Move It Mama Monday! Recovering from stomach flu

I am all off schedule this week, thanks to a bout of stomach flu last week. After spending most of a night hurling my guts into a bucket, I had hoped for a speedy recovery. Alas, that was not to be. I ended up with some sort of follow-up inner ear thing (I don’t really know what to call it) that made me too dizzy to stand upright for more than a few minutes at a time. So it was late Wednesday night before I started to feel better.

Obviously, 3-4 days of being sick pretty much screwed my entire workout schedule. And I didn’t get any exercise in this past weekend due to a family trip. Not that I’m complaining about that. We don’t get to see our family nearly often enough, and we were able to make a bonus trip to see some friends while we were in the area.

So this morning was the first day in a week that I was able to get in a workout, and what a workout it was! I ran for 20 minutes, did 30 minutes of karate practice, and then finished up with another 10 minutes of running. Even though I ran early in the morning while it was still cool out, I was completely drenched before I was half-way finished, and I was really sweaty-gross by the time I got home. Here, see for yourself…

Ain’t I gorgeous? That was taken at 7AM today, right after I finished my run. The t-shirt says, “I need my space,” and I’m pretty sure I stank badly enough by that point that I could have had all the space in the world if I wanted it.

But I’m not complaining. It felt good to get back out and sweat again after so many days sick or traveling. Tomorrow morning, I’m hitting the pool for an early morning water aerobics class. I’m too busy ferrying the kids to summer camp this week for karate classes, but that’s probably just as well. I think I need a week to ease back into the routine before I try to tackle every physical activity on my plate.

Here’s hoping everyone else is enjoying the warm weather and getting in plenty of exercise. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got lots more work to catch up on.

Move It Mama Monday! Fighting boredom and suggestions for Wii games

I admit it, I get easily bored. Well, not too easily bored, but I can’t keep playing the same Wii workout game without getting tired of it. So I’ve gotten into the habit of switching around the games I play. Wii Fit Plus, EA Sports Active, Just Dance, Walk It Out, Dance Dance Revolution, Gold’s Gym Cardio… I’ve got them all. I even have My Fitness Coach, but I honestly can’t play that one. Trying to do the aerobics-style warm up that comes at the start of every workout just kills my knees. I would love to use it for yoga, since it does do some very nice asanas, but unfortunately they don’t narrate the yoga routines properly so that I can follow along even when I’ve got my head between my legs. That kind of makes My Fitness Coach useless in my opinion.

But anyway, back to dealing with workout boredom. I tend to switch around between the games, pulling out one when I get bored with whatever I’ve been playing. I have to admit, Walk It Out has kept me entertained for quite a few weeks now, much in the same way Wii Fit kept me entertained. But even now I’m feeling a hint of tedium. I want something a little different. So I’m pulling out my other games and working them into my workouts.

This is the right time for me to switch things up, actually. With summer vacation coming, I can now change my workout schedule so that I do my Wii workouts in the afternoon (I plan to do all my running, karate practice and water aerobics in the morning before the girls wake up and Hubster heads out to work). Since I don’t have to worry about being at a bus stop at any particular time to pick anyone up, I’m hoping to be able to do some longer sessions, mixing EASA or Wii Fit with Walk It Out or Gold’s Gym Cardio Boxing. And of course, with the girls home, we’ll have plenty of opportunities for Just Dance!

Of course, by mixing things up like this and not sticking to just one program, I’ll have to put up with just about every program nagging at me for missing days with it. That’s the one thing that annoys me more than anything else about these workout games. I know they’re supposed to motivate me to keep coming back, but honestly? I’m not married to any of these games, and even Hubster doesn’t nag me when I don’t use him every day for a good sweat-inducing workou– er, I mean, let’s move on to the next subject.

Next subject, of course, is what do people want in future versions of these Wii games. I happened to stumble across a discussion on where people mentioned what they’d like to see in future versions of Walk It Out. Some of these ideas are pretty neat, and include things I’d been thinking about myself. For starters, other locales to walk in, including something sci-fi or fantasy based. And how about changing up the weather? Heck, if Rune Factory Frontier can give me rain and snow on a random basis, surely Konami can add something similar to Walk It Out!

