Rats! Episode 32 – Show me the money!

My apologies for not running a cartoon last week. I ended up leaving a day earlier than planned for a trip, and did not manage to get the cartoon scanned in and uploaded because of that.

Anyway, here’s this week’s cartoon, which would have been last week’s. This is another one of those cartoons inspired by a phone call from General Musser’s secretaries. Apparently he won the lottery, and I got called down to the office and was told to make a funny cartoon about it. I’m not sure this is what they had in mind, but I tell you, if I could have requested a loan to pay for Military Ball tickets and my dress, you better believe I’d have done it in a heartbeat.

I’m not going on any more trips for a while (I hope!), so there should be no further interuptions to my weekly schedule. Again, my apologies. I really didn’t expect to have to leave so soon for karate camp last week, and I had to scramble to get out the door.

To all you new rats out there, I hope you’re having fun at Virginia Tech!

ACW Episode 81 – Helen & Eurica’s Excellent Adventure!

Me and driving in North Carolina do not mix.

Last week I unexpectedly left a day early for a four-day karate camp in Flat Rock, NC. I had planned on leaving early Thursday morning and arriving at noon in time for the start of camp. However, I was advised it was actually better to leave the night before, especially since I could check in early and there’d be a bunk already waiting for me at camp Wednesday night. One of the other black belts in my class, Eurica, decided to leave Wednesday too, so we decided to drive down together. Thus began our excellent adventure.

First off, the drive from home to Flat Rock was only supposed to take 7 1/2 hours. However, both Google and Yahoo maps gave me directions that would have forced me to make a turn every 15 minutes. Seriously? Do Google and Yahoo not understand that I do not have to reach around my ass to get to my armpit? MapQuest did a better job, and was easier to tweak to get the directions to match up with what I’d been told I’d need to do. So, armed with MapQuest, Eurica and I set out Wednesday around 2:45 PM for Flat Rock, NC.

I will be the first to admit, we were having a great time talking on our way down there. I usually see Eurica in class a couple times a week, but I never get a chance to talk to her because we’re both too busy doing karate. We talked about everything! Kids, husbands, the economy, getting older, the time I went to the wrong funeral… everything. And we were having so much fun! And it’s a good thing we were having fun, because that 7 1/2 hour trip ended up taking 12 hours!

The trouble started when we reached the Durham area around 6:30PM. Apparently there was a really bad accident on I-85S; so bad that the police closed all four lanes of the highway and redirected traffic into Durham. We didn’t have any idea of where we were going in Durham, and we ended up driving around the town for quite a long while. Fortunately, Eurica had a Google Maps app on her iPhone (for this and this only, I forgive Google for giving us such crappy directions when I planned our initial route). She was able to pinpoint our location and tell me which way to turn. But it ended up taking us 2 1/2 hours to get back onto the highway!

Then of course, we had to stop for dinner. We found this little hole-in-the-wall Chinese place that served the best food. It was cheap, delicious, and more than either of us could eat, and we were splitting a plate, so that tells you something. I seriously wish I had written down the name and address of the place so I could promote them here, but I didn’t. I did however leave a nice tip.

Then we got back on the road and discovered that there was construction and maintenance going on all over I-85S. We kept getting shifted from one lane to another, hitting this slow down and then that one. Around 10 PM, when we should have arrived in Flat Rock, we were still nowhere near our destination, and we kept debating whether we should get off and get a hotel room for the rest of the night. But then we realized we’d still have to get up extra early in the morning and drive the rest of the way and we had no idea how long it would take us to get there. Plus we had our instructor’s weapons in the back of the car, and he was going to need them to teach classes, so we had to be there on time.

We finally arrived at the camp at 2:45 AM, and I swear, if the instructor responsible for checking people in hadn’t been up waiting for late night stragglers like us, Eurica and I would have grabbed our blankets, leaned back our seats, and slept in the dang car! However, Sensei Meibers was up and he got us to our bunks in one of the cabins and we crashed some time around 3 AM.

Then we went through 3 straight days of karate classes, 8 hours per day. It was challenging to say the least. We were up in the mountains, on some really hilly, rocky terrain, which made balancing while doing kata fun. Plus it was extremely humid. The heat wasn’t too bad, but the humidity was absolutely killer. The bus weren’t too bad, which was good, but the cabins we were staying in were meant for pre-teens and younger kids, so everything was scaled to their size. We could barely stand up or turn around in the shower. The toilet had a shower curtain in front of it that was so close it was right up on my knees everytime I sat. Oh, and the toilet seat was very loose, so trips to the john always involved serious risk of falling into the toilet or out of the stall. Made life interesting.

