to sit down at my desk to work as well. Problem is, I don’t spend that much time at my desk.  Why?

Well, for starters there’s exercise. I go to the Y two mornings a week, and then at least once a week I go to the dojo for karate class. And when I’m not at those places, I go for a run or ride the bike.  Exercise usually takes an hour out of my work day, and getting ready beforehand and cleaning up afterward takes another hour.  Plus I do try to get a load or two of laundry washed and folded every day, and I like to clean up the kitchen, and the floor needs to be swept, and by then it’s lunch time, and of course I ought to read the news…

You see where this is going, right? All these non-work related things are eating away at my precious work hours, keeping me away from my desk. Yes I need to exercise, and yes I need to clean the house and stay on top of the laundry.

But do I really need to do it between 8AM and 2:30PM?

I’m hoping the answer is ‘no.’  I’m hoping that I can find some other time during the day to do those things, and still get them done.  For example, there’s a 6AM deep water aerobics class at the Y that I could go to on Monday and Friday, instead of my usual 8AM. Yeah, it means getting up at 5:15AM, and it also means that the Hubster is on his own those mornings, getting the kids up and out of bed. But you know what? That’s okay. Hubster says he doesn’t have a problem getting the girls up and moving and fed and out the door, and I can actually drag myself out of bed at the butt-crack of dawn if I set my alarm. And let’s be honest, a dip in a cold pool will wake me up just as well as a cup of hot coffee, won’t it?

As for the laundry and house cleaning… Well, it’s time the kids started earning an allowance anyway.  Princess can fold laundry, not perfectly, but she can do it. Pixie can help sort it, and she can also pick up around the house. Both girls know how to clean a toilet, and Princess can wash dishes while Pixie feeds the cats. I would still be doing a lot of chores myself, but with two helpers in tow, I’d hopefully get the house clean and teach the girls a few things about responsibility in the process.

What’s really funny about all this is that I already knew what I needed to do to steal back my schedule. I just didn’t know what I needed to do until the Hubster said it out loud for me. So here’s hoping he and I are both right. We’ll see. I’ve got a couple of weeks to try it before the girls are out of school for the summer. Then I’ll have to come up with a new plan to keep all those eggs in the air for summer.  But I’ll think of something, I’m sure. And if I don’t, Hubster will. Or we’ll just eat a whole lot of eggs. Who knows!

Rats! Episode 90 – More Weather


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized comic!

Sorry for not posting these the last couple weeks. Once again, real life sort of eats up all my free time.

I must have been obsessed with the weather back in February of 1991. This comic and the one prior both dealt with the inadequacy of the cadet uniforms and the fickleness of the weather in Blacksburg. Of course, the weather where I’m at now is just as fickle. It’s freezing one day, sweltering hot the next. But I no longer have to wear a cadet uniform, so it’s not as bad.

Episode 161 – Good Morning Sunshine!


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This is far too true to life.  I’ve been struggling for a while to drag myself out of bed a little earlier in the morning so I can get more work done.  My office hours are constantly being squeezed by family and school issues and an extra hour in the morning would go a long way to helping me get more done.  Problem is, this plan doesn’t work on the days I wake up dead tired…

By the way, I dyed my hair aqua blue with a pink swatch in the bangs. What can I say? I get bored easily and I like to freak out the other moms at the kids’ school.