As far as discussion on other games, I usually check the following…

Wii Fit Forum has all kinds of discussion threads going, including suggestions on more cycling games and enhancements on the step routines and jogging. They also have news and reviews of other Wii games and suggestions on how to add them into your workout routines.

Also on are customer discussions for EA Sports Active and other Wii games. Topics in the EASA discussion appear to include comparisons of EASA to Wii Fit Plus and tips on how to use the game. If you’re stuck for a certain bit of information, consider poking around on

Wii Mommies was probably my first introduction to Wii Fit and I stop by there occasionally to keep up with what’s going on in the Wii exercise realm. This is a good place to check out for all things Wii exercise related and for discussion on healthy eating, exercising while pregnant, and other topics.

Beyond that, I usually just do a Google search and keep an eye on both the Nintendo and Konami websites. I’m hoping some time this summer to see some interesting news on new games or updates on the games I currently have, and I expect midway through the summer I’ll probably invest in yet another new game.

Because you know, I gotta keep myself interested to keep myself working out!

Move It Mama Monday! Plans for summer workouts

In two weeks, school lets out and the kids are home with me all day! Yay! And AUGH! What am I going to do with two children at home all day? How am I going to keep them occupied and keep me from going crazy?

Well, I’ve actually put quite a lot of thought into that first question (what to do with them), and as for the second (how do I keep from going crazy), all I can say is, “Too late!”

But seriously, I have been making plans for the summer, especially in regards to my workout routine. I have options, thankfully. And I have a very clearly defined goal – my third degree black belt test. Now I just need to put together the plan.

So today’s post is me thinking out loud, if you will. First up, I’ve made arrangements for Princess and Pixie to stay with our preschool provider down the street two days a week. Pixie’s preschool teacher is a lovely lady with a big garden and I know she’ll get the girls outside to play. Also, two days a week for both girls won’t break the bank. So on Tuesday and Thursday, the days I need to be at the dojo, I won’t have to worry about dragging the kids with me to sit through 2 hours of class at a time.

As for the rest of my workout plan, I’m planning to get my other big workouts done in the morning before the girls get up. I prefer early morning workouts, so I’ve told Hubster I intend to be up by 5:30 AM so I can head out the door to exercise. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, this workout will be a 20-30 minute run plus a 20-25 minute karate practice. We have a tennis court in the neighborhood and I like to run there, practice, and then run home. As for Tuesday and Thursday mornings…

Well, here’s where things get hard. I want to keep up with my water aerobics classes, but I also need to clear the mornings so I can stay home with the girls. I could take them to the Y with me and drop them off at the child watch facilities there, but Pixie hates that, and honestly, that takes such a huge chunk out of the day. I’d really rather get my workouts done early in the morning and have the rest of the day to stay home with the girls or go on a day trip with them. Since Tuesday and Thursday will already be eaten up by karate classes, and since those are the days my favorite water aerobics instructor teachers early morning classes, I’m thinking of toughing it out and going to the Y at 6 AM on those days. Yep, that’s right. I’ll be putting in three solid hours of hard core exercise on those two days. Fortunately, those are the days I won’t have to deal with the kids at home, so I think this will work, especially since I’m also planning on scheduling some serious nap time for those two afternoons.

I do plan to add in a second, lighter workout on MWF, probably sticking with Walk It Out, Wii Fit Plus, maybe some Gold’s Gym Cardio Boxing or EA Sports Active. Whatever I do in the afternoons, it will be short and it will happen after the girls and I are done playing outside, working on the garden, and going out on day trips. Weekends I’m planning to keep workouts very light, maybe only a session of Walk It Out on Sundays and nothing at all on Saturday.

So, I’ve got my workouts cut out for me. Hopefully this plan works out, because I need the exercise and I really do need to push myself in terms of karate practice and classes.

Move It Mama Monday! Suck it up, cupcake, part deux

Remember how I said that this was the season of “Suck it up, cupcake?” And remember how I said that I was going to do what I needed to do fitness-wise even if I didn’t want to do it because I had to do it?

Well that little promise I made has already been put to the test.

