ACW Episode 105 – I got what you need

This is the webcomic that was supposed to run last week. I drew it on my iPad at Farpoint while I was sitting at my author table, using the ArtRage app. The inking was done with the pen tool, obviously, while I used the water color brush and the chalk tool for the colors. This is probably how I will continue to do the webcomic while I’m at a convention. It just made life a lot easier to do a single panel cartoon on an easy-to-carry device. I mean really, my bags were so much lighter with just the iPad in it to handle most of my digital needs for the weekend.

So anyway, this is what I did at Farpoint at my author table. I sold my smutty books on one side and boxes of cookies on the other. I did pretty well, both book-wise and cookie-wise, on Saturday. On Sunday, I was wiped out both physically and emotionally and so I didn’t set up my table that day. But even so, this was probably one of the better conventions for me as far as sales go. And surprise, suprise! I was actually asked to be a panelist on a webcomics panel that Sunday. I thought that was funny, because I really only consider myself a hobbyist when it comes to webcomics. I love doing webcomics, but so much of my work focuses on writing and podcasting that I sometimes forget I’m a webcomicker as well. I remember looking at Bryan Prindiville on Friday and saying, “How the heck did I end up on a webcomic panel?” and he said, “Well, duh! You have a webcomic?”

I want to thank everyone at Farpoint for all their help and support that weekend. Both the con staff and several friends of mine went out of their way to take care of me, both before and after hearing about my father-in-law’s passing. It’s nice to know I have friends, especially friends who will sit with me in the bar while I down a few girlie drinks to kill some stress. Thank you all. I really appreciate your kindness.

Freaky Friday! Self-portrait of the Artist with a Snake!

“A Very Scary Self-Portrait” by Helen E. H. Madden, 13 February, 2011

This portrait will eventually go up on the Very Scary blog, where I have been working with my good friend Mich to scan in, display and review several pieces of children’s artwork that we picked up at the March to Keep Fear Alive. I’ll be drawing a cartoon of Mich as well, one that includes her greatest fear which is spiders. Mine is snakes, as you can tell from the image above.

This was drawn on my iPad, once again using ArtRage. I think ArtRage is ideal for cartooning, especially on the iPad. I do like Brushes and Sketchbook as well, but I’m more familiar with ArtRage and the fact that it has a pen tool makes it perfect for me.

If you haven’t been over to Very Scary yet, take a moment and go look! We have guest reviews written by really cool people. Enjoy the art, leave a comment, and consider helping out with the Very Scary site. We’ve got over 500 pieces of artwork to review, so we could always use a few volunteers 😉

BTW, I’m at Farpoint this weekend, so if you’re there and you see me, be sure to say “Hi!” I promise I won’t run away screaming.

Rats! Episode 52 – The Transformation

Ah, nothing makes you feel powerful and important like a brand new rat speaking up and calling you “Sir!” And I was just about always called “Sir!” in spite of the fact that I have been a “Ma’am!” since the day I was born.

Being in charge is both great and really scary, I think. It’s great because you get to make the decisions and call the shots. It’s scary for the same reasons. If your decisions result in a successful outcome, everybody pats you on the back and declares you a hero. If your decisions lead to, shall we say, negative consequences, then you’re pretty much screwed because you were the one in charge.

I have screwed up more times when I was in charge than I care to remember. When I left the Reserves, I breathed a sigh of relief over the fact that my days of being in charge were over. And yes now I find myself once again the one in charge. Of Girl Scout cookies, this time, not of millions of dollars of military equipment and hundreds of people’s lives, but still, I’m in charge and I’m on the hook should anything prevent the successful delivery of several hundred boxes of delicious cookies to our very hungry customers.

The thing is, once you’ve been in charge, you never stop being in charge. Doesn’t matter if you suck at it, you still wind up being in charge again and again and again. Because you have experience, even if it’s only experience at screwing things up.

Have fun this week!

ACW Episode 104 – Why Did I Volunteer?!

Explain to me again why I volunteered to be Cookie Mom?

Oh yeah. Princess.

