Seriously, I’ve spent the last few months running around like a chicken with my head cut off AND my ass on fire, trying to get ready for the release of “Future Perfect: A Collection of Fantastic Erotica.” Final edits, cover art, announcements, promo, conventions, more promo… I’ve pulled more all-nighters than I have since Pixie was a new-born, maybe even more than I have since grad school (and that was a loooooooong time ago). It’s been a lot of work, and I hope you all find that it’s worth it.
Future Perfect will be available both in digital format and in print from Logical Lust. It will also be listed on Amazon.com, and I believe there will be a Kindle format for it as well.
I will be at Farpoint this weekend, the 13th-15th of February, in Timonium, Maryland. I’ll be there as a writing and podcasting guest (and that feels so good to say – I was INVITED to be a GUEST!). I plan to have 20 copies of Future Perfect, plus copies of “Coming Together: With Pride,” “Cream: The Best of the Erotica Readers and Writers Association,” and hopefully a few copies of “Demon By Day.” I’ll also have some swag – bookmarks and postcards, and maybe even some nifty looking buttons for the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast.
I have to thank Michael for everything he’s done through all this. No kidding, that man really does have a halo. He’s taken the kids more evenings and weekends than I can count, caring for them while I lock myself away in the office to work. He’s put up with my weird schedule (weekends off? Who the hell gets weekends off?). He’s fixed computers, built computers, bought computers, and probably executed a few computers for me (the last I’m sure he did as humanely as possible). And he’s taking the girls again this weekend as I take off for three days of pimpin– er, promoting the new book up at Farpoint.
I still have a lot to do after the convention. I’ve got to get promo put together for EPICon 2009 and prepare for a panel I’m doing on podcasting there. Plus Michael and I have a three-day karate camp to attend, and Princess has a birthday coming up this month (so do I, but we really don’t want to talk about how OLD I am, do we?). But, come March, I’m hoping that things finally start to settle down a bit. I won’t be taking on any more new deadlines, but instead plan to concentrate on what’s already on my plate.
Any other news? Oh yeah! I’ll have a story in the upcoming “Coming Together: Al Fresco,” edited by Alessia Brio. This is another charity anthology, which means I’m donating the story, but I have to tell you, competition to get into these anthologies is fierce, so I’m happy to be given the opportunity to participate.
I’m sure there’s lots else going on too, but right now I’ve got a slippery Pixie fresh out of the tub and I need to catch her and slap a pull-up on her before we have an incident. Have fun this week! And don’t forget to…