I’m at Balticon right now. I’ve been in a hotel since Friday, at the biggest science fiction convention I attend all year long. And the question that always presents itself to me at cons has once again reared its ugly head.

Do I exercise at the con, or do I just blow it off until the con is over?

Balticon is an endurance event no matter how you slice it. There are always at least three panels going on at the same time that you want to be at, and in between panels it’s non-stop meet-and-greet, hand out the hugs, sell books, make connections, chat with friends, party-hardy for four days straight. Adding exercise into that mix is a bit daunting, and usually I don’t bother. But I’m happy to report that this weekend has been different.

For starters, Mary and Patricia, two of my best friends, were here for the first half of the con. They’ve got karate belt tests coming up. I’ve got a karate belt test coming up. We agreed we would get together at least once for a practice session to go over some katas. So I made sure to pack sweats and sneakers and not stay up too late on Friday night, and lo and behold, not only did I get in the karate practice Saturday morning, I also managed to do a 20-minute run before hand.

And then I was dead tired the rest of the day. So naturally, I thought I’d skip the whole workout thing on Sunday because a)Mary and Patricia wouldn’t be there to spur me on and b) my ass was too worn out to get up and move. And yet, somehow, I managed to get up and get my rear in gear and I headed out the door for another morning session of running and karate practice.

Did I want to do it? No, not in the least. Therefore I did it anyway. And that’s the whole point of “Suck it up, cupcake!” There are lots of times when I just don’t want to do what I know I should do, and I’ve got to do it anyway. So I do it, through the miraculous technique of shutting down my brain and not thinking about what it is I’m going to do until I’m actually doing it and then it’s too frikkin’ late to do anything but go through with it.

Seriously, I did not even consider where I was going to run or how long I was going to be out on Sunday morning. I did not think about what katas I needed to practice. I did not even think the word “run” until I got out the front door of the hotel and then I let my feet do there thing and yeah, I cursed and swore at myself a bit for putting my body through the torture of another early morning workout, but I did it anyway.

I will not be doing an early morning workout this Monday morning, I know, because I’ll need time to pack the car and get ready to head home. However, I do know I will be back in the dojo on Tuesday no matter how tired I am from the weekend because my instructor told me I would be there and Patricia and Mary told me I would be there and because I know that when my inner whiner kicks in with a resounding chorus of “I don’t wanna!” I’m just going to shut down my brain again and do it anyway. Like I said, the season of “Suck it up, cupcake!” is here, and yours truly plans to do just that for as long as she can keep her brain completely turned off.

Really, how hard can that be?

Have fun exercising!

Move It Mama Monday! Suck it up, cupcake!

We have now entered the season of “Suck it up, cupcake!” In other words, the months prior to my next black belt test, where I can no longer avoid karate class or practice by using excuses like, “I’m tired, I stayed up too late, I’m too busy…” No, now I have to dig a little deeper and get my butt out of bed in the morning so I can head outside to practice, and then haul my ass into class four hours every week and fulfill whatever other requirements I need to make sure I’m ready to test come the end of summer.

Actually, this is an ideal time to suck it up. The weather is warm, which means I’m actually looking forward to exercising outside early in the AM. In winter, when it’s cold, not so much. I hate exercising in the cold for a number of reasons, not the least of which is all the fond memories I DON’T have of getting up at the ass-crack of dawn to participate in ROTC workouts when I was in college. Trust me, running stadium steps at 5AM in the morning in December when it’s 20 degrees out is not my idea of happiness or fun. Heading out for a run and karate practice at 6AM when it’s a warm spring day, though… Well that’s all together a different story.

It also helps that I have a clear goal in mind. Knowing that I am testing for san-dan makes it easier to motivate myself to do what I would rather not do (i.e. shift my sleepy butt out of bed and do some serious exercise). So I know this summer should go well because of those two things – warm weather and a goal.