See, Princess and I made a deal. She’d get all her work done in school and I’d let her participate in Brownies. And she has definitely kept her end of the deal, so we’ve been going to Brownie meetings regularly all year. But then the troop needed volunteers to do things. I wasn’t ready to step in as troop leader or assistant leader, nor did I think I was ready to be treasurer when the call went out at the beginning of the year. But when they asked for a volunteer to be the troop cookie coordinator, I thought maybe it was time for me to get involved more. After all, Princess was really doing well in school.

Well, she continues to do well and I am now up to my assets in paperwork and cases of cookies. It’s taken a huge chunk out of my schedule and about driven me crazy with the paperwork and pick-ups and deliveries and coordination. A smooth, low stress job this has not been (and it was specifically described to me as smooth and low-stress). But still, Princess has kept her word and I want to support the things she does so I’m keeping mine.

And in spite of all the hassle, I will probably do this again next year. It’s one of those jobs where, once you’ve done it, you pretty much know it. In other words, it will be less of a pain in the ass next time around. I hope. I certainly wouldn’t want to inflict this job on some other poor, unsuspecting mom.

Or would I?

Would anybody here be interested in taking on a smooth, low stress volunteer opportunity next year? The Girl Scouts could really use your help…

Rats! Episode 51 – It’s My Turn!

Ah, the terrible things that power does to people. They get a little taste of it and they go crazy, meting out such misery to the poor people stuck beneath them. I don’t recall any of my classmates turn into complete jerks my sophomore year, thankfully. I think we all knew we’d get into major trouble if we pushed things too far. But I have to admit, we were all eager to see someone else go through the agony of being rats, if only so we could point and laugh and say, “Do you remember when we had to do that crap?!”

Other thoughts on today’s cartoon. This reminds me very much of the trips I made from home to Blacksburg and back again. I must have put thousands of miles on my poor little car, driving through all those mountains. I almost always drove by myself, and it’s a wonder I’m alive today. I can’t imagine making that trip now without a full night’s sleep and a cell phone on me in case there was an emergency. But back then? Eh, grab a couple hours of shut eye, through your gear in the back of the car, buy coffee on the way out and just drive! Those were the days.

So this is the start of the cartoons for the second year. I’ll have to count to see if I’ve got 50 cartoons for this year as well. I was in my senior year at this point, had just completed Camp All American at Fort Bragg and gotten through it by the skin of my teeth. I sucked so badly at ROTC, it’s a wonder anyone gave me a commission. That summer was also the year when Iraq invaded Kuwait. I was at Ft. Bragg then, doing CTLT (Cadet Troop Leadership Training) after having finished Camp All American. I remember that one evening we went to bed, everything all sane and normal in the world, and the next day we woke up and we were at war. Scary as all get out, driving around the post, seeing armed guards all over the place. I spent most of my last 2 weeks at Bragg running around getting dental records and helping soldiers fill out family care packages and powers of attorney for the families they were getting ready to leave behind.

Anyway, I did my time at Ft. Bragg, then returned to school. A lot of cadets who’d been upper classmen when I was a rat had already been sent off to Kuwait. It was a strange time to be a senior cadet. Of course, by the time I graduated, got my commission and finished Officer Basic Course, the Gulf War was over. It would be 10 years before I’d end up actually doing anything overseas during a wartime operation. And even then, I didn’t do all that much. That’s the way things work out sometime. To those of you currently serving overseas, I wish you the very best, and I hope you come home safe and sound sometime very soon!

ACW Episode 103 – Let’s All Sing Along!

File this one under “Yet one more reason why Helen is a bad, bad mother.” Yes, I let my kids listen to Pink. At least some of her songs, anyway, though nothing quite so hard core as “F#%&ing Perfect.” But we do listen to “Raise Your Glass” quite a bit. Frankly, I like listening to Pink. And to Katy Perry. And to a few other artists who’s lyrics are a bit… unconventional in terms of children’s music. And Pixie and Princess both love to sing along to whatever is playing on the radio.