However, camp turned out to be very enjoyable. Eurica and I learned a lot of fun stuff, and we were in great spirits when we got into the car Sunday morning to head home. You see, we had reviewed our directions with someone who had left 3 hours after us on Wednesday evening, and yet managed to arrive 1 hour ahead of us that night. After confirming our route, we hopped in the car and sped off, certain we would make it home in 7 1/2 hours.

We were doing pretty good too. Around Ashville, we got a call from our instructor recommending we take Route 40 Business through town to shave half an hour off our time. It’s because of this valuable piece of knowledge that we actually made it home in 11 1/2 hours instead of 12.

Yeah, 11 1/2 hours to get home. Honestly, I don’t know what happened. We were fine up until Durham. Then somewhere past there, we missed our turn off for Route 58. It wasn’t until we were in Petersburg that we realized what had happened. Fortunately, we were able to map a new route home on the spot, thanks to Eurica’s iPhone, and we only missed a few more turns after that. We did go through lovely, scenic Ivor, where they were selling hog jowls (god, I wish I’d stopped to get a jar of those; that would have been funny). And eventually, we pulled into Eurica’s driveway.

I managed to make it from Eurica’s house to mine without further incident, and collapsed into bed after pencilling today’s cartoon. Now I’ll be spending the rest of the week playing catch up with work, and looking forward to not going anywhere this weekend. One of these days, I’m going to make a trip down to North Carolina and not get lost or take twice as long to get where I’m going as I should. Until then, I’m thinking seriously of investing in some road maps and maybe a GPS and a survival kit, because I gotta tell you, that was one hell of a trip!

Thanks to Eurica though, we still had a lot of fun 😉

ACW Episode 80 – Submitted for your approval…

I swear to you, the hardest part of writing is not actually writing the story, but putting together the cover letter to the editor/publisher whom you want to BUY your story. I have spent weeks working on a piece, gotten it all polished and perfect, and then turned around and realized, “Oh crap! I have to write a cover letter too?”

Cover letters are quite frequently an editor’s or publisher’s first introduction to a writer, so they have to be done right. You have to include all the pertinent information in the letter without being too wordy and you have to sell your story in 50 words or less. After a few years of writing cover letters, I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of it, but still, every time I go to submit a story, it’s the same damn thing. I stare at the computer, its glowing screen blank except for the words, “Dear Editor…” and my mind is completely empty.

Part of my problem is that I quite frequently write stories that are not the norm. While I haven’t actually written the story in the cartoon above, I have written very similar tales. Imagine trying to sell an editor of a sci-fi erotica anthology on a story about an alien who collects and swaps genitals at flea markets for fun and profit. Or get them to buy a story about plants having sex in a Victorian garden, then devouring the gardener whole when he figures out what’s up. Yeah, that’s kind of tricky to explain in a cover letter. Still, I somehow manage to sell my stuff, and I continue to sell more stories every year so I must be doing something right.

My one bit of advice about cover letters? Don’t be an ass. Simple, polite, and concise always work best. I now know plenty of editors and publishers and have heard them gripe about cover letters enough to that you should never, ever start your cover letter with, “Dear Editor, I am submitting my masterpiece for your consideration…”

‘Nuff said.

Rats! Episode 31 – What a dip!

Someone please tell me that the disgusting habit of dip is no longer practiced by 99% of the male cadets in the VTCC. I swear, there was nothing more disgusting than watching a guy spend all day spitting icky brown gunk into a paper cup. How did these guys ever convince any girl to kiss them when that had that crap swilling around in their mouths? Blech!

But beyond that, this is a bit more of the story line I started last week. I loved drawing Kitty Siam. She was the quintessential female upper classman, attractive but very restrained with her hair pulled back into a tight bun and her grey skirt. You can tell by her rank (cadet corporal) she’s a sophomore, and by Claw’s rank (cadet 1st sergeant), he’s a junior. And judging by everyone’s shirts, it’s got to be winter. Grey shirts were only worn in winter, with ties mandatory for formations. I think I tied my tie once and then just loosened and retightened it every time I had to put it on after that.

I hope all you new cadets are surviving your first week with the corps. Fun, ain’t it? Getting up at the butt-crack of dawn, running in formation until you puke, dropping to the ground and doing push-ups until you think your arms are going to fall off. And the marching drills! I did so many marching drills during my new cadet week, I could barely stand up when I got out of bed every morning. Yep, those were the days! Be sure to memorize your new cadet knowledge, and remember there are only four correct answers to a question – “Yes, sir/ma’am!” “No, sir/ma’am!” “I don’t know, sir/ma’am!” and “Request permission to speak, sir/ma’am!” At least those were the only answers we were allowed to give when I was a rat.

ACW Episode 79 – Kawai!!!!!

