ACW Episode 151 – You’re Only as Old as You Feel


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Woo hoo! Purple hair! Boooooo, bad knees!

For the record, I changed my hair color again. I dyed it mostly purple with orangy-pink bangs, at the request of Princess’ Brownie troop.  Actually, they wanted purple only, but I had to have a second color in there.  And I’ve still got some streaks of blue as well, so it’s looking pretty funky.

As for the knees, I’ve injured both knees seriously enough that I’ve had trouble getting up and down the steps at times. I’ve definitely got arthritis, a fact which drives my dad crazy.

“Helen, you’re not old enough to have arthritis!”

“Uh, Dad? I’m almost 43.”

“Gack! Don’t tell me that! If you’re 43, then I’m…”

“Older than dirt?”

“Helen, you never were a loving child…”

So anyway, yeah, cool hair but lousy knees and an occasional twinge in my back. But I’m still rockin’ it baby! I just have to rock it in a rocking chair some days.

Rats! Episode 82 – Recruiting



Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized image!< ?xml:namespace prefix ="" o />

Back in my day (waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the dawn of time), Spring Rats didn’t always last very long. We’d get a dozen or so in our battalion and within a month we’d be down to one or two. But those that stayed were pretty dedicated.

There was a big push to recruit new cadets back in my day (waaaaaaaaaaay, waaaaaaaay back in the dawn of time), and I’m sure there’s still a big push to recruit these days. To those of you considering joining the VTCC, let me say that while I never would have voluntarily joined (my dad made me do it!), I never regretted the four years I spent as a cadet at Virginia Tech. They were tough years, but I got a lot out of them.

I will be at Farpoint this weekend with copies of the second issue of Mustachequerade! And for those of you who still want to get the first issue, I’ll have a few of those as well. Stop by and see me! I should have a table in the main dealers room, plus I’ll be doing panels on podcasting, writing, new media and webcomics.

ACW Episode 150 – Cookies? What Cookies?


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized image!

I drew this cartoon on Friday, and wrote the blog post on the same day. Saturday around 9AM, I and two other troop moms were supposed to have picked up over 1900 boxes of cookies and brought them back to my house, where I was then expected to sign out about 1500 of those boxes to the rest of the troop to fulfill their orders. If you did not hear any blood-curdling screams this weekend, it all probably went okay. But I guarantee by this point I have eaten at least two full boxes of thin mints. Cookie season is stressful, folks.

Anyhoo, I’m still experimenting with offline blogging software. Zoundry Raven up and died on me after years of faithful service, and there isn’t a new version as far as I can tell, so this week I’m testing out BlogJet. We’ll see how it goes. I could always try MS Word, but I really prefer software dedicated to blogging, especially software that will let me grab my recent posts so I can see what got posted when. That’s kind of handy when you do a week’s worth of posts at once, and when you post things well in advance.  But if anybody knows of a good blogging software app I can try, something that will let me assemble my posts on my desktop and upload them to the web, drop me a note. I’d appreciate it!

Rats! Episode 81 – Put a Little Spring in Your Step!


Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized image!

Ah, spring rats. Nothing says “miserable weather in Blacksburg has hit once again” like a fresh batch of new cadets in gray bag. We always got in a group of 4 or 5 new cadets every January, just as the weather was really starting to turn miserable. Thus I always associate spring with cheap wool uniforms, freezing days of rain, and yet even more cadets calling me, “Sir!”

Back in my day, spring rats had it a bit easier and a bit tougher than the rats who started out in August. They had it easier because they didn’t go through all the harassment and hassle that the other rats went through months earlier (honestly, I think the upper classmen were too damned tired to go through all that nonsense twice in one year). At the same time though, there were only 4–5 of them as opposed to a group of 10–15 rats or more. Lower numbers made it easier for the upper classmen to see when a spring rat screwed up.

The spring rat in the cartoon above was based on one Ms. Tina Paulson. I liked Tina. She was a hard worker and had the best attitude of any rat I ever saw come along. I think she actually enjoyed being a rat, which I never did. I bet she went on to become a great officer. Tina, wherever you are, I hope you’re doing well.

ACW Episode 149 – No Family Members Allowed


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized comic!

Hopefully, this post comes through okay. When I sat down to write it, my offline blogging software, Zoundry Raven, just sort of decided to quit on me and wouldn’t restart for anything. Of course, Zoundry hasn’t updated this software in a few years, so I guess it was just a matter of time. Let me know if the post comes out weird though.

Anyway, about this week’s comic. Every time I go to a con, I get asked the same question. Mike Pederson, who runs Ravencon (no relation to Zoundry Raven!), always asks about the Hubster and the kids, and wants to know when I’m going to bring them to a convention. The answer is NEVER. We tried, when Pixie was a year old, to take the whole family to a few conventions, and it was a disaster. The kids couldn’t sleep in the hotel room, which meant the adults couldn’t sleep either. In fact, at one con, Pixie got up at 2AM (she was sleeping in a trundle bed on the floor), picked up the phone, and ordered room service. That ended family convention attendance right there.

