Rats! Episode 78 – Which class did you want?

Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized cartoon!

I always hated having to go to drop-add to get my class schedule fixed. I have no idea what it’s like today, but it absolutely boggled my mind the hoops I had to jump through to get the classes I wanted. By what process did the university decide that I needed Underwater Basket Weaving in lieu of Public Speaking or First Amendment Law and History (required courses for someone in my major!)? To make matters even worse, my sophomore year, the Army ROTC department introduce the Professional Military Education requirements, additional classes we needed to take in order to become commissioned officers. I cannot tell you how many cadets went from 4-year degrees to 5-year degrees when that came out.

It was always a mess. So many hours wasted tracking back and forth across the campus to find a professor who would let you into the class you needed even though it was full. To this day, I have nightmares about trying to get into a class I desperately need, only to discover the professor has left for his Hawaiian vacation, and will not be back before I graduate.

Hope all you current cadets have settled into the new semester without too many problems! Now quit reading webcomics and get back to studying!!

ACW Episode 146 – Packing for Conventions

Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized comic!

For those of you who don’t recognize the character speaking to me, that’s Mich. She’s never had a formal introduction in the cartoon, but she has shown up here a number of times, starting with last year’s cookie season. Mich is a life-long Girl Scout, an engineer, an avid and fantastic knitter, and the official keeper of my brain at conventions. She’s also become my manager this year as we attempt to move career more and more into cartooning and art.

Mich and I went to Marscon this past weekend and we had a fun time. In addition to the usual adults-only panels I worked on (speculative fiction erotica, repopulating the world after the apocalypse, zombies in love), I also got to be a panelist on a couple of podcasting, digital art and webcomic panels. Many thanks to Barb Fischer for inviting me to participate in the latter. Yes, I am a webcomic artist, but it’s only been recently that I’ve been more known for the webcomics than for the erotica writing and podcasting. I expect I’ll be doing more webcomic panels at more cons in the future.

I also had a table in the artist/author alley at Marscon, where I sold several copies of Mustachequerade and the new Zombie Valentine (the Zombie Valentine is available on Zazzle if you want to get one!). I sold NO books, which doesn’t surprise me. It’s not that my books aren’t good. They are good, but they are for a niche audience (adults interested in sci-fi, fantasy, and horror erotica), and the print versions certainly cost more than the ‘zine ($1) or greeting cards ($3) that I brought. It was just far easier for people to buy those things, and I ended up making more money selling those two items than I have ever made selling books at a convention. This is one of the reasons why I’m moving more into the cartooning and art and spending less time on the writing. I will continue to write, but it’s far easier for me to sell the art, and frankly, it’s easier for me to produce the art as well. And frankly, I just enjoy cartooning more than anything else!

Overall, Marscon went very well. Now Mich and I are looking forward to Farpoint in February. I start working on Mustachequerade 02 this week, as well as a Zombie Easter card, and plan to have both of those in time for Farpoint. I have been assured I will have table space at the con, so if you’re going to be there, stop by and see me!

Oh, and I should point out, today’s cartoon was drawn on my iPad, using an app called Adobe Ideas. It’s as close to pen and ink drawing as I can get on the iPad. It’s not the perfect solution for drawing the cartoon on the go, but it’s the closest I’ve come so far! Adobe Ideas draws in vector format, but acts like a pen and ink program. So I can cartoon the way I’m used to, but scale the drawing up or down to any size with no loss of quality!

ACW 145 – C is for…

Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized cartoon!

Some of you may remember that last year I was the cookie mom for Princess’ Girl Scout troop. Well, guess what? I’m cookie mom again this year! AND this year Pixie is in Girl Scouts too, but in a different troop because she’s a Daisy. Before you ask, no, I did not volunteer to be cookie mom for two troops. I’m not that crazy. But I am now faced with the prospect of taking two little girls door-to-door through our neighborhood to sell Girl Scout cookies, and then delivering them again later on, which means I’m going to have to be careful not to get Pixie’s cookies mixed up with Princess’ cookies and vice versa, all while keeping track of cookies and money for Princess’ entire troop. So yeah, I am at least that crazy.