What I’m thinking about now though is how I might continue karate practice after the warm weather and the test have passed. I know, I’m thinking months ahead, but I’m doing so because I realize this is a problem I have. Finding a place to practice karate is tricky at best. It almost has to be outdoors, unless I can find a large open indoor space. The only one I know of is the basketball court at the local Y. I’ve used it before and it’s perfectly fine. However, I’d have to somehow fit extra trips to the Y into my already crowded schedule. I much prefer to step out my front door for a run and a practice. Not to mention the fact that it’s damned hard to get through the doors of the Y carrying all my gear (and yes, I do have a lot of gear; I work with 8 different weapons, some of which are 6 ft. long).

So heading outdoors is most expedient. I can carry short weapons in a backpack while I run through the neighborhood and then stop at the tennis court to practice. For the long weapons, I can just leave them right inside the front door and when I get back from a run, grab them and practice in the backyard.

The problem is the cold. I don’t have the right clothing to run in the cold, and I need to fix that. So I’m going to be spending this summer researching cold weather running gear and see what I can come up with before the first fall frost. Ideally, I’ll find something that will keep me warm (and dry!) even in the middle of January, when it’s absolutely freezing cold out. I’m sure such an outfit(s) will cost money, so I’ll have to buy it a bit at a time. Thus all the more reason to start looking into the matter now.

So yeah, summer will be the season of “Suck it up, cupcake!” But fall and winter will be the season of “Keep sucking it up, cupcake!” and that will be the bigger challenge.

Move It Mama Monday! Sleep, it’s important


I was really doing pretty good keeping up with my early morning workout schedule. Got up every morning for 3 weeks straight at around 5:30AM and exercised either to Walk It Out! on the Wii or made it outside for a walk and karate practice. I was really doing good.

Then I took off three mornings in a row.

I usually plan to take off one morning a week, Sunday, so I can sleep in and snuggle with the Hubster. If I didn’t do that, I’d never get any quality time alone with him. But three mornings in a row?? I was doing so well. What happened to me?!

In a single word, sleep. Or rather, lack thereof. I blame it on my desire to watch TV. Usually, I only watch an hour or two a week, but right now LOST, Flash Forward, and Dr. Who are playing new episodes, plus Hubster has started watching John Stewart, and honestly you really can’t watch Dr. Who without watching Graham Norton afterward, and…

So my TV time shot up dramatically this week. Bad Helen, bad!

I’m planning to cut back my TV watching to Friday and Saturday again, if I can. I simply can’t stay up until 11PM every night and then try to get up at 5:30 the next morning. It don’t work, folks! I feel half dead if I don’t get eight hours of sleep, and I don’t like feeling half dead. It’s a feeling that hangs with me all day long and makes me extremely unfun to be around. Ask my kids. They’ll tell you.

So the plan this week is to only stay up late one night (hey, the series finally of LOST is this Tuesday, and I’m not missing that!) and then not stay up late again until Friday night when I’m not going to have much choice because we’re hosting a sleepover which is a contradiction in terms. And after this week, save the late nights for Friday and Saturday only because I really truly need to get in those early morning workouts. After all, I’ve got a belt test coming up at the end of summer.

Move It Mama Monday! Walking, karate and goals

I’ve been playing Walk It Out! for two weeks now and can definitely say I’m addicted to the game. I’m so addicted that I got up early yesterday (Mother’s Day) to make sure I squeezed in an hour of playing/walking time before the kids and the Hubster kicked off the Mother’s Day festivities. I walked about 5 miles on my DDR pad and was very tired later in the day.

So Walk It Out! has become my new favorite exercise game. I have decided to alternate days of Walk It Out! with actually walking outside, since the weather has been so nice lately, and since walking outside will take me past the neighborhood tennis courts. I like to stop at the tennis courts when I run or walk to practice karate for 20 minutes or so before finishing my route. I haven’t kept up with my karate practice, which is bad, but after a week or so of getting up early to play Walk It Out! I’m finally feeling awake enough in the mornings to get back into the swing of things. And it turns out this is a good thing because I’ve recently been informed that the Hubster and I will be testing for 3rd degree black belt at the end of summer.

Wow. Who’d have thought I’d make it this far in karate? But I have made it and that means I’ll really need to stay on target with my practice. My biggest problems with practicing karate tends to be time and location. For months, I hadn’t been able to figure out a good time to practice. Honestly, it’s not something I prefer to do when the kids are home and running around because I need to be able to concentrate on what I’m doing. Plus I’m always afraid one of the kids is suddenly going to show up underfoot and get accidentally kicked or karate chopped.