There are some who would say, “Why don’t you just listen to those songs when your kids aren’t around?!” To those people I would say, “The only time the kids aren’t around is when I’m working, and when I’m working, I’m not listening to music.” And then those same people might come back and say, “Then why not only listen to those songs when you’re driving around in your car?!” And to those people I would say, “I do only listen to those songs when I’m in my car! The problem is, I’m almost never in the car without the kids!!”

Seriously, the only opportunity I get to listen to music I like is when I’m driving, and I’m usually not in the car by myself. The kids are in there with me 90% of the time. And so they end up listening to a lot of music most parents would frown at. But I will say this.

It’s NOT my fault, because the Hubster is the one who keeps buying me those CDs!

Rats! Episode 50 – Hair, Hair! The Gang’s All Done!

Here it is, the last cartoon from the first year of “Rats!” I did some figuring and I guess 50 cartoons was about all I produced a year. Still, it seems like there should have been more.

While it may be summer in Irwin’s world, it’s absolutely freezing where I’m at, and I’m betting it’s even colder up in Blacksburg. The winter of my rat year is the reason why I finally started to grow my hair long. I had kept it very short up unti that point, Annie Lennox short for those of you old enough to understand the reference. But that first winter was bitterly cold. I swear, I thought my ears were going to fall off it was so bad. Not even ear muffs helped keep my head warm.

So I grew out my hair. By the time I graduated from college, it was all the way down to my back. I didn’t cut it short again until a few months after my second child was born. I had to cut it then because post-partum hormones had turned it all into a freakish tumbleweed perched atop my head. But now I’m growing it long again. I think in another two years, it’ll be back down to the middle of my back.

But enough about my hair. How’s yours? Any freshmen cadets out there wishing they had more hair on their heads? Anyone lose an ear to frostbite yet? I’m ghoulishly curious, I know, but I enjoy hearing about the difficulties new cadets go through every year.

Because it reminds me I don’t have to deal with any of that stuff anymore!

Have a good week 😉

Rats! Episode 49 – He’s Got the Power!

Nothing seems stranger, or perhaps sillier, than a freshman about to become a sophomore. It just seems so unreal to watch a rat become an upper classman. And yes, I include myself in this. I felt ridiculous suddenly being an upper classman. I mean come on! Who are we kidding?! I barely survived being a rat, and now people are telling me I’m ready to lord it over other rats?!

Irwin Ratt is probably the best reflection of me there is. Charlie Brown was Charles Schultz, Irwin was me. Everything he went through, I went through. Yes, Irwin is male and I’m female, but still, he was me and I was him. And many days, I still feel like Irwin Ratt, completely unprepared to deal with whatever life throws at me. Ah well, I’ll bungle through it all somehow.

Next week is the last strip drawn for my freshman year. I keep think there should be more, because the Collegiate Times ran twice a week almost every week between September and May. I’ll have to do some math and see. But I can’t find any more cartoons with that year written on them, so I guess that’s that.

Hope everyone at Tech is having fun. I’m swamped with work but struggling through it. I can’t wait until March. Hopefully by then I’ll be able to catch a break. I’ll do my best to keep up with the comics through it all, but if for some reason I skip a week, my apologies. It’s just that real life does tend to interfere.

ACW Episode 101 – My Husband, the Rocket Scientist

This never fails to happen. I will be flat out exhausted, brain totally fried, and the Hubster, who has not one but TWO degrees in aerospace engineering, will come along to discuss the latest fascinating scientific theory he’s read about or project he’s working on. And he must talk to me about it in great length.

He did this to me last week, and I couldn’t help but slowly try to edge my way out of the room. I love the man and I’m glad he’s so smart, but I have been so swamped with work these past two months and it’s only getting worse. Friday evening was not the time to explain to me how space can be “quantized” into eleven dimensions. Or something like that.

Anyway, I’m busting ass these days, trying to stay ahead of the rising tide of work. I’m hoping to keep on schedule with the cartoons and blog posts, but if I don’t, you know what happened.

My brain ran away. And I ran away with it!