Yay! I finally had time to sit and play with the color palettes in Manga Studio 5. And I’ve been able to figure out how to make a couple custom tools.
And yes, this conversation actually happened. For the record, Mama is a Zen Buddhist 😉
web comic
Word for word, this is the exact conversation I had with my pharmacist. And yes, my pill minder really is purple with little ladybugs on it.
Still no colors in this webcomic because I’m still learning Manga Studio 5 while simultaneously getting my ass kicked by my Girl Scout volunteer duties. It’s not easy being a volunteer.
I do think I’m getting better with inking in Manga Studio 5. The lines are thicker, steadier, more fluid. Now I just need enough time to work on setting up color palettes for each character so I can get these comics colored!
Honestly, I have a 4-panel strip scripted, lettered, and laid out. But it's not been sketched an drawn yet, due to the sheer amount of other work that I had to do last week. No joke, I spent four days straight doing nothing but Girl Scouts stuff – trying to place girls in troops, getting ready for and running my own troop meeting on Sunday, handling paperwork, etc. And this week I have a volunteer meeting every night except Friday. It's kind of brutal and so my schedule is rather screwed up right now.
But I'm just going to keep chugging along. I promise, there will be a webcomic on Mondays, though it may be a bit late, and there will be an episode of Bitchcraft on Friday, though sometimes that may be a bit late as well. Meanwhile, I will also be working hard to keep up with my other work as best as I can. And when necessary, I will take entire days off from Girl Scouts, because hey, I'm a VOLUNTEER and I have A LIFE OUTSIDE OF GIRL SCOUTS.
Meanwhile, do you like the colors on the comic above? I'm playing around with new colors schemes in my non-comics art, and since I had this color palette already set up in SketchClub, I decided to use it in today's comic. It sort of matches my wardrobe now, since I accidentally dyed everything I own slightly yellow. Oops.
In all honestly, not my best effort, despite the fact I put in a lot of time on this one. September is turning out to be a brutal month, so it’s not the best time for me to learn new graphics software, like Manga Studio 5. Still, I’m doing it anyway. I am working on a color version, with better inking. In the meantime, this is up online, only a few hours late, so there ya go.
Oh, and the kittens have since come out from under the bed.