ACW Episode 124 – A Day of Debauchery… Or Not

This is a true story. In response to Rick Perry’s “National Day of Prayer,” some folks on Facebook decided to do a “National Day of Debauchery.” I was sort of looking forward to this as an excuse to be slothful that day and spend all morning eating ice cream in bed while watching cartoons, but as it turns out, Hubster volunteered us to be elsewhere that morning, doing helpful things.

We spent four and a half hours on Saturday pulling up weeds, edging lawns, trimming bushes, raking up dead grass and leaves, etc. I am still sore from all this work. The girls helped, of course. After all, it’s there school and I’d kill them if they didn’t help. And with the four of us working, we managed to clean up a nice patch of the school yard. Other volunteers trimmed back trees, moved dead branches, all sorts of dirty work. Needless to say, we were one very tired group of volunteers by the time we were done.

So I got dirty, but I didn’t get to participate in a Day of Debauchery. Or did I? After the volunteering, Hubster took us out shopping for clothes and school supplies. It was a tax-free weekend in lovely Virginia, so he intended to hit as many stores as he could to get everyone what he needed. And I have to admit, all that shopping did make me feel pretty debauched. I got 3 pairs of biking capris, a new pair of shoes, and ice cream before we left. That’s a pretty good haul, in my opinion.

But the debauchery is definitely over now. I’m back to being mom/writer/artist, trying to keep up with all my responsibilities and deadlines. Next week my own mother shows up, so you better believe I’m scrambling now to clean house before she gets here. Though I do wish I could take a break.

Hmmm… maybe I can convince Pixie to watch cartoons with me all afternoon while we eat ice cream in bed.

Rats! Episode 64 – Look! It’s Super Rat!

I swear, I cannot recall where the idea for Super Rat came from. He just suddenly showed up in the strip one day, and made a few more appearances after that.

This was drawn in October of my senior year at Virginia Tech, so our rats that year were probably still dragging through the hallways, though I’m sure they had some privileges by that point. During my senior year, I was the Academics Officer for Hotel Company. I swear, I saw more freshman engineering students change their majors to history that year and in more than a few cases it was because the students flat out weren’t studying. Yes, they had a lot to deal with – the Corps, ROTC, adjusting to college life, etc. However, if some of those freshman had just spent a few more hours at their desks, noses in their books, they might have remained engineering majors.

Anyway, here’s Super Rat. He won’t save your failing grades, but he might help you out in the hallway when you get cornered by a senior cadet. Just as soon as he fixes his rat belt.

ACW Episode 123 – I’m Tryin’ to Communicate Here!

So I had a little melt-down last week when I got overwhelmed by social media. You see, prior to last week, I had never had a Facebook account. Mich kept threatening to set me up with one and on Wednesday she finally carried out that threat. But setting up the Facebook page wasn’t the problem, in and of itself. It was what came afterward, my attempts to interconnect my various sources of social media, that caused my melt-down.

I have a blog, obviously. I have a podcast. I have two Twitter accounts. Which reminds me, I have another blog. And I’ve got a Flickr account. And oh yeah, a Tumblr blog. And did I mention I’m on Google+? I knew I could interconnect the Twitter feeds to the Facebook pages, but I’ve been having problems with Twhirl, the application I had been using to get my twitter feeds. Mich set me up with TweetDeck, which is very different from Twhirl. And since I’ve been having problems using Google+, I put Google Chrome on my netbook, hoping it would make life easier. But then I found out Twitterfeed was still set up to log me in only through OpenID, which I hate because I’ve never used my LiveJournal account, so I had to contact their tech support twice to reset my password and login…

You can see why I had a melt down.

On the plus side, the folks at Twitterfeed were very helpful and things got solved quickly. And I found an app on Facebook that automatically posts any new images I put on Flickr to my fan page for Cynical Woman. And I will eventually learn to like Tweetdeck, though not the Google Chrome version because it doesn’t do half the stuff I need it to do, apparently. And I’ve gotten the hang of Facebook, I think. But Google+ is just too damned clunky to use on my netbook and keeps losing messages as I type them…

Yeah, maybe I will join that convent and take that vow of silence after all. Or not. I never have been able to keep my mouth shut. Anyway, here’s where you can find me these days!

Facebook – Helen Madden and Cynical Woman

The Heat Flash Erotica Podcast – a free audio podcast of adult speculative fiction


Tumblr – With a Cynical Eye


Google+ – just search for Helen Madden. I’m too damed lazy at this point to figure out the hyperlink to that account.

So there you go. Now you can find me on the interwebs. Have fun!

Episode 122 – Just How Hot Is It?

This actually happened. One of my best friends, Patricia had dinner with us on Friday. She and I went out to pick up the Chinese food we ordered, and the weather was swelteringly hot even at 7PM that day. We were sweating when we came home from our short trip out. The moment we walked in the door though, Hubster yelled at us to come see what was on our back deck. This is what we found…

Yes, that is a squirrel melting on our deck. He apparently had been there a while, and he stayed still even though he had an audience of 5 gawking at him through our back window. I was able to grab my camera and get this shot before he finally decided to amble off and go melt some place else.

According to Mich, this is what squirrels do when it gets too hot outside. She told me she has a similar picture from this weekend and she’s sending it to me today. I’ll post it here when I get it so you can see more of this bizarre melting squirrel behavior.

Rats! Episode 63 – It Has Come To Our Attention…

I told you the Rangers were out to get me. I ended up drawing this a week later, after hearing there had been discussions about stuffing me into my sleeping bag, zipping it closed, and tossing the whole she-bang into the duck-pond. You can see how sorry I was to have offended the ROTC Ranger company. Not.