Anyway, moving on. You may have noticed that this week’s “Adventures of Cynical Woman” is showing up on Monday instead of it’s usual Tuesday spot. That’s because things are changing. I’m switching gears this year to devote a lot more time to art and cartooning, and part of doing so means tightening up the blog schedule. Instead of doing “Move It Mama Monday” on Mondays, I’ll be posting the web comic instead. On Wednesdays, I’ll post “Rats!” instead of “WIP Wednesday.” And on Fridays, I’ll continue to post “Flashback Friday,” which will be about artwork I’ve found in old sketchbooks of mine. There will be the occasional announcement post about any upcoming events like conventions, or about new products available in the Zazzle store, or about any stories I get published, etc. But otherwise I’m sticking to the cartoons and art posts for this year. My hope is that if I get fast enough with the cartoons, I’ll be able to post more of them as time goes by, but I’m going to have to work up to that. As for “Move It Mama Monday” and “WIP Wednesday,” those will no longer be regular features on the blog. I know some folks really enjoyed “Move It Mama Monday,” but I haven’t really had anything new to say about exercise and fitness in a while, and when I do, it’s usually something I’d rather say in the web comic anyway.

So, there will be changes here, starting this week. And you’ll see more stuff showing up in the store. And if you see me at conventions this year, like at Marscon this coming weekend, you may see some new stuff there as well. It’s all good. It’s part of a grand scheme, and I think this time next year, we’ll all be able to look back and realize this transition to more serious cartooning was the best thing ever!

ACW Episode 143 – An Unexpected Delay in Getting Back to Work

Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized cartoon!

Due to certain unforeseen circumstances, it may be another week or so before I get back to my regular blogging schedule. I didn’t even get “Rats!” up last week because of the events depicted in today’s comic. I will post the regular Cynical Woman comics and “Rats!” all this month, and hopefully be back to a semi-normal schedule by the end of January, but in addition to my recent illness, I’ve also just entered Girl Scout cookie season and today I’m up to my assets in spread sheets and calendars, getting ready for sales to start on Saturday. Oh, and convention season starts next week, with Marscon being the first con on my schedule this year. If you’re going to be in Williamsburg, VA, from 13-15 January, stop by and see me! I’ll be talking about writing, podcasting, speculative fiction erotica and, of course, web comics.

So anyway, I hope you all had a happy New Year. I know that I at least got an early start on one resolution – lose 10 pounds. I’m almost halfway there already!


ACW Episode 143 – Hoppy Holidays

Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized cartoon.

It was like the weirdest game of live-action Frogger ever. There we were, happily driving down the highway, on our way to see “Hugo” (great movie, by the way), when out of nowhere this froggy potty leaps out at us, forcing my mom to run over it with her SUV. It made this horrendous noise, like it was tearing the engine apart with its plastic molded froggy paws. Then the noise stopped. Then the noise started again, only different, and this time the car started to slow down, and it got slower and slower and slower… We barely made it to the movie theater parking lot, where my mom parked and we all jumped out to survey the damage. And there he was, stuck in the wheel well – a child’s froggy potty covered in black goop.

And yes, my dad did actually say the line in the last panel. That’s my dad! Now you know where I get it from.

My family is visiting for another day or so, and then I hope to get back to regular work, but I’m not making any promises for this week. I’ve got to get started on some stuff for Girl Scouts. Cookie season is rapidly approaching, as well as Thinking Day, and I’m in charge of both this year. Plus Marson is coming up, and I’ve got a lot to get ready for that. But someone very nice has offered to help me out with all three of these events, so I should be good. Right, Mich?

Anyway, this is the last Cynical Woman cartoon for the year. I’ll see if I can get Rats! up on Thursday, and then I won’t see you again until next year. Have a good one!

Rats! Episode 76 – It’s Just Not the Same

Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-size image!