As for location, the two best locations I know of are the local tennis courts and the Y indoor basketball court. Each is ideal for karate practice since they offer so much empty space to move around in. However, I can’t find time to do karate practice AND water aerobics when I’m at the Y, and as for the tennis courts… Well, they’re outside, and if the weather is sucky, I just don’t have the motivation to go out into the rain/snow/heat to do what I need to do.

I finally decided that the only way karate practice was going to get done was if I made it a priority and that meant doing it first thing in the morning. Thus I’ve been getting up early to walk and then practice. This is where Walk It Out! has really helped, because I’ve been able to train myself to get up early to play the game (it’s EASY to play and I enjoy it a lot, so I have no excuse not to get up and do it!). Making the transition from Walk It Out! to actually walking outside and then doing karate practice turned out not to be so hard. I’m still walking, which is still easy for me to do at an early morning hour, and once I’ve walked a mile or so, it’s not hard to convince myself to stop and do a kata. And hey, if that first kata goes well, why not try a second or even a third before I go back to my easy, enjoyable outdoor walk.

I guess the point I’m trying to make here is that I’ve been able to get back into karate practice and early morning workouts in general by making it easy and fun. And I think that’s the attitude I should take when I approach any physical activity. Is it easy for me to do? In other words, can I just jump right in and get started, even when I’m half-blind with sleep? And will I enjoy it enough to keep doing it every morning at the ungodly hour of 5:30AM?

So far the answers have been “Yes!” to both activities. We’ll see how well I continue to do with my new workout schedule.

Move It Mama Monday – Walk It Out!

When it comes to working out, I have a couple of simple rules. First, find an activity that you really enjoy doing, and second, make it easy to do that activity.

Konami’s new fitness game, Walk It Out!, definitely plays by those rules. As the title indicates, it’s a game about walking. Yes, you heard me, a game about walking. No, seriously. You play the game by walking.

Okay, it seems like a ridiculous idea, I know, but when looking for new Wii games recently, I noticed that the reviews for Walk It Out! on were for the most part very positive. So I decided to give it a try. I know from previous experience that walking is a good way to stay fit, and that I enjoy it. It’s easy, very relaxing, and if I do it often enough, my legs really shape up. But I dropped out of the habit for a number of reasons – kids, schedule problems, pollen allergies, bum knees that hate cold weather, etc. Walk It Out! let’s me get in a walk without having to worry about any of those problems.

The premise is simple. You walk in time to the beat of the music. As you walk, you accrue points, which you can spend on various floating icons that appear in the landscape around you. This landscape, by the way, is called “Rhythm Island,” and it has plenty of places to roam around in. The floating icons that appear all over the place will unlock either landscape items like trees, houses, gardens, or cars; new music tracks to walk to; different parts of the island to explore; different routes through the island; different times of day for the environment; constellations in the sky (if you happen to walk at “night” on the island); and different colors in a rainbow. The rainbow colors don’t cost you any points, but if you collect them all, a brilliant rainbow lights up in the sky and you’ll be able to see for the rest of your walk.

It’s a very simple game. You just have to walk in time to the music. The better your timing, the more points you earn. If you miss steps, you lose points. According to the game manual, you can walk using either Konami’s DDR dance pad, the Wii balance board, or by attaching the nunchuk to your wii-mote and then tucking it into a pocket. I have not bothered with that last method, since most reviews by people who have tried it say it doesn’t work very well. Instead, I’ve been using my DDR pad, and it works just fine (although in the course of an hour of walking, I find the pad tends to travel across the room and I’ll have to pause the game and move the mat to keep from ending up under the couch). Hubster tried the game using the balance board and said it was a little tricky at first, but after a bit he got the hang of it.

Once you get walking, it’s easy to get around the island. Direction arrows will pop up at various points, allowing you to select which route you want to take. Not all routes are open at the beginning, but you can earn new ones by clicking on their icons. If you’ve already earned enough points, that route opens instantly. If not, the route falls into a que at the top of the screen and you keep earning points toward it. Once you’ve earned the points, you can go back and select that route again and it will be available. And this is the same method for how you earn points toward anything else in the game.

