It took forever for me to get this week’s episode done. I whined about it all weekend, too.
Category: web comic
web comic
Bitchcraft! Episode 12 – Home makers and other monsters
Yay! Helen made an ax! She found the pattern online at The Anticraft website. The Anticraft site covers all sorts of evil crafts, so you know we love ’em! Helen also has their book. It’s called…
(Click on the link to AntiCraft: Knitting, Beading and Stitching for the Slightly Sinister
so we can be rich!!)
Helen would like to point out that this book, probably more than any other, is what first made her realize the truly evil potential of yarn. Yay!
In addition to the ax, we’ve been making other stuff as well. We will have a table at Intervention again this year, and we are bringing all sorts of evil goodies, like these guys!
So yeah! We got some freaky stuff for you!
Come back next week to see what happens with Woody the Tree House.
Episode 221 – How to silence your inner critic
True story. A few years ago, 95% of my creative efforts where going into my erotica podcast, Heatflash. The podcast was very well received, I loved working on it, and I poured just about everything I had into it. However…
When my kids started going to school, I began to lose work time. Though they were out of the house, my schedule was suddenly constricted by theirs. They had to be dropped off at certain times, picked up at certain times, there were after school activities to keep up with and of course, volunteer work for the school and said activities.
While I still had 8:30am to 2:00pm to myself, those hours turned out to be less than ideal for recording a podcast. I live next to an Air Force Base, a NASA research center wind tunnel, a NASCAR speedway, and a neighbor who enjoyed racing RC cars at all hours of the day. I tried recording my podcast in the wee hours of the morning (4:30am), only to discover that the tree outside my office window was host to several families of baby birds. Recording in the closet did nothing to block out all the other noises, and besides, it would also wake up the Hubster who was sleeping in the bed next door.
My daytime hours were also consumed with other work… paying work. I had enough art commissions coming in to keep me tied up all day long. And while people loved the erotica writing, I simply couldn’t publish enough of it to make any significant amount of money.
The final straw for my erotica career came at a writers’ conference for small epublishers and e-published authors. Everyone there knew me. Most of the people there had either published my work, edited my work, or been in an anthology with me. And everyone said the exact same damn thing to me when they saw me…
“Hey Helen! How’s the webcomic going? I love your cartoons!”
Not a word about my writing, my books, or my podcast. They just all wanted to know about the cartoons. About the twelfth time I heard this, I realized I had been beating my head against a brick wall for far too long. Shortly after that conference, I finished off all my remaining writing projects and threw myself into the webcomics and digital art. I have not been unhappy with this decision at all.
But every now and then, my Inner Critic rears her head and demands to know why I don’t write the porn anymore. I have learned not to give a voice to her anymore. She’s got nothing important to say to me anyway.
For the record, I have no idea why I drew myself drawing left-handed in this webcomic. But I did, so there ya go!
Bitchcraft! Episode 11 – I shall never see a webcomic as lovely as a tree
Yeah! New character! I wonder how long he’ll last?
WE HAVE NOW REACHED THE MONETIZING PHASE OF THIS WEBCOMIC!!! How’s that, you may ask? Well, let’s give credit where credit is due. Woody is based on a pattern found in Softies: Simple Instructions for 25 Plush Pals by Therese Laskey. You can see him on the cover even!
Oooooooh, book cover… (if you can’t see the cover, just trust us, it’s there.)
Anyway, we used this book to make our version of Woody, though Helen modified the base a bit so he’d stand upright like a great big wooden doofus. And if you want to make your own Woody, you can click on this handy dandy link right here – Softies: Simple Instructions for 25 Plush Pals – and get your own lovely copy of the book. That way Therese Laskey gets paid for her book and we earn a small bit for pimpin’ it!
Speaking of pimpin’, Mich says for all of ya’ll to get busy and make her an army of Woodies! Remember, she said it, not Helen. Because Helen would never say anything like that. No, never.
ACW Episode 220 – Let’s go to the movies!
We went to see “Despicable Me 2” on Friday. While I was watching the kids laugh at the movie, I remembered Princess’ reaction to her first visit to the theater. The movie was “March of the Penguins” and Princess was so overwhelmed by it, she had to tell EVERYBODY there were penguins on the screen. Fortunately, the rest of the audience seemed to be made up of grandparents who were very amused by her reaction.
This my second week working with Manga Studio 4 EX on my Surface Pro. Still getting used to a few things, but drawing comics this way does not suck, I gotta say. I finally have the mobility of my iPad combined with a program that lets me create the webcomic from start to finish. No more switching back and for between apps to pencil, ink, color, and letter the comic. Yay!
Bitchcraft! Episode 10 – This world is your world, this world is my world…
ACW Episode 219 – Don’t go into the water
So far this summer, we’ve spent 5 out of 7 days a week in the pool. I think I’ve started growing gills.
Also, I’ve finally made the switch back to Manga Studio EX for drawing the webcomic. It wasn’t easy to get back into the program, but once I got things set up, I was able to get this drawn and inked much faster. It helps that I can now run the program on my Surface Pro 😉
Bitchcraft! Episode 09 – Let’s start off fresh
ACW Episode 218 – the Ultimate Horror
Click on the thumbnail for the full-sized image!
To be fair, Princess has never refused to clean her room. She just simply can't figure out what to do. School, church, camp, and other places she goes to all send her home with a metric crap-ton of… Well, crap. Loose papers, worksheets, flimsy crafts, crappy cheap toys, awards for having just shown up (I hate those damn things the most). There's a constant influx of garbage coming into the house and ending up right in her room. And Princess is 10, which means she can't yet sort out what's important and what needs to be thrown away. I know she can clean. She cleans the bathrooms for me all the time. But the bathrooms don't have that much crap in them!
So I told Princess last week that I was going to help her by reducing the stuff in her room by at least half. Over the course of seven days, I tossed out five full bags of garbage and recycling and filled several large boxes with old clothes and toys she doesn't play with anymore. Princess was astonished and very happy. We can actually see the floor now, and we finally know where all her school uniforms are. It's a miracle!
Of course, I still have to do this for Pixie's room, my room, and every other room in the house. I didn't get much cleaning done this year thanks to my torn ACL. So I will be spending all summer tossing out at least half of what we have stored in here. I can't wait too see what the final result will look like. I may discover I have an entirely new house when I'm done!