Ah yes, chibi Helen. I honestly believe the only way I could possibly be any more evil is if I were cute. Then I could get away with all sorts of wickedness. My lack of cuteness is the only thing that stops me from ruling the universe.

Hope you like the chibi version of me. Before I headed out to Toronto, I picked up a manga workbook by Chris Hart and have slowly been working my way through it. When I came home, I showed it to Mich, who mentioned looking for a similar workbook on chibis. That led me to dig up the chibi book by Chris Hart, and so now I’m hooked on drawing little cuties doing evil things.

BTW, the line in the second panel should be, “This story needs MORE goats. And fudge ice cream.”

As for the fourth panel, if you’ve ever spent any time hunting for yaoi or hentai images on the net, you know what I mean. I don’t mean that I would write stories about chibis having sex, but if I were a chibi, I think I could get away with writing far more scandalous stories than I do now 😉 Not that my lack of cuteness is going to stop me from trying.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the cartoon. Sayonara!

Rats! Episode 30 – Plot? What Plot?

Oh my, someone’s in love. Romantic relationships in the VTCC were always interesting to watch. If you were a female cadet involved with a male cadet, it could be very damaging to your reputation. I remember on female spring rat who was accused of joining the VTCC simply because she wanted to be with her boyfriend, who had joined at the beginning of the year. You better believe I thought that was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard of. The girl in question went through all the same basic training with all the other spring rats, had to drag through the halls and speak up, suffer through inspections and initiations and all the other “joys” of being a rat, and people honestly thought she was only there for her boyfriend? Give me a frikkin’ break.

Guys could also suffer a hit to their reps if they were involved with a female cadet. Having a civilian girlfriend was one thing, but having a cadet girlfriend might make them seem soft or whipped for some reason. I never understood that one either. Regardless of all that, male and female cadets still got involved with each other, and I can recall some pretty strong relationships in the Corps while I was in. I even dated another cadet during my freshman year. It didn’t last, thankfully, because I met the man of my dreams my senior year. My husband was a civilian student at Tech, majoring in aerospace engineering. Two years after we first kissed, we were married. 17 years later, we have a house, two kids, two cats, two cars, etc. I’m very happy with the way things turned out.

But back to today’s cartoon. I got a bit of flak from some people when I decided to start a “story-line” in the cartoon, which was about a budding romance between Irwin Rat and Kitty Siam. I think today’s episode was the start of all that. Apparently some folks thought the whole story thing dragged. I did it anyway though, because quite frankly, if you draw a cartoon twice a week, every week for nine months of the year, you take all the ideas you can get and use them because you have a deadline to meet!

Did we have rats like Irwin, who did needlepoint and wooed the upperclassmen girls? Not exactly. We certainly had rats who didn’t fit the stereotypical mode. Yours truly is probably the best example of that. In any case, I think it’s safe to say that every cadet marched to the beat of a different drummer (when they weren’t marching in formation, that is).

I’ve heard from more than a few people who are about to start their freshmen year with the VTCC. Thanks for all the feedback and comments guys! My apologies for not responding yet. I just got back from vacation in Toronto and am trying to catch up with a lot of work. I wish all this year’s incoming rats the best of luck with “Cadre Week” (that’s what it was called back in my day), and just remember, be careful how you do your shirt tuck. You don’t want to give yourself a nasty wedgie.

ACW Episode 78 – So we went to Toronto

Honesty compels me to confess that the above scene never actually happened on our trip to Toronto last week, and there’s a good reason for that. The kids know I would KILL them if they ever acted up this badly.

In fact, the kids’ good behavior was the second most-likely reason people stopped to talk to us while we were out and about touring the town last week. (My Vibram shoes were the first most-likely reason we would be stopped.) People noted that the girls seemed very pleasant, were quiet and well-behaved in public, and said ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ with only a little prompting. Only once toward the end did I have to put anyone in time out for bad behavior, and that was when Pixie refused to hold my hand in the Royal Ontario Museum. She was getting antsy, and I prefer to keep a tight grip on her when she gets like that, since I know she could easily spin out of control otherwise. When she refused to hold hands and threw a tiny tantrum, I put her in the nearest corner for 2 minutes. It was amazing how many people stopped to applaud while we stood there. Apparently lots of people are tired of seeing kids behave badly in public.

I don’t blame them. I saw some attrocious behavior while we were out, and not just from kids. People touching museum exhibits that were clearly labeled “No Touching!” Kids hitting and kicking their parents when denied ice cream. Shouting and swearing in hotel hallways. I cannot believe people act like this. And every time I see such behavior, I turn to my girls and say, “If I ever catch either of you acting like that–“

“You’ll kill us,” they finish for me.