You probably do want to play this game with the nunchuk attached, since that makes it easier to look around the island. Use the toggle switch on the nunchuk to pan left, right, up and down, and click the button on the front to return your view to normal. I use the cross button at the top of the wii-mote to select direction arrows while I’m walking, though you can also click on them by point the wii-mote at them and clicking the A button. Clicking on the floating icons is a bit tricky until you get used to it, but it only took me a couple of sessions to get very good at it.

I’ve been playing the game every morning for the past week, and I enjoy it a lot. I’ve been having a hard time lately getting up in the mornings to exercise because I just don’t have the energy to face a serious bout on Wii Fit Plus or EA Sports Active. Much as I love those games, I cannot seem to drag myself out of bed for them right now. However, I can convince myself to get up and walk in my own living room, and that makes this game a huge WIN in my book. I’m the kind of person who enjoys exploring various environments. I love that the game environment can reflect the time of day that I step onto the mat. If I’m walking at 6AM, I get to see the sun rise on Rhythm Island. Of course, as I unlock the various clock icons, I’ll be able to choose what time of day I want to walk, but having Rhythm Island in sync with the real day works for me. I also love the variety of the landscape. The first session of the game starts out in a stadium, but I was very quickly able to move to the town outside, the beach, local parks, and even cross the river to the farm land and mountain lookout beyond that.

Playing with a second player can add to the fun. Last night I set up a second DDR mat and a friend and I spent more than half an hour marching in place in the living room, and we had a good time! We moved like the world’s worst high school marching band ever, but we were having fun. Of course, when Pixie and Princess played, they weren’t quite as thrilled, since Pixie kept pointing the camera view into the ground just to annoy her sister. So choose your walking partner carefully.

Now onto the one question I’m sure everyone will ask about this game: is it really a workout? Well, you’re not going to work up the level of sweat you’d get with EA Sports Active or even Wii Fit Plus. However, you will burn calories (after a session, the game will even show you how many calories you’ve burned, along with the number of steps you’ve taken and the distance you walked). I know that after playing for a week, I certainly feel a difference in my thighs, hips, and calves, so my legs are definitely firming up. And like I said earlier, I wasn’t getting up to play Wii Fit Plus or EASA, but for Walk It Out! I have gotten up 7 mornings in a row at 6AM and burned calories. And if you have any doubts about whether a simple walk will help keep you fit, you might want to check out the Campaign for Walking.

In summary, it does seem like a ridiculous idea to have a game just for walking, but it’s worked for me and I plan to keep playing the game for many mornings to come.

Good on ya, Konami! Now be prepared to expand that game for next year, because I know I’m going to want more.

Move It Mama Monday! Rekindling old exercise flames

I’ve had an interesting couple of weeks, exercise-wise. After Ravencon at the beginning of the month, I was completely wiped out and had a lot of work to catch up on so I skipped my heavy workouts at the Y and the dojo. Then last week I suddenly found myself without a car for most of the time, which also prevented me from getting to the Y and the dojo. Which means I’ve been doing all my workouts at home, mostly on the Wii.

However, I’d once again hit a slump in my love for Wii workouts. I run into this problem every now and then. The two best games for Wii workouts, in my opinion, are Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active. These are my workhorse games. However, I’ve run into some problems with them lately.

For starters, I had gotten a little bored with Wii Fit Plus. Wii Fit Plus has plenty of games, but a limited number of yoga and strength exercises, thus the reason I bought EASA. I figured I’d do the bulk of my cardio in Wii Fit Plus and the bulk of my strength training in EASA. And this would have been ideal but I snapped my strength training band for EASA a couple of months back and hadn’t been able to find a good replacement in the local stores. The one replacement band I did find turned out to be way too short, causing the handles to dig painfully into my hands and making certain exercises impossible to do in EASA.