What amazes me is that the Rangers even cared what my little cartoon said. I did not poke fun at them so much as I was poking fun at that particular character, Irwin, and yet they took it rather personally. Why? Is a college newspaper cartoonist really that big a threat to a bunch of big burly guys in uniform who can scale walls using just their fingers and toes and can open canned goods with their bare teeth? I mean, come on! These guys were tough. They ate MREs all the time, for Pete’s sake.

And yet I had apparently stepped on my toes with my little twice-a-week, ran-only-in-the-college-newspaper, measly little comic strip. All of which goes to show the Army ROTC department really needed to issue those guys a sense of humor along with their M-16s.

ACW Episode 121 – Let’s Pause for a Brief Rest

Mich swears the old steamer trunk I’m restoring is not big enough for me to fit inside. Mich is so nice, I’m pretty sure her comments are not a slam about the size of my butt. 😉

In any event, the restoration is coming along, though I think it will be a few more weeks before it’s done. I can only work on it a day a week, it seems. When I do, I spend hours scrubbing and scraping and sanding and oiling and polishing. Then I’m dead tired and sore as all get out for the next few days. I usually recover just in time to get back to work on the dang thing.

But it’s coming along nicely, and hopefully before summer I will have it done and then be able to store all my art supplies in it. Or take a very long nap in it. One of the two.

Rats! Episode 62 – Ranger!

Unbeknownst to me at the time, I almost got lynched for the above cartoon and a few that followed it. You see, we had a group of rough and ready guys in the ROTC Rangers at Virginia Tech who took a little exception to me making jokes of any sort about them. I never heard anything about it until some months later, but at the time these guys were apparently discussing stuffing me in a sleeping bag, zipping it closed over me head, and then beating me silly with whiffle bats before dumping me in the campus duck pond.

But they were actually a good bunch of guys, and apparently they were able to resist the urge to do all of that to me.

One of my most frequent memories of the cadet dorms is of people walking around in boxer shorts. Not just the guys, but the women too. I drew Irwin in stripy boxer shorts above, because that was such common dress for cadets when they weren’t in uniform. Honestly, it made sense. We had to wear these clean, neatly pressed uniforms to class and they weren’t very comfortable, so obviously when we came back to the dorm, we all got changed. But why bother changing into another outfit when you knew you had to put the uniform back on again a couple hours later for another class or evening formation? So we just all walked around in boxers and t-shirts most of the time.

Funny the things I remember when looking back at these cartoons.

ACW Episode 121 – Princess makes “The Big Pitch!”

I’m running late today, so I’ll be quick about this one. Suffice to say, Princess has decided to make a movie, which I think is great. Except that I keep having to explain to her what a budget is and what our limitations and abilities are.

The movie is entitled “Electro-Cat!” and we have already begun preproduction. We’re still working on the script (for some reason, Princess wants to write “War and Peace” even though I’ve explained YouTube will only allow 10 minutes max on movies). We’ve made a set/backdrop from some packing materials that came with our new vacuum cleaner, and we’ve made 4 of our “actors” out of poster paint and old toilet paper tubes. Trust me, this will make sense when I post more updates on the movies.

Anyhoo, I’ve got to scat. There are not enough hours in the day, and I have a movie to help produce now as well as my own work to do. I’ll hopefully post updates on “Electro-Cat” as things progress.

Rats! Episode 61 – Short, But Talented

Been a few weeks since I posted one of these. My apologies, folks. Things have been crazy around here. Or crazier than usual, I should say. I’m trying to clear out all the extraneous stuff from my schedule, but with the kids off from school for the summer, I’m still juggling to get stuff done.

Anyhoo, the world’s shortest upperclassman was at one time a member of the Highty-Tighties’ flag corps, or so I recall. Was she any good at it? Well, she only hit herself in the head a few times, and she survived that, so I guess she was good enough 😉

Do the Highty-Tighties still have a flag corps? It was new I think when I was at Virginia Tech. Don’t know if they still have one now. Anyway, here’s the cartoon and I’ll do my best to keep up with things from now on. Enjoy your summer!

ACW Episode 120 – When I say “ZOMG!” the ‘Z’ stands for ‘Zombie”

True story. The kids and I went to the beach last Friday along with my best friends and their kids. Pixie was running around playing in the sand because she’s too scared of the waves to even dip her toe into the water. She kept racing up and down the beach finding seashells and bringing them back to me. Then while I was chatting with one of the other adults, she came running up shouting, “MAMA! I FOUND SOMETHING FOR YOU!!!” And then that darling child of mine tried to hand me a rotting turtle corpse.

It was BLECH! Missing the top half of its head plus half of one of its legs. It was all black and gushy red and rotting and I just screamed and screamed and screamed as my darling blonde Pixie toddled toward me holding its rotting corpse… Finally, I got her to drop the damned thing far enough away from me that I could then grab her and haul her kicking and screaming into the ocean to wash the dead turtle zombie cooties from her chubby little hands. Sadly, we had no Purell.

Events like this are what make me realize how much Pixie is like my dad. I mean, the kids looks just like him, if my dad were really short, blonde and female. They certainly act alike. When my dad was a boy, he convinced his baby sister to hand his mother a dead rat. He also left a dead skunk under his mother’s mattress and once shot the poor woman through both ankles. He swears that was an accident. What’s really bad is that I’m named for my paternal grandmother.

I wonder how long it will be before **I** get shot through both ankles. Accidentally, of course.