So my girls know the score – behave or die young. I am very proud of them for understanding that concept.

Anyway, we had quite the vacation. This is our usual yearly trip, where Hubster jets us all out to whever his annual geek conference is, drops us in some strange city and then takes off for the week while I tote the girls around town. It’s both thrilling and exhausting. While he’s hob-nobbing with other engineers, I’m dragging two kids from museum to museum and trying to unpuzzle the local public transportation system. We didn’t do too badly this time. I was actually able to figure out which trolley I needed to take to get back to our hotel one afternoon when the bus we were supposed to take never showed up. However, I tried to stick to my prefered mode of transport – walking. The girls and I must have logged 2 miles a day, not including time spent at the various sites we visited. And of course, once the Hubster was done with his conference, that mileage doubled. That man likes to pack a lot of activities into his vacation time, I tell you. We walked so much the last two days of the trip, I still can’t feel my feet.

We got back on Sunday afternoon. It was an amazing trip and honestly, I could have spent 2 weeks there and not done it all. Among other places, we saw the Ontario Science Center, the Art Gallery of Ontario, Casa Loma, the Ontario Zoo, and the Royal Ontario Museum. Now that we’re home, I’m trying to slip right back into work and the usual routine. I can’t believe how much paying work I’ve got sitting in my in-box, waiting to be handled. And the laundry! Oy, I may never dig out from under that heap of work.

Anyway, I may do a few more cartoons on Toronto before moving back to some other topic, just to give you all a feel for what it was like. I hope you enjoy.

Rats! Episode 29 – Join the club!

See? I told you there’d be a Rats! cartoon today.

I must have drawn this one about the time our rats were going through initiation for the VTCC’s local chapter of AUSA (Association of the United States Army). There was a time during the winter each year when there was a big push to get the rats to join one military organization or another. The Ranger Challenge team was the hard core Army ROTC club. Of course, I was about as far from hard core as you could get, so I obviously wasn’t joining that. I think I joined AUSA under duress. I don’t recall ever getting any big benefits from it beyond a cord to wear on my wool blouse during parades. Needlepoint, on the other hand, I could have used.

Hope you’re all enjoying the summer. It’s August now and in just another couple of weeks, new rats start showing up at Virginia Tech. Have just a little pity on them, if you were a rat once. But not too much 😉

Rats! Episode 28 – Um, oops?

My apologies, folks. This was supposed to go up yesterday, but I’ve been up to my armpits in alligators for the last couple of weeks. First there was the trip to North Carolina last weekend, and now we’re heading out to Toronto for a week’s vacation. I’ve been busy finishing off paying work, and something had to slide.

This is another one of those cases where I must have been called down to the general’s office by his secretaries and told to “draw something funny.” I don’t recall General Musser becoming a grandfather, but here’s the cartoon just the same. I think at this point we really start to see how different Irwin (who was really just me in cartoon form) was from all the rest of the VTCC. However did I manage to survive four years in the Corps? To this day I’m still scratching my head over that one.

I’ve sworn off all my other blog posts for next week, since I’ll be in Toronto. However, since I’m at my desk right now, I will promptly put together the next Rats! post for the upcoming Thursday, just to make up for being late this week. That’s right, nothing else may go up next week, but Rats! will be there on Thursday. I’ll go set it up right now!

ACW Episode 77 – She had to ask…

Oh, I have had my hands full keeping the kids busy this summer. Yes, Princess has actually asked about this. In fact, I keep getting all sorts of requests for odd activities. Can we go to Disney World… tomorrow! Can we buy a pony, build a giant robot, sew a ninja costume, and go to the beach? Sadly, getting to the beach has been the hardest request to fulfill so far this summer.

I’m still dead tired after my weekend reading in North Carolina. You can usually tell the weeks I’m tired or overly busy because I draw a single panel cartoon with a simple punch line, like the one above. I keep a stock pile of ideas on hand for when these times occur, so that I can still get a cartoon turned out, regardless of how sleep-deprived I might be. And I do try to ensure the cartoons are still funny. But if you see that single panel with just the essentials drawn, chances are good that I was worn out that day.

There will be no cartoon next week. Sorry, but we’ll be in Toronto and I’ll have no way to get a cartoon done in advance of heading out on our trip. I do plan to take a sketch book and my brush pen with me, so I might draw something, photograph it and upload it while I’m traveling, but I make no guarantees. Basically, it’s going to be me schlepping two kids around town while Hubster does his rocket scientist thing all day, and that’s both time consuming and exhausting.

But hopefully I’ll have more than a single panel to show you when I get back. And if you get a simple one panel cartoon instead? Well heck, ya’ll expect me to be tired after a trip like that, don’t you?