So what to do? Fortunately for me, one of my good friends, Mich, has worked with both games. She recommended I go online and order a package of Therabands to replace the band for EASA. This turned out to be ideal. The Therabands come in varying degrees of resistance, and each package holds about 6 yards of elastic band. So no problem getting a band to fit. I just cut one to the length I need. I also decided to buy a pair of weight lifting gloves to protect my hands from the resistance band handles. This has worked like a charm!

As for Wii Fit Plus, Mich mentioned how much she enjoyed the bike ride game. It is, after all, the only game that allows you to roam free all over WuHu Island, the setting for Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort. I had played the bike game a few times, but had abandoned it in favor of the running games because I thought the running games made me work up more of a sweat. But I liked the idea of being able to explore the game environment, so during my next workout, I decided to try the bike game again. If nothing else, being able to steer around on my own while hunting for flags would help stave off the boredom.

Well guess what I found? After successfully completing what I thought was the highest level of the biking game, I unlocked the “Free Ride” mode! I’m sure everybody else in the universe knows about this mode, but yours truly was completely in the dark about it. If you’ve been in the dark too, the Free Ride mode lets you roam the island for 30 minutes without having to hunt down any of those flags. There are 20 little striped balloons tucked away here and there that you can ride over and pop, but they aren’t the main point of the game. Instead, you can just roam wherever you like.

And I like that a lot!

So suddenly I’m biking on WuHu Island every chance I get. And now with my new elastic band and gloves, I can get back to strength training in EASA. I’m back to enjoying my Wii workouts, which is good, and I’m putting in more exercise time, which is even better. Yes, I’m sure I’ll hit another slump again, but I’m predicting by the time that happens, the new version of EASA will have come out, or I’ll find another workout game to add to my collection. In the meantime, I’ve been browsing around the Wii Fit Forum, finding out about all sorts of little Easter eggs hidden in Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort. Naturally, I am now tracking those items down in both games. Oh, and Wii Sports Resort can cause me to work up a sweat as well.

So I’m in love with my Wii again and enjoying every minute of it!

Move It Mama Monday! Me and my Wii games

You may have noticed there was no Move It Mama Monday post last week. That’s because I was 3/4ths dead after getting through RavenCon and Spring break with my parents visiting.

But it’s a new week now and I finally feel human again, so I’m starting to get back into the swing of things. And part of getting back into the swing means me evaluating what I want to do exercise-wise.

Lately, I’ve been spending more and more time on Wii Fit Plus with the occasional round of Just Dance. In fact, on Friday evening, we had a friend, Mich, come over for dinner and after eating quiche and pie and ice cream, we all decided we needed to work off a few calories. So we popped in the Just Dance game and 45 minutes later we had a room full of sweaty, exhausted people. I think we danced to about 13 songs, each running a little over 3 minutes. Hubster was so sweat-soaked, he had to change clothes afterward. Fortunately, Mich and I recalled previous bouts of Just Dance and dressed for the evening in sports bras, t-shirts, and sweat pants.

So Just Dance is on my list of favorites right now, but it’s a game I prefer to play with other people. Not as much fun doing it by myself. Wii Fit Plus is ideal to do by myself, but I’m hitting game fatigue with that one, having played it so much lately.

I’d like to get back into EA Sports Active again, but can’t until I get a new exercise band and some gloves. I’ve ordered said items and they should show up in a week or so, so that will take care of that problem. I’ve also gone ahead and ordered Walk It Out! because I’m itching to try a new game. I’m hoping this will keep my active and entertained through the summer, when it’s harder for me to get to the Y because the kids are home.

There’s one new game coming out next month that I’m very curious about – All Star Karate. It looks like the first Wii exercise game I’ve seen that actually combines some story-telling with the workout aspect. The screen captures on Amazon make me think this will be a decent workout, akin to Gold’s Gym Cardio, but with more variety. However, I’m a little put off by the feature of being able to “slap sensei whenever he nods off.” Being a black belt, I can tell you the last thing you want to try is to slap the instructor. Whoever came up with that feature of the game obviously knows jack shit about karate.

But, I may still get the game next month or in June, since it does boast other appealing features like being able to program your own katas. In the mean time, I’m going to try to get back into EASA and see how Walk It Out! works. I’ll post a review on the later when I’ve had a chance to play with it for a while.