I finally, FINALLY, got started on the smaller Krampus Raven ornament.

Hurray! I made another hexagon!
I made the last Krampus Raven using Vanna’s Choice yarn. This time I’m using Vanna’s Glamour yarn, which is a much finer yarn. I expect thisraven will be a quarter of the size of the first one. I’m very glad that I’m able to use the same colors again – black, burgandy, and grey. But this time around, the raven will be a bit sparkley!
As for what happened on Day 12 on the challenge…
Day 12 was eaten up by preparations for our Girl Scout troop meeting. The troop meets at my house, and the girls spent all day Sunday cooking a HUGE meal for their parents. Yes, I turned seven girls loose in my kitchen and let them use every pot, pan, and dish in the house to cook a meal. The girls did clean up after themselves, and the volunteers did quite a bit of cleaning as well (for which I am very, VERY, grateful). However, before I could have the troop over at my house to cook, I had to clean the place up and get groceries for the dishes the girls were cooking. And then I had a party to go to on top of all that. So Saturday ended up being a very busy day. I did do some Krampus crafting though. I added a small crocheted loop to the shrunken elf head I made so it could be hung from a tree. And then I wrapped it up and took it with me to the party, where Hubster and I played “Dirty Santa” with all the other black belts and instructors from our dojo. The proud owner of the shrunken elf head ended up being the wife of our head instructor. She was so thrilled with her gift that she put it on her tree… upstairs. I think that was probably the best place to put it. Might scare the grand kids if they came over for the holidays.
Hopefully tomorrow I will get a lot more done on this raven. And I am playing around a bit with the graphic I posted yesterday. I think it would make an excellent greeting card or t-shirt. I’ll post the final version when I’ve got it done!