I went to high school with my dentist, so we have plenty to joke about when I come in for my appointments. His hygienist has the best deadpan humor ever. So all this means I actually enjoy going to the dentist!
Category: Cartoon
Web comics and other cartoons by by Helen E. H. Madden
ACW Episode 237 – What’s wrong with me?
I have been suffering from unexplained joint pain since September. And I know from previous medical issue that I should not expect a diagnosis any time soon. These things take time… a LOT of time.
But I do expect that when I’m having an allergic reaction to the medication the doctor prescribed, that maybe someone notice that rather than blame my allergic reaction on my hair dye. Especially when the allergic reaction in question started in the groin area, and no, I don’t dye my pubic hair.
Fortunately, I figured out why I was all red and splotchy even if the doctor didn’t. And I feel much better now. Even the joint pain seems to be doing better. I have no idea why my joints feel better, just like I had no idea why they were hurting so badly to begin with. But hey, I’ll take what I can get.
Bitchcraft! Episode 40 – Man Oh Man!
Bitchcraft! Episode 39 – Man Oh Man, part 4
Doctor Who artwork by Pixie
ACW Episode 136! Finally!
Finally! I have finished this webcomic! This is what I get for drawing a whole slew of new characters in the webcomic. Thankfully, this is the last of this series, so for now I can go back to drawing the more familiar for a while.
And now I’m going to be lazy for the rest of the day. So enjoy! I should have a new Bitchcraft cartoon up on Friday 🙂
Bitchcraft! Episode 38 – Man Oh Man, part 3
Oh my! I actually got a webcomic done on time!
Bitchcraft is back. I finally hit a point where I’m feeling better and Girl Scout cookie season has wound down enough that I’ve got a bit of free time. So the next couple of episodes have been photographed and are ready to be assembled.
Meanwhile, I have been working very hard to be lazy. I’ve cut back a lot on my daily list of things to do, and I think that’s helped me feel better. I still have a lot going on, but now if I’m tired, I just chuck everything and take a nap. And I’m sleeping later and going to bed earlier, so that all seems to help.
So here’s hoping that I can continue to get the comics done on time. Because I got lots of stuff to show you guys!
ACW Guest Artist – Princess!
I'm still recovering from being sick. Fortunately, there's only a couple more weeks left of Girl Scout cookie season and I'm starting to get some down time. I am drawing the next comic, but in the meantime, Princess gave me this to share with everyone…
The Goonie Bird!
Actually, I don't know what Princess calls this, but to me, it's a Goonie Bird, and a very lovely one at that. I hope you all enjoy it!
ACW Guest Artist – Pixie!!
I know I'm way behind at this point on both webcomics. I apologize. I am working on them. However, I've been having health problems since September. I've been to see my general practitioner, a rheumatologist, etc., and still have no idea what's going on. And new symptoms keep popping up the longer this goes on.
I am half-way through the pencils for the current episode of “Adventures of Cynical Woman,” and almost have the new character made for “Bitchcraft.” As soon as I get either webcomic done, I will post it. In the meantime, I have hired a couple of guest artists to help me fill in the blanks.
So, this week's episode of “Adventures of Cynical Woman” is drawn by…
This is Pixie's rendition of an episode of “Doctor Who” that we recently watched. You can see the Dalek, both in and out of it's armored pepper-pot; Davros, the creator of the Daleks; and someone who has just be exterminated by the Daleks (lower right corner)
Pixie loves “Doctor Who,” so I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of her artwork here. Thank you, Pixie, for helping out your mother in her time of need.
I'm going to bed now, folks. I am having an allergic reaction to something and I just took a dose of Benedryl, so I expect I will be out until well into tomorrow morning.
ACW Episode 135! The Witching Hour
This conversation actually happened, and I had to leave the table afterward because I had to laugh so badly. Princess is nearly 11 and Pixie is 7. There’s at least 10 years between my oldest daughter and my young nephews. (Incidentally, my oldest nephew, Jaleo, is graduating from college this year. Apparently Maddens only breed about every 10 years.) So for years, when the Hubster and I would come to visit the family, all the younger, child-free couples would head out to the bar in the evenings while we stayed in with two screaming kids. It was like clockwork. Five minutes after all the aunts and uncles headed out the door, my kids started howling and shrieking. I honestly think if my brothers- and sisters-in-law had ever stayed in with us during one of those evenings, the next round of Madden babies would NEVER have happened.
In all seriousness though, I understand and identify with what my sisters-in-law are going through. I’ve been there. It’s exhausting traveling with very young kids, trying to get them to sleep, getting through family gatherings and holidays with them. Hell, parenting little ones is exhausting under any circumstances. The only other time I can recall being so tired was when I was stationed at Fort Bragg for Camp All-American. For 6 weeks, I got less than 4 hours of sleep a night, spent all day on my feet marching, running, fighting, performing tactical maneuvers, carrying a 60+ pound ruck sack wherever I went…
Actually, Fort Bragg was a lot like being a new parent!