The fact is, I go to cons to work. Yes, I go to see people and have fun, too, but the main point of my being at a con is to work. I have a table to man all weekend long, and books and zines to sell. Plus because I write erotica, most of the panels I do tend to be held around 11PM or later, which makes staying in a hotel room with two children a problem. They’d wake up every time I walked into the room, if they weren’t already being kept awake by the room party down the hall.

And on top of it all, Hubster just isn’t interested in schlepping two kids around a con all weekend. I mean really, it’s a pain to travel with kids under normal circumstances, even when you go some place where you know the kids will have plenty to do. But at a science fiction convention? I don’t care how family friendly a con says it is, it cannot entertain my two little monsters all weekend long. They get bored, they get hungry, and then they go feral and that’s it for the Hubster.

So no family at cons. But I’m there, and isn’t that what matters?

Next convention I’m attending is Farpoint, February 17-19, in Maryland. Be there, or be… absent? I dunno. Just show up and buy issue two of Mustachequerade, okay?!

Rats! Episode 80 – Head, Shoulders, Knees and …?


Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized comic!

Still testing out BlogJet to see if it will be viable for all my blogging needs. Hopefully, this post came out okay.

Anyway, I always hated early morning PT. I had to get up at the butt-crack of dawn so many times, and often even before dawn to get out to Lane Stadium to run stadium steps. Running flights of stadium steps SUCKS! Although at least I could see my toes. I never ate so much that I had problems fitting into my uniform, you see.

And in fact, I’m still in pretty good shape today. My weight hasn’t gone up too much in the last 20 years, and except for a couple of bum knees, I’m pretty fit. Although those bum knees would certainly prevent me from running any flights of stadium steps today.

Can you hear me crying over that? No? Me neither.

ACW Episode 148 – Need More Coffee, Obviously

Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized image!

Yes, this actually happened. Our hotel room at Marscon was interesting. In addition to being directly across from the never-ending room party from hell (on Saturday night, it shut down at 5AM), we also had a little problem with the coffee maker. It would only intermittently heat the water. Now, I brought instant coffee with me, so when the water came out cold Saturday morning, I cursed my fate that most hotels don’t have microwaves in the rooms anymore. And I probably did that cursing while standing in front of the microwave that I was somehow blind to all weekend long. All I can say is, I was very, very, very tired. And really, it’s so frikkin’ rare these days for me to get a hotel room that actually has a microwave in it!

And did I mention that the shower handle had a habit of turning itself so that the water kept getting hotter while I showered? I nearly boiled myself like a lobster. Oy!

Rats! Episode 79 – There are Classes and Then There are Classes

I believe I actually sat down with a course schedule catalog and found all these courses listed in it. I couldn’t believe there was a wine tasting class, but then Virginia Tech does offer majors in the Hospitality and Restaurant business. I never took any of these classes. My one easy A class turned out to be Japanese, which I only took because somehow, inspite of the Professional Military Requirements classes I had added on top of the requirements for my major, I hit my senior year with only 9 credit hours per semester of requirements to fill. Since I was a member of the Virginia Tech Animation Society (VTAS), I decided to take Japanese on the off chance I might someday be able to understand what the hell was going on in all those animated movies I was watching every Thursday night.

Ah, I miss those days when my biggest worry was whether or not I made it to my weekly movie night on time to get a good seat…

ACW Episode 147 – The Difference Between Soft and Hard

Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized cartoon!

I was sooooooooo tired before, during and after Marscon. I was up late Thursday night getting ready, then up late Friday and Saturday night doing panels, and then there was this damned room party right across from our room that kept spilling out into the hall. You know a party is a real classy event when the people have moved to the hallway because they’re waiting for someone to clean up the puke in the room.

Anyway, mid-way through Saturday, while Mich and I were sitting at my table in the artist/author alley, she reached over and tweaked one of my horns, then declared, “They’re soft!” It all seemed so… weirdly sexual, like I had somehow forgotten to take my “Viagra for Devil Horns” and been caught wanting in the hardness department. So I filed the idea away for later to make into a cartoon.

Speaking of tired, did you notice the very obvious mistake in the cartoon above? I drew this right after getting back from Marscon, thus my “boo-boo.”

Something New! Sketch Card Art

I’ve recently started doing some sketch card art. While at Marscon this past weekend, I met a couple of sketch card artists, Becka Shols and Gina Canady, people who actually draw original trading cards for companies like Topps, and had a wonderful discussion with them about the joys of drawing in such a small format. These cards are about the size of your standard business card, but that’s only a little smaller than the size of my standard comic panel, so drawing on something that small is natural to me.

Mich had originally suggested to me that I try the sketch cards as a little something extra to offer for sale while working at my artist table at cons. But apparently there’s a lot more I could do with sketch cards, and I have to admit, I’m sort off addicted to them now after having drawn a handful. Here are some samples of what I’ve done so far:





The mustaches were inspired by my new zine, “Mustachequerade.” I start work on issue two of “Mustachequerade” this weekend, and plan to offer it for sale at Farpoint next month, along with what I have left of issue one.

So what do you think? Do you like the sketch card art? Let me know!