I’ve been working all week to get this one done. And yeah, it’s late, but ya know what? Free ice cream is free frikkin’ ice cream!
Category: web comic
web comic
ACW Episode 231 – Side effects may vary
Sorry I’m late. Once again, Girl Scouts took over my life. This past Saturday, I spent the day working at a service unit encampment. I got to the camp site at 8AM and was on my feet working until I got back in my car to go home at 9PM. It was an exhausting day, and no matter how hard I tried on Sunday, I couldn’t see straight enough to draw the webcomic. I managed to get today’s strip pencilled and lettered and then had to quit. And since today was Veteran’s Day, and I am a veteran (and was still exhausted, to boot), Hubster let me sleep in late. So I got a late start on finishing up the inking and coloring today.
But about the content of today’s strip! I’ve been having joint pain for a while. Most days, it’s what I think is probably regular arthritis pain in my knees. Lately, that’s spread to my hips and ankles as well. Some days it’s better and some days it’s worse. And then there are days where my joints feel so achey and inflamed that I think I have the flu, only I don’t have any other symptoms. Those days I end up staying in bed, curled up with the heating pad, accomplishing almost nothing.
So I finally decided to see a doctor. I opted to have a full physical, which meant I scheduled the appointment in July and got in to see the doc just last week. She ordered a slew of blood tests, all of which came back negative for any diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. But she also prescribed a pain medication for me since I told her the normal over-the-counter stuff wasn’t doing anything for me at all.
She warned me to take the pill before bed, since dizziness and sleepiness were the two biggest side-effects. I followed her directions, I swear! And yet somehow, the next morning when I woke up, I couldn’t tell up from down. And I had a big case of the uncontrollable giggles on top of that!
It took about 4 hours for the dizziness and loopiness to wear off. The next day wasn’t quite as bad, and the day after that the only issue I had was being too sleepy to get up in the morning. I’m still having that problem so tonight I plan to be in bed by 9:30PM.
But the good news is, the pain meds work! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but for the first time in a long time, I don’t hurt. I may get the occasional twinge of knee pain, but I can now bend my knees, get up and down the steps, take karate class… I feel like a whole new me!
I’ll keep you all updated on how things go, but like I said, I feel much better than I have in a while. So enjoy today’s webcomic. I’m going to get up and move now! ‘Cause I CAN!
We interrupt our regularly scheduled webcomic for an announcement!
Under normal circumstances, this would be where you’d see the weekly episode of “The Adventures of Cynical Woman,” the always-exciting webcomic about my life as a geek mom. But today, I’m sharing something a little different!
As many of you know, November is the month for NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. During NaNoWriMo, writers all over bang away at their keyboards in an effort to churn out 50K words in one month, in the hopes of having the first rough draft of a novel which they can then edit into something actually readable during the rest of the year.
I am not one of those people.
I’ve done NaNoWriMo before, and I think it’s great. There’s something truly awesome about giving yourself permission to pull out all the stops on a project that you’ve always wanted to do. But I don’t want to write a novel this year. I’ve written novels before. And while I enjoy writing, for various reasons, it does not make me a lot of money. But there are other things that I do, and enjoy, that do make me money. So I am hereby announcing my personal pull-out-all-the-stops-to-get-it-done-in-November project.
It’s “Make an Evil Etsy Shop Month” (or MEESMo) here at CynicalWoman.com!
I actually started this over the summer, laying claim to the name “Cynical Woman” for the shop and starting up a profile. Then last month, when the Hubster was furloughed, I cancelled plans t go to all but two conventions this year and started working on patterns for some small toys I knew I wanted to sell online. Things sort of stalled, however, as other things in life (Girl Scouts, the kids’ school, etc.) reared up.
Then NaNoWriMo crept up and I realized that while I did not want to write a novel, I did want to work away at a project that was JUST FOR ME during the month. And I thought for a couple hours about what I wanted that project to be and I decided that I was going to get an Etsy shop set up this month even if it killed me (or caused me to kill someone else). So on Friday, November 1st, I went to the bookstore and picked up a copy of “How to Sell Your Crafts Online” along with “How to Make Money Using Etsy” and I got to work.
So far, I’ve polished my profile page and put together a GORGEMOUS avatar for myself…
I also put together a banner for the shop that I think sums up what I plan to sell pretty well, which is evil hand-made toys.
The next step will be to create my store policies and figure out how I want to handle shipping. While I do that, I’ll keep working on my first few toys I want to sell, then photograph them and list them on the site. I’m hoping that before 15 November, I’ll have my first items listed for sale. It won’t be much, but the store will be all set up and ready for me to list more items once I get to that point. Then I’ll settle down and work on making more evil stuff just as fast as I can!
If you want to see how the shop progresses over the month, the URL is www.etsy.com/shop/cynicalwoman. At least I think that’s the URL. Every time I plug in that URL, Etsy changes it to something else and I get either my profile page or a preview page of stuff I can edit for the shop. So do me a favor, okay? Go check out that URL and let me know if it works! Testing my links is part of this month’s MEESMo goals.
Anyhoo, I will keep you all updated on the progress of the Etsy shop, either here or on Twitter. You can follow me on twitter at @Cynical_Woman. Now I’m going to get back to work on my Etsy shop. MEESMo HOOOOOOOO!!
Bitchcraft! Episode 26 – Home, Tweet Home
ACW Episode 230 – It’s in the blood
This is an actual conversation I had with the kids this weekend as we worked on Halloween decorations. We bought a bunch of Dollar Store dolls and are converting them into zombies, in case it’s not clear what Pixie and I are working on.
By the way, have I mentioned how much I love Manga Studio 5? Between the pen tools, the ease of coloring my artwork, and the effects I can use, Manga Studio has made drawing webcomics so much more fun!
Bitchcraft! Episode 25 – Our Audience, finale
ACW Episode 229 – What I do in real life
I try not to let my Girl Scouts volunteering overwhelm the rest of my life, but some times it can’t be helped. This weekend I coordinated a school clean up with 3 other troops and I held our monthly troop meeting at my house. The troop meeting is usually 6 hours long. No time to draw fancy cartoons! Enjoy the stick figures.