ACW Episode 218 – the Ultimate Horror

Click on the thumbnail for the full-sized image!

To be fair, Princess has never refused to clean her room. She just simply can't figure out what to do. School, church, camp, and other places she goes to all send her home with a metric crap-ton of… Well, crap. Loose papers, worksheets, flimsy crafts, crappy cheap toys, awards for having just shown up (I hate those damn things the most). There's a constant influx of garbage coming into the house and ending up right in her room. And Princess is 10, which means she can't yet sort out what's important and what needs to be thrown away. I know she can clean. She cleans the bathrooms for me all the time. But the bathrooms don't have that much crap in them!

So I told Princess last week that I was going to help her by reducing the stuff in her room by at least half. Over the course of seven days, I tossed out five full bags of garbage and recycling and filled several large boxes with old clothes and toys she doesn't play with anymore. Princess was astonished and very happy. We can actually see the floor now, and we finally know where all her school uniforms are. It's a miracle!

Of course, I still have to do this for Pixie's room, my room, and every other room in the house. I didn't get much cleaning done this year thanks to my torn ACL. So I will be spending all summer tossing out at least half of what we have stored in here. I can't wait too see what the final result will look like. I may discover I have an entirely new house when I'm done!


Bitchcraft! Episode 06 – WTF is going on?


Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized webcomic!

Aaaaaand we’re back on schedule. Sort of. School is out and now I’m juggling having the kids at home with getting work done. We’ll see how this goes. But we should be back to the current normal schedule for webcomics.

And yes, that big Giant Hand of Doom is MINE!  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Bitchcraft! Episode 06 – Survival of the Knittest, part 05?


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized image!

Is it divine intervenion?! Or something much worse?! Who knows?

I am headed out on yet another Girl Scout trip this weekend, followed by a long family trip after that. I am madly packing and working on webcomics, but I make no promises about the schedule for next week. I will do my best to have all updates ready before I go, but right now, clean underwear has the higher priority.

ACW Episode 213 – I won’t survive

One of my Girl Scouts said this to me on our camping trip last month. I'm not sure, but I think the troop was discussing survival strategies in extreme situations. **I** certainly did not start the topic of conversation.

Today is the last day if Balticon. The weekend has been frighteningly successful. Lots of stuff sold, plans already made to come back next year. Will blog about it more after I've had several days of sleep.


ACW Episode 212 – Beware of Cat

Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized webcomic!

The cat nearly killed me a couple weeks ago by jumping on me in the middle of storytime. Then he tried to smoother me to death last week.

Thankfully, he is not nearly as heavy as his brother.

(And no, I did not let the cat drink my wine.)

I will be at Balticon this coming weekend! Among other things, I will be doing a panel on creating webcomics using the iPad. I'll also have an artist table with fun stuff to sell! So come see me!