During my senior year of college, I roomed with Val, who was (and still is) Jewish. Every year, at Hanukkah, she’d light her menorah, despite the rules against candles in the dorms. The only year this was a problem was the year she used sub-standard candles that went limp when they melted, then toppled off the menorah and into her wicker trash basket. Which was filled with paper.

Val was an interesting roommate. She kept a pet bull snake named “Houdini” in her dorm room, but thankfully not the year we roomed together. Houdini got out of his aquarium one day and slid under the dorm room door, out into the girls’ part of the dorm. You can imagine the excitement this caused. However, Val was short and very cute, so I think when she went to see the Vice Commandant about Houdini’s escapade, she just sort of smiled, laughed, and shrugged, and in return the Vice Commandant (Col. Vanderpyle, I believe), just sort of shook his head and started laughing too. This of course, led me to believe that Val was pure evil because she could get away with anything. In fact, to this day, if you asked me to describe Val, I was say she was cute, and short, and evil. Very evil.

And apparently still an officer in the Air Force! See what being a cadet can do for you?

Wherever you are, Shorty, I hope you and your family have a happy Hanukkah.

ACW Episode 142 – Bouncy Bouncy!! Bouncy Bouncy!! Fun Fun Fun Fun FUN!!

Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized cartoon!

Yes, this actually happened. Normally this would not happen, as the girls usually wake up before Hubster and I can get started. When that happens, he takes them downstairs, feeds them breakfast, and turns on Sponge Bob Squarepants. The moment I hear, “Are ya ready, kids?!” I sit up in bed and shout, “Aye-aye, Captain!”

Sponge Bob = Best. Aphrodisiac. EVAAAAAAAAAAH!

Rats Episode 75 – Quiet Time

Normally, I post the cartoon and then I offer the commentary. Today I’m doing it the other way around, and I want to explain why. On Thursday, Officer Deriek W. Crouse was shot and killed at Virginia Tech. I was horrified to hear this news. His death, at the time of this writing, appears to have been completely senseless, and it’s made even more tragic in light of the fact that Officer Crouse was married with five children. I’m having a hard time understanding how something like this could have happened at a campus I remember as being peaceful and laid back during my college days so many years ago.

The cartoon below was originally on December 8th, 1990. The very next day, I would go to a party and kiss my future husband for the first time. It was one of the best times of my life. It was about a week before the start of exams, and during that week, the VTCC instituted 23-hour quiet time. There was no talking in the hallways, no music, no horsing around, just 23 straight hours of studying. Until 6PM, that is.

From 6PM until 7PM, the hallways in Rasche and Brodie were a riot. We pulled out water guns and shaving cream pies, we blasted our stereos until the glass in the dorm windows started to shake. We threw water balloons and ate pizza, sometimes doing both activities at once. Then at 7PM we would return to our desks and get back to studying as hard as we could.

When I pulled this cartoon out of the pile last week, I clapped my hands with glee. I couldn’t wait to post this. Now, it seems so sad to look at. My heart goes out to Officer Crouse’s family. I cannot begin to say how heartsick I am over this man’s death. My thoughts are with his family.

ACW Episode 141 – The Negotiator

Click on the thumbnail above to fiew the full-sized comic!

Both Princess and Pixie have become quite the negotiators at dinner time, and it’s driving me nuts. For years now, I’ve had to argue over how many spoonfuls of vegetables equals one dessert. It doesn’t help that I myself am picky about the vegetables I eat. Only my best friend, Mary, knows how to cook brocolli in such a way that I will actually eat it, stem, flourettes and all!

Things are getting busy here at Cynical Woman Central. I’ve been working on more t-shirt designs, including the Zombie Goth Mermaid. I’m hoping to do a series of goth/steampunk t-shirts and prints, so you’ll be seeing signs of that in the not-too-distant future. Right now, I have two t-shirts for sale in the Cynical Woman Zazzle shop, along with cards, postage stamps, iPad cases, jewelry and other goodies. If you’re so inclined, feel free to visit the shop and browse. All proceeds from that shop go right into paying for more graphics software and hardware so I can produce even more cartoons and cool stuff.

Have fun this week, and don’t forget to eat